Hello World from Crypto Link — Bridge between Stellar and Discord users

Crypto Link
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2021

Crypto Link is a open-sourced (GNU General Public License v3.0) multi-functional & multi-guild/server Discord payment and merchant solution serving as the bridge between the Stellar Ecosystem and Discord users. Being built ontop of the Stellar Blockchain, it utilizes the native token, Stellar Lumen (a.k.a XLM) and tokens issued on Stellar chain, allowing for execution of Peer to Peer transactions amongst users, monetization opportunities for Discord guild/server owners and project promotions/crowdfunding/ICOs activities at low costs for aspiring fintech-companies building with the help of Stellar.

What is Stellar?

Stellar is an open source, decentralized protocol for digital currency to fiat money transfers which allows cross-border transactions between any pair of currencies. The Stellar protocol is supported by a 501(c)3 nonprofit, the Stellar Development Foundation.

More on Stellar, Foundation and its native cryptocurrency:
Stellar | Stellar Foundation | Stellar Lumens


Crypto Link Wallet system

At the time of writing, Crypto Link has integrated only custodial wallet system based on MEMO(Wallet owner DOES NOT CONTROL PRIVATE KEYS).We feel that this type of wallet was necessary in order to ease onboarding of new Discord server members a bridge them with Stellar effectively. Wallet has been designed mainly with the crypto-beginners in mind who are not aware yet either of Stellar or Cryptocurrency technology per se, and would just like to first experience it at the beginning. On the other hand, it allows us to efficiently connect all users to other parts of the Crypto Link ecosystem capabilities deployed now and in the future.

Wallet created for new user is not termed to be used as a storage of Stellar Lumen (Native Stellar currency) nor any other supported tokens!

Dedicated set of commands allows wallet owner to explore different statistics, make payments, deposit & withdraw, and use other parts of the Crypto Link eco system effectively.

In near future wallet system will be expanded to non-custodial type, in order to satisfy the needs of multiple user-levels.

Crypto Link P2P payments

It allows Discord members, where Crypto Link is integrated onto server, to make P2P (peer-to-peer) payments with Stellar Native Lumen (XLM) and other integrated/supported tokens built on it. Currently system has two types of payments: Public and “private”. The difference amongst them is in amount of data sent to public channels where payment has been executed. The public payment will have all details showcased to other members who can see the channel (recipient, value) while the private one, has details masked with DETECTIVE emoji. Each of the parties involved in payment will receive reports to personal inbox in full. For the report to be even more complete, when executing payment, an accompanying message can be attached.

Crypto Link Uplink system

Discord server owners can as well set-up Up-Link which provides opportunity to monitor Crypto Link System activities. Serving as an ‘Network Explorer’, users are able to see activities happening across other guilds who have integrated the system.

Crypto Link Merchant Solution

Discord Guild owners can monetize roles in various lengths and values and make them available for purchase. Once role is purchased, Crypto Link will handle micro management tasks (role management, transfer of funds, role monitoring and its removal upon expiration) on its own, saving owners a lot of time. The only time required is to setup the rights of the role, and provide interesting content for members who have used merchant to purchase special rights.

Crypto Link ecosystem in a picture

Would you like to know what Crypto Link is all about and what those icons mean? Join us on Discord (invite) and stay up to date with what is happening.


We would like to take this opportunity as well to thank Stellar Development Foundation and all who have voted for Crypto Link allowing us to receive funding for the project. Being a self-funded project, award has helped us drastically in the development.

Thank you for your support!



Crypto Link

Crypto Link, Discord bot which allows for instant peer to peer (P2P) transactions, monetization and project promotions & ICO’s on Stellar Blockchain