Join our exclusive webinar with TokenPals!

Published in
1 min readSep 21, 2018

How can the Blockchain industry grow?
How can we turn the blockchain hype into something concrete?
Is Community building key to growing the industry and encourage mainstream adoption?

We are glad to announce Cryptology’s exclusive webinar with TokenPals tomorrow where you will hear from Ray Li, Director of Business Development and Director of Strategic Initiatives, Mr Kevin Vuong.

They will discuss issues facing the blockchain industry and share tips and insights on how investors can stay savvy and capitalize on this growing industry.

We’ll also be taking in live Q&A during the webinar and giving away something special to all participants!

Date & time: 22 September 2018, 07:00AM GMT (3:00PM SG time)

You can’t miss it! Register here now:

P.S. Look who we have for our special guest for our webinar — it’s #CryptoDino!

See you there!




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