Who’s Hiring in June 2019: Blockchain, IoT and AI jobs with Remote option.

And a note about Kraken.

ATNET Airdrops & Trading Tools
4 min readJun 14, 2019


Source: “Who’s Hiring” on The Business Of Crypto

Today we are featuring blockchain technology startups that are based in remote, some also with the possibility of remote work; the spotlight is on mostly tech positions — blockchain, IoT, AI.

Why does Kraken seem to always be hiring?

In May 2019, we were taking a look at who’s hiring at the entry levels. There was a lot of positions open in non-tech roles as well, these fill a bit quicker possibly with the exception of Kraken which seems to have couple dozens unfilled positions at any time over the past 3 years or so.

Kraken’s Glassdoor reviews are pretty good but it’s worth noting that most come from positions at the higher end of the hierarchy. The customer service positions (salaried at 40k a year) complain they are expected to work 24/7 and get sacked at the first complaint.

Kraken doesn’t really pick their support staff with care, they shove into the customer care pile everyone whose CV doesn’t pass the screening for the position that person actually applied to. (That’s also what it looks like when you interact with them.) If you don’t have experience but are willing to learn, a startup internship is probably going to be more valuable for you than ‘just some job as a customer support’.

Either way, in June 2019 we are back at the tech side of blockchain jobs. You will need to have some skill for most of these, but all jobs in the startup section have the remote option.

Here is your fresh supply of remote blockchain tech startup job openings. As always, down below the same for more established crypto companies worldwide.

The New Kids (But Well Funded)

A list of new blockchain tech startups, dApp game developers and any crypto-relevant or privacy-focused startups that could be interesting to work at, if you are the type who likes to be early to parties.

VoiceOps (US)

Focus: Machine learning product that transcribes and analyzes recorded sales calls, and provides that data to managers to help their teams level up and close more deals.

Funded by Accel, Founders Fund or Y Combinator, featured on Forbes 30 Under 30.

Looking for: (Remote) Backend Engineer — Pays very well, but if high tech is not for you, VoiceOps are also looking for some growth/marketing positions.


dv01 (US)

Focus: A fintech platform that streamlines consumer and mortgage loan data. The goal is to make markets transparent and efficient for institutional investors and safer for the world. Got 7.5 MM USD seed in 2018.

Looking for: (Remote) Data engineers — Someone with 3+ years of coding experience all around, with interest in both finance and code. Pays very well.


Wakecap (UAE)

Focus: WakeCap is digitizing the least digitized industry out there — it aims to improve the safety and productivity at the construction field through IoT-based solutions. They are based in Dubai and got 1.6 MM USD seed funding in 2018.

Looking for: (Remote) Architects and developers — NodeJS, Android, iOS. Designers are sought too. Pays less well than US-based alternatives.


Solvio Foundation (US)

Focus: An ecosystem for the future of education. Rather than a single product, Solvio is creating a whole ecosystem of apps that advance this idea. It will allow you to find learning paths personalized to what you already know. Promises to pay well and gives a lot of equity on top of that, but the founder explains in the spects the salary is only after they get funded. So far there are no investors.

Looking for: (Remote) Frontend Developer/Co-Founder — React and NodeJS.


[still unfilled] OpenSea (US)

Focus: OpenSea is currently the most popular online marketplace for collectibles, in-game assets and non-fungible tokens. Team team with backgrounds from Stanford, Palantir, Google, and Pinterest. Well funded by YCombinator, Founders Fund, Coinbase Ventures, 1Confirmation, Blockstack, and Blockchain Capital.

They have several (very well paid) positions open but we’re highlighting a particularly interesting remote one

Looking for: (Remote) Software Engineering Intern at OpenSea — This is a remote internship that pays up to 120k USD a year to a novice developer who is willing to learn. The requirement for experience is only 1 year of coding and the ability to show you can write clean, tested code. Focus is Python, Javascript and React.js.


The Ballers

The crypto companies you know the name of, unless you literally live under a rock.


You know it as: The payment processor.

Looking for: Backend API engineers — Hiring in Seattle for the Payouts team. The team works to ensure money gets to its destinations safely, reliably and in a cost effective manner.



You know it as: One of the oldest crypto exchanges that had major hurdles serving their traders in times of high load but never actually scammed anyone or got hacked.

Looking for: Pretty much anybody, all over the world and remote. There is demand for business strategists, engineers, designers, compliance staff, account managers and customer support.

Kraken is based in San Fran and that’s where they primarily look, but related to their recent ventures there is also need for staff to employ in their new Tokyo base.

For a good bit of the openings they are OK with remote work.



You know it as: The crypto onramp for regular Americans, platforms split between a managed crypto wallet, a basic exchange and a professional trading interface.

Looking for: Pretty much anybody. Coinbase is filling up their several US offices and also locations in London, Dublin and Tokyo. After big layoffs, they are now looking to fill roles ranging from Business Development through Design and Engineering to Legal and Compliance.




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