Why HicEtNunc?

Eco-friendly, great community, experimental artworks



LLazy Minting is an ex excellent thing if you have no hurry and publish your art passively. To showcase, forget, and be remembered when your NFT is occasionally found and purchased. OpenSea is perfect for this repository. Nevertheless, an artist's life consists of creating for a silo and continuous communication, co-inspiration, and ideas exchange.

And then there is that alarming environmental factor, which gives you headaches with every new-minted NFT (even if OpenSea is still the best Ethereum-running platform compared to Foundation, Rarible, and Co. with their high gas fees, etc.).

All those considerations brought me (and many other creators) to HicEtNunc. I already fell in love with its Latin name. The expression originates from philosophy, where it denotes the spatial-temporal determinateness of the individual and the individuality of the concrete thing.

Hic et Nunc. Here and Now.

The minimalistic interface of this platform lets the visitor focus on artworks presented here (and now) in a timeline of recently published artworks.

The Platform runs on Tezos (an open-source platform for assets and applications with its currency Tez #XTZ). Contrary to horrendous Bitcoin or Ethereum mining environmental costs, Tezos transaction costs can be compared to sending a tweet.

But not only an eco-friendly aspect attracts creators to this platform. Its simplicity on the one hand, and media flexibility on the other, led many prominent artists to Hic et Nunc.

Mario Klingemann is here:

But also Joanie Lemercier and Memo Akten (who discovered the environmental issue of NFT) joined HitEtNunc.

Another aspect is the costs of publishing the artwork. There are almost no gas fees, or they are minimal, just some cents, compared to prominent Ethereum based platforms:


You can publish (mint) your artworks in many formats: compare the mint interface below:

Here are just some examples I collected from various artists:



3D Scenes

Interactive artworks

This is a collection of all artists published till the 20th of April 2021; you can see their profiles and even detect your own.

And more…

If you follow HitEtNunc on Twitter, you will see more interactive experiments, inspring existing and new artists in the scene to their artworks. (There are several independent twitter-bots publishing in real-time the latest artworks: HereAndNow or FrankenBot, to call some active to follow).

So, shall you enter the NFT scene of HicEtNunc?

In my opinion, yes.

Here are some PROs and CONTRAs.


  • Great community on Twitter (also on Discord)
  • Relevant artists and newcomers
  • Experimental media
  • Minimal gas fees (around $0.30, compared to )


  • No unlockable contents
  • No own gallery function
  • No edit function

Since the platform is very young and is under continuous development, I suppose the contras will disappear in the future.

While Foundation and Raribles as established massive NTF platforms are moving in the direction of traditional Art Market (which is a paradox, since they were founded as opposition to the latter), HicEtNunc is becoming a new independent Avant-Garde of the NTF art scene.

You will find me on HicEtNunc here.





Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.