Cryptomizers Clients

Published in
5 min readAug 10, 2018
Cryptomizers Clients

As you probably already know, Cryptomizers work for quality ICOs. In this week’s post we’ll introduce you to all of our Crytomizers Clients so far. We’ll elaborate our approach and services for each individual company. Feel free to ask questions in the comments. Get to know our clients in the our clients tab.

Cryptomizers Client #1: Iungo

An ambitious plan to conquer the world with a decentralized Wi-Fi network. That is IUNGO network. You make your Wi-Fi available and people will pay you for it. Conversely, you will soon have Wi-Fi everywhere. This means that you’ll never have to log in separately for each network.

IUNGO Network

IUNGO especially wanted some strategic financial advice. They also needed some guidance during various other stages of the ICO. We have created a healthy financial strategy for the IUNGO network as a basis. Secondly we set up a quality bounty program. After that we created a successful active community. We’ve proactively set up marketing campaigns as part of the Airdrop and managed to help the community grow.

Cryptomizers Client #2: Airpod

Meet Airpod. Take part of one of the world’s most profitable and stable businesses. Airpod brings passive crypto-income, featuring an extensive distribution chain. This chain will be integrated over 1,000 airports around the world.


Firstly we made an analysis of the current situation. After the analysis we created a marketing strategy to give AirPod the right quality. AirPod has a beautiful (physical) product, but they used a lot of information to tell the story. We set up a new, clean website. After the new website we worked on restructuring the whitepaper. The next step was facilitating a quality Airdrop and supporting the graphics. We work closely together with a local marketing agency that provides the social media for AirPod.

Cryptomizers Client #3: Casper project

Casper project offers an infrastructure of decentralized information storage. The project entails creating a real decentralized application (DApp) storage on the blockchain. Casper solves the problem of high costs by storing data via the blockchain technology.

Casper Project

We started working for Casper as Advisors. We discussed questions and wishes that arose during the ICO process. Our network and our knowledge were at the disposal of the project. We have brought them a specialized blockchain developer from our network. Furthermore we advised in choices they presented to us. As consultants, we discussed a number of questions in our weekly calls. We then set goals, making this project as successful as possible.

Cryptomizers Client #4: bZx

bZx is built on Ethereum and integrated with the 0x protocol. It is the first fully decentralized, peer-to-peer margin funding and trading protocol. bZx is a protocol that integrates the current exchange infrastructure. Exchanges and relays are incentivized by fees. They are denominated in the BZRX protocol token to offer decentralized margin lending and margin trading services.

For bZx we started creating all content for community purpose. Amongst the regular community building actions, our target is to reach out to potential investors. We are here to share the story of bZx and get them on board.

Cryptomizers Client #5: Elements Estates

This project extracts the hidden value of distressed assets and puts them on the market at favourable price which helps to achieve quick returns of the assets and consequently to enter faster into new real estate projects. Through the lock-down mechanism of tokens and consequent decrement of the active supply of tokens in circulation, token economics gives a multiplication effect to the growth rate of real estate portfolio.

Elements Estates

We met Elements Estates due to a referal of our clients. Elements Estates needed help with some specific areas within the ICO. Two of our team members are in their advisory board, helping with determining the marketing strategy. Amongst the regular community building actions, we designed a new introductory movie.

Cryptomizers Client #6: Rouge

We all want a discount, right? The Rouge Project has the solution: ‘the Rouge protocol’. Ensuring discount coupons to be provided without intermediary. This solution saves costs and it prevents fraud. The black market is also eliminated through the application of blockchain technology.

Rouge Project

We provided services to Rouge since the pre-ICO phase. The overarching goal we have for a customer, wherever they are in the ICO process, is to bring quality. For Rouge we started by reviewing the whitepaper and the website. It is important to present yourself well during an ICO. That starts with a good, clear and correctly written whitepaper and one-pager. We also managed a quality Airdrop. This is an airdrop where you can participate if you meet a number of conditions. For example, a condition may be that the participant must have a minimum amount of Ethereum on his wallet. The participants who then participate are an added value for the ICO and are potential investors.

Want to know more about some of these companies? Tell us which project makes you the most curious and we will write an article about the most requested ICO next week.

Do you have a company that is interested in our solutions, would you like to invest or rather become active in the early stages? Contact us for more information.

As always: have a cryptastic day!

