Meet Our CEO: Berry Buter!

Published in
4 min readAug 14, 2018

In our last article about Cryptomizers we shortly introduced you to our whole team. After that post a lot of you wanted to know a little bit more about our CEO Berry Buter. We liked your questions and we immediately asked him!

Berry Buter

Berry Buter

Like we stated last week, Berry is a crypto enthusiast since 2014 and he got a financial background at a Big Four audit firm. He worked in several controlling jobs. With this experience he is responsible for all internal activities (Finance, HR and Legal) within Cryptomizers. Besides loving numbers, he is a real family man (4 children!) and loves a glass of good whiskey during the weekend.

Cryptomizers hierarchy = solidarity

The most frequently asked question was about Berry’s workflow within Cryptomizers. Berry says that the vibe around start-ups like Cryptomizers is completely different compared to settled companies. Within supervising Cryptomizers for instance, he wants to focus on doing it together. He brings talented people to the company and enhances the solidarity among co-workers.


“Building a team and customer base with outstanding qualities has our main priority, this differs us from other companies that sole focus on their revenue”

In order to keep the team united, Berry believes that there should be no such thing as hierarchy within Cryptomizers. This means that everybody, including new staff, is involved in the whole processes. It also means that all of us have the possibility to implement own ideas. Berry likes to do fun things together in order to keep work a fun thing for everybody.

Do what you love

Cryptomizers offers everything Berry could possibly wish for. The fact that he can help customers growing their business is just one of the many positive sides of being a Cryptomizer. He also loves the fact that he can support the crew within their career. Together we celebrate successes, face challenges and make mistakes.

Do what you love

“I love to have a nice group of people around me that have the skillset to become successful and who are willing to help each other out, reaching new heights together”

The stage that we’re currently in, demands flexible co-workers that are willing to put time and effort into something worth mentioning. He therefore seeks entrepreneurs around him. Gathering a nice group of people that can be successful is the thing Berry loves the most.

Highlights so far

In Berry’s opinion there are many highlights so far regarding our portfolio. He enjoyed working on all our projects and has no preference regarding a specific one. Although it might take a lot of pain and effort, the end result is always worth it. Transforming companies from start-ups towards profitable businesses is a magical process. It ensures that you and your customer are proud of the end result.


“The process of transforming somebody’s idea into a profitable businesses is just magical. Even though it might be a challenge, the end result is always worth it”

He is grateful for every step that we’re able to take. If he had to choose the most important development so far he immediately mentions growth. He underlines the fact that Cryptomizers didn’t have an office three months ago. We now do and we have grown to a total of ten employees within less than a year.

Sustainable Business

Berry would like to increase the professionalism within the processes of Cryptomizers without boycotting entrepreneurship. In other words he wants to make sure that everybody learns from mistakes that have been made, without them being afraid to make those mistakes. He believes that making a mistake and finding your own solution to the problem is the best way to learn.

“Within a few years I predict that Cryptomizers has flown passed the moon. We want to become globally active, having offices all over the world”

Berry predicts that Cryptomizers is here to stay. Within six months Cryptomizers is going to become booming! The market will restore and by that time we’ve got everything in place to grow massively. Two years from now he sees Cryptomizers becoming globally active. Cryptomizers will have several offices, becoming a worldwide hall-mark for quality ICO’s.

We answered all your questions from our last post. Still got questions about Berry or would you like to know more about somebody else from the Cryptomizers team? Let us know in the comments!

As always: have a cryptastic day!

