CryptoMonday & Friends — hosted by PwC & Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
Die CryptoMonday Community kommt einmal im Monat in Köln, Düsseldorf und Stuttgart zusammen, um sich über aktuelle Topics und Fragen rund um Blockchain-Technologie auszutauschen.
Im Anschluss an die Crypto Assets Conference 2018 veranstaltet das Team um den CryptoMonday jetzt einmalig eine Special-Edition in Frankfurt!
Die Crypto Assets Conference
Am 26. + 27. Februar treffen sich an der Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Finanz-Industrie und Kryptoszene. Zwei Tage voller hochkarätiger Themen rund um den Finanzsektor und Blockchain Technologie.
The conference covers both the public blockchain and the enterprise blockchain domain. The former concerns topics such as cryptocurrencies, ICOs, crypto funds and tokens of decentral business models; the latter includes topics interesting for corporates such as securitization and asset management.
CryptoMonday & Friends: Speaker
Für alle Mitglieder unserer Community, die es nicht zur Konferenz schaffen, bringen wir unser Topspeaker für einen hochkarätigen Fireside Chat zur “CryptoMonday & Friends” Special Edition nochmal gemeinsam auf ein Panel.
Gehostet wird dieses Meetup von PricewaterhouseCoopers und mitveranstaltet vom Frankfurt School Blockchain Center.
Gordon Einstein, CryptoLaw Partners
As an avid computer and programming hobbyist, in 2012 Gordon was intrigued by Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and the related technologies. By 2014, he was providing legal services to several individuals and companies operating in this space. And by 2016 the majority of Gordon’s law practice involved working with crypto, blockchain and FinTech startups and funds. This was formalized as CryptoLaw Partners in 2017. (
Marjan Delatinne, Global Head of Banking / Ripple
My previous experiences convinced me that the financial industry is in dire need of technology that facilitates faster payments. The industry is looking for modern payments solutions which are built on the latest technology, not outdated infrastructure. Ripple understands how banks function and has adapted to serve them, whereas the incumbents have lost touch with what banks and banks’ customers really want. (Ripple)
Rob Viglione, Gründer von ZenCash
Robert Viglione is the co-founder of Zen, a blockchain-based private borderless decentralized platform for communications and transactions. The technology is designed to support very high data survivability even in adversarial environments. It was inspired by Bitcoin, Dash and Zcash. (Finance Magnates)
Pavel Kravchenko, Gründer Distributed Lab
Distributed Lab is a blockchain expertise center … of innovative products and architectures, education events and conferences. The goal of Distributed Lab is to create financial internet that uses open, uniform protocol that facilitates trade and value transfer. (Distributed Lab)
Andrei Martchouk, Gründer KI decentralized
Former co-founder and CEO of the crypto currencies exchange. Prior Chief Architect at ClickandBuy, the first German FinTech. During his previous 17 years in the payment and later in Blockchain industry, he built mission critical financial systems, payment processing, e-money wallets.
Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center
Zu den Themengebieten von Herrn Prof. Dr. Sandner gehören insbesondere die Blockchain-Technologie und deren Einsatz in verschiedenen Branchen, aber auch Digitalisierung, Entrepreneurship und Innovation. Er beschäftigt sich weiterhin mit Corporate Entrepreneurship, Digitaler Transformation, FinTech-Startups und Intellectual Property Rights.
Wir laden unsere Blockchain Community herzlich ein, an diesem Event in Frankfurt teilzunehmen!