Cryptomotors 3D Game Alpha update: bug fixes and QoL improvements

We are launching the first update of the CryptoMotors 3D Game alpha, including some critical fixes and QoL improvements. Check out the patch notes!

Guillermo Vidal Quinteiro
3 min readFeb 8, 2022


Hey, racers!

It’s been a week since we launched the closed alpha of our 3D game, and we are super happy with the results. Over 135 alpha drivers have tested the game using their CryptoMotors cars over the past few days and took the time to report issues and make helpful suggestions to enhance the game’s experience.

Today we’re launching the first update of our CryptoMotors 3D Game alpha, including some quality of life improvements and bug fixes listed below.

We want to let you know that we have noted all your comments and suggestions. We are working to implement those that best fit the game as soon as possible. We have a long way to go before building a final product, but with your help will get there faster.

Without any further ado, here’s the list of fixes and improvements coming in today’s update.

Patch notes

  • Added a visual indicator to let players know if they face the wrong direction while driving.
  • Players can now use keyboard arrow keys in the car selection menu to choose their CryptoMotors race car.
  • Added a visual effect in the HUD to show players when the nitro is fully charged.
  • Fixed a critical issue that allowed players to achieve unreasonably short lap times.
  • The leaderboard has been hard reset for this new update.

How to install the latest patch

To install this update, you need to download the latest version of the game. If you have an Alpha Driver role in our Discord Server, you will find the link in the alpha-driver private channel 👇

If you have an outdated version of the CryptoMotors 3D Game alpha on your PC, the game will prompt you to update to the latest version and provide you with a link to the download folder.

We are aware that the current way of updating the game is a tedious process, and we are sorry for that.

We are working on implementing a game launcher that will allow you to update it to the latest version without downloading the whole game again.

The game launcher will be implemented soon in a future update.

Other things we are working on

Our plan is to keep improving our game and releasing new features, new game modes, and maps.

We are currently working on the Mac version and optimizing the game’s performance so users with lower-end devices can run and enjoy the game.

Your feedback is still super important to us and incredibly helpful for the development and improvement of our game. So keep sending us your comments and suggestions!

Thank you for your support!

We hugely appreciate the excellent reception the game had, especially all your amazing comments and recommendations on our social channels.

We hope each of you in our community stays with us on this fantastic journey because we have so many exciting ideas to make this the best racing game of the Metaverse.

