CryptoMotors NFTs’ minting, scarcity, and GEN guide

We are changing the way we produce, design and determine the rarity of our NFT cars. In this guide, we explain everything you need to know about it.

Guillermo Vidal Quinteiro
8 min readMar 26, 2020


We are redefining the way we design, produce, and sell CryptoMotors cars. We wanted to make the process of purchasing our vehicles much more transparent and straightforward to everyone. Through these changes, we also aim to reward early adopters and the most committed collectors.

In this guide, we’ll be giving you an overview of how we’ll define the new generations of CryptoMotors, how we’ll decide the designs and the number of tokens we release, and how we’ll set the price of each NFT from now on.

The new generation of cars

As you may already know, CryptoMotors’ vehicles are divided into generations. From now on, there will be two big groups of generations. One identified by letters, and the other by numbers.

All CryptoMotors models we design and produce out of a Design Challenge will be classified using correlative numbers: GEN1, GEN2, GEN3, and so on.

For example, from our first Design Challenge we created two different CryptoMotors cars:

  • GEN1 Abyssus Virtual Racer
  • GEN1 Neon Roadster

Our second Design Challenge will bring this off-road cars to the digital reality:

On the other hand, all cars created entirely by the CryptoMotors team will be classified using alphabet letters: GEN A, GEN B, GEN C.

Cars created by the CryptoMotors team will be rarer than the ones created through Design Challenges. Some of these cars will be designed with the collaboration of famous automotive designers. Thus, these models will be more scarce and valuable.

We’ll post more information regarding this point soon.

A limited number of models per GEN

Every generation of cars will include a maximum of three models. However, since our production schedule is not meant to be rigid, we’ll be able to design and release cars for different generations at any moment, as long as we don’t exceed the 3-car per GEN limit.

Our car design process focuses on creating high-end assets following the same quality standards as the real-life automotive industry. For this reason, each CryptoMotors model requires hundreds of working hours of sketching, designing, 3D-modeling, visualizing, and minting.

In this sense, creating and releasing a new GEN entails a lot of work from a lot of people. That’s why we’re currently launching new generations of cars many months apart from each other.

About car types

Through our Design Challenges, we not only bring a new generation of CryptoMotors vehicles but also a whole new type of car with its particular set of stats and traits.

In our first Design Challenge, we focused on creating sport racing cars.

In our second Design Challenge, we went for off-road, all-terrain SUVs. In the third Design Challenge, which is yet to be announced, we will be focusing on a versatile variation of Sedan cars.

In this sense, the three models we can create for each generation will have to be from the same type, be it sport racing, SUV, or Sedan (or any other new category we decide to incorporate to our lineup).

About tokens’ availability

Like any other Non-Fungible Token out there, CryptoMotors cars are scarce. That means we can only produce a limited amount of units for every model. Once we sold out all available units, that model won’t be purchasable through our marketplace anymore.

To keep a transparent and organized trading process, each week will be releasing a limited number of NFT assets on our marketplace.

Once we’ve sold out those tokens, they won’t be replenished until the following week. The goal is to keep our collectible cars as scarce as possible, while also rewarding most devoted collectors.

Following this logic, after the last available unit of a model is sold, users will only be able to acquire that car from other collectors. At this point, it’ll be the owners of those NFT who define the price of the assets.

Genesis Founder Editions

We’re introducing a new, unique category for all CryptoMotors cars. It’s called Genesis Founder Edition.

The first 175 tokens ever minted by CryptoMotors from now on will be considered as Genesis Founder Editions.

Genesis Founder Editions are rarer than the standard versions. That means collectors who have acquired at least one of the first 175 NFT cars we’ve produced to this day, will have in their hands a unique asset and a valuable piece of history.

CryptoMotors — Genesis Founder Black Elite Badge
CryptoMotors — Genesis Founder Silver Select Badge

Genesis Founder editions include the following traits:

  1. There are only 175 Genesis Founder Edition tokens in total. That means they are rare assets.
  2. Users who have already purchased a CryptoMotors car were unknowingly acquiring GFE models at a discount price. Once we have sold our first 175 tokens, the base price of our GEN0 models will increase to maintain its digital scarcity and collectible value. In a few words, that means that the price of the GEN0 standard versions will be higher than it currently is.
  3. GFE cars came with an exclusive variety of colors, paint types, and trim levels. The standard versions won’t be available in the same colors and paint types as the Genesis Founder Editions.
  4. Every Genesis Founder Edition will include a special Founder Badge. Users who own a GFE car will form part of the CryptoMotors Founders club, and their badges will be displayed in their garages.
  5. There will be two types of Founder badges: Black Elite and Silver Select. The Black Elite badges will be reserved for the owners of the first 20 CryptoMotors digital cars ever created. While the Silver Select ones will be awarded to users who own a CryptoMotors car from the 21st token up to the 175th.

All these attributes will be visible in the metadata of every NFT car, so users will be able to know beforehand the collectible value of each asset.

Beware that besides the traits mentioned above, Genesis Founder Edition cars won’t have an advantage over standard versions in terms of performance. Both types of vehicles will share the same stat range and RNG when minted.

Important: We haven’t reached the 175-token mark yet. But we’re really close. That means, you still have the opportunity to collect an exclusive Genesis Founder Edition from any of our GEN0 cars.

In the next few days, we’ll be launching a series of Special Gold and Silver Edition GEN0 cars. All these vehicles will be GFE tokens, and there will only be nine of them available. More info in the section below.

CryptoMotors Sedan -Gold Edition 1:1

Special Edition cars

From time to time, we’ll be releasing a Special Edition car designed from a CryptoMotors model.

These vehicles will come with unique artworks and exclusive body paints. Special Edition cars will be extremely rare (usually, less than ten tokens will be minted), and their selling price will be determined by the users’ bids in a public auction.

As you can see here, we typically produce Special Editions NFTs to celebrate a new partnership or an important event.

Soon we’ll be launching a GFE Gold and Silver Edition of our GEN0 car models. There will be one Golden and two Silver tokens per each model — nine in total.

These NFT will be sold exclusively through public auctions and the prices will be decided by users bids.

About NFTs pricing and number of units

The number of tokens we mint is determined based on the working hours invested in creating the 3D model, the stats and performance the car will have on games, and the NFT’s rarity.

Following this principle, when we created our first generation of cars, we defined this number of tokens and prices:

  • Sedan — 2500 max units at 0.25 ETH
  • SUV — 1250 max units at 0.5 ETH
  • Sport Coupè — 625 max units at 1 ETH

This approach allowed us to gather helpful insights to adjust our purchasing process and the inherent value of each NFT.

We decided that once we’ve sold all the Genesis Founder Edition cars and the price of the standard versions increases, we’ll proportionally reduce the final number of available units.

So, for example, if the price of the GEN0 Sport Coupè rises to double, the remaining number of units will be cut in half.

The goal behind this logic is to keep our cars as scarce, collectible, valuable assets.

It’s important to stress that every time we release a new CryptoMotors series model, users will be able to know how many units will be available at the starting price. This information is significant for collectors to decide whether to purchase one of our assets.

What’s next

We’re starting a new, exciting journey at CryptoMotors, and we want to give you an overview of all the fantastic things that are coming to our platform in the following weeks.

  • In the next few days, we’ll be minting and putting for auction the last CryptoMotors Genesis Founder Edition models available. There will be a total of nine Gold and Silver GFE tokens for sale (1gold, 2 silver per GEN0 type) , and they will be extremely rare models. So, if you didn’t get your first CryptoMotors car yet, don’t miss the chance of getting one of these unique and valuable assets.
  • From now on, we’ll be minting a limited amount of cars per week. We’ll be adjusting the number of vehicles we release per week based on the demand.
  • As we mentioned before, we’ll be implementing the new traits on the Genesis Founder Edition cars.
  • We’ll be announcing new partnerships and exciting collaborations with other companies in the industry.

