Design Challenge: Now it’s your turn to vote the best race car design

Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2019

Two weeks ago we’ve launched our first Design Challenge, and we are amazed by the quantity and quality of the works. Now it’s your turn to vote the winner.

CryptoMotors Sport Coupé GEN0 in Y43 VR world

It’s been an amazing end of the year for us at CryptoMotors and we’re really excited about this next stage of our Design Challenge. Everything that has happened so far exceeded our expectations. More than 90 designers subscribed to the competition and submitted their sketches based on the Design Brief. We’ve chosen the best 60 designs, and now you’ll have to decide which of them will get the chance to become the next model in our lineup of ERC-721 cars.

All the designers did an amazing job, so it will be a tough call. You can vote up to three different designs, so choose wisely.

CryptoMotors Design Challenge Voting


It’s easy. Just go to:

Click -or tap if you are on mobile- on the ❤️ icon located on the bottom of the cards, and that’s it. You’ll be able to change your decision until January the 19th.

In order to give participants equal chances of getting voted, our website randomly sorts the position of the designs every time a user enters the page. That way, no design gets an unfair advantage due to where it’s shown.

Every design is featured along with the designer’s nickname. We’ve decided to respect the privacy of each of participant by not revealing any of their personal information. Participants’ portfolio and Instagram profile are shown only if they requested it.

CryptoMotors 1st Design Challenge Timeline


For the next stage, designers will have to create a refined PSD version of their race cars. That stage will start on January the 20th, the day that we are showing the refined PSD designs, and you will be able to vote up to three designs again. These votes will add up to the ones made in the previous stage. The design with the most votes will be the winner.

So, what are you waiting for? Go on and vote! Show your love to the designers! ❤️🏎️

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Thank you for designing with us!
CryptoMotors team.

