Everybody, meet Pixelchain

As a side project, we’ve built a dapp that allows users to create 32x32 pixel art and store it on the blockchain as NFTs.

Guillermo Vidal Quinteiro
4 min readApr 7, 2020


We’re thrilled to announce that we’re launching Pixelchain, a dapp that allows users to create original pixel art and store it on the blockchain as non-fungible tokens.

PixelChain — Editor

Pixelchain was built entirely by the CryptoMotors team. Its main goal is to allow users to create crypto-collectible artwork and storing it on-chain without depending on external servers or IPFS.

If you want to join the Pixelchain community and start creating and collecting immutable pixel art, go to


Disclaimer: for now, Pixelchain is open only for whitelisted users. If you want to be selected to be one of the first people to try the platform, complete this form.

What is Pixelchain?

Pixelchain is a decentralized app that allows any person to create 32x32 pixel art on-chain.

It’s the first project in the crypto industry that enables collectors, artists, and users to easily create pixel artwork and save 100% of the image’s information on the blockchain, without depending on servers or IPFS.

Pixelchain does not depend on servers or the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) to store the artworks. Every image generated is encoded into an ERC-721 token that contains the artwork’s name, the codified pixels, the color pallete, and the creator’s wallet ID.

Pixelchain uses an opensource decoder we built exclusively for this project. It also has a friendly UI that allows any user to create pixel art without requiring any previous technical knowledge.

PixelChain — decoder

Pixelchain is a side project developed entirely by the CryptoMotors team. We’ve been working on this project for the last 7 months, and we’re super excited to bring it to you today.

How to create your own pixel art on Pixelchain

To start creating your own NFT pixel art, follow these steps:

  1. To use Pixelchain, you’ll need a digital wallet with some ETH in it. We recommend you to use MetaMask.
  2. At first, only whitelisted users will be able to create pixel art on Pixelchain. We’ll be providing access to a limited amount of users to test the platform and make sure everything is working smoothly. Later on, all users will be able to create images without restriction. If you want to be included in the whitelist and be one of the first people to try Pixelchain, complete this registration form.
  3. Once you get full access to the platform, you’ll be able to start creating pixel art in a 32x32 canvas. This first version of the dapp has two possible commands: Pencil: to paint one pixel individually | Bucket: to paint the whole canvas.
  4. Pixelchain comes with a predetermined color pallete. However, If you want to use different colors, you can upload your own color pallete. To do so, you need to create a JSON file with the following text format: [“#FFFFFF”, “#000000”]. The JSON file must include 16 colors. You can repeat hex codes if you want, but there has to be 16 in total.
  5. Once you’ve created the image, choose a name for the artwork, and hit the Save button. Beware that once you save the image, the token will start the minting process, and you won’t be able to edit it anymore. The platform will ask you to accept the ETH transaction from your wallet, and that’s it.
  6. Once the token is created, it will be sent to your wallet address. You will be able to put it on sale on Opensea with the price you want.
  7. The current cost of minting a token in Pixelchain is 0,008 ETH per artwork. However, this price will increase in the future as more people use the platform. CryptoMotors will hold a 10% of the fee on secondary sales to keep working on the development and improvement of Pixelchain.

Our plans for Pixelchain’s future updates

We’re currently working very hard to bring more features to Pixelchain and improve its user experience.

We want to allow users to create unique pieces of artwork without having to depend on external servers to store their images in the blockchain

Beware that the launch version of Pixelchain includes only the basic features. Nonetheless, our goal is to keep developing new functionalities for the dapp. Some of the features we plan to include in future versions are:

  • Undo & Redo functionality
  • Color picker
  • Eyedropper tool
  • Animation sprites
  • Line tool
  • Circle tool
  • Square tool
  • Decoder for 32x32x1 voxel models
  • Bigger canvas
  • Erase bucket

We have a ton of ideas and huge plans for this project. We want to keep improving Pixelchain and make it available for more people. Our plans for future versions of the dapp is to allow users to create higher-res images and even voxel models.

If you’re interested in joining Pixelchain and start creating your own pixel art, be sure to join our discord server. We’ll be more than happy to guide you through the whole process.

