Rene Schmidt joins CryptoMotors as an advisor

The CEO of Chainbreakers is joining our team to share his knowledge and experience with us, and help us take CryptoMotors to the next level.

Guillermo Vidal Quinteiro
3 min readFeb 11, 2020


Hey everybody!

It has been a fantastic week for us at CryptoMotors. We introduce to the world our latest car model with an exclusive first edition auction, and we’re in the final line to launch the first CryptoMotors game.

But the great news doesn’t end there; they keep coming.

Today we want to tell you that Rene Schmidt, CEO of Chainbreakers and founder of Qwellcode GmbH, is joining CryptoMotors as an advisor. He’ll be sharing with us his knowledge and experience in the Ethereum ecosystem to help us take CryptoMotors to the next level.

We’re super excited about this step up. We’ll continue working hard every single day to keep bringing you nothing but the highest quality in NFT assets.

The challenge ahead

In this new phase, Rene will be helping us make critical decisions regarding our NFTs and our platform. He’ll also help us grow our user base and build relationships with some of the most prominent players in the industry.

“One of my main goals is to provide missing links -network or knowledge- that can have value for CryptoMotors in various situations. I’m also interested in bringing my vision to NFT related design decisions and providing meaningful input in brainstorming sessions,” said Rene.

In the past decade, Rene worked in Hella and several VR and AR projects. He’s also a member of the initial ETHDenver 2019 hackathon team that created POAP — The Proof of Attendance Protocol, a software system that allows users to collect NFT badges every time they participate in an activity.

“My automotive background and my two years of hands-on experience in the NFT ecosystem make me understand the real-world and virtual-world potentials of CryptoMotors’ virtualization approach,” Rene pointed out.

Regarding the incorporation of Rene to the team, CryptoMotors’ CEO, Leandro Bellone, said:

“Rene is joining CryptoMotors to help us shape our business model, expand our user base, and build new partnerships with amazing startups. We both want to help the NFT industry grow and develop even more in Germany and the world in general. The past year has been incredible for us at CryptoMotors. We met amazing folks and teamed up with great companies to achieve our dream of bringing our cars to gamers and blockchain enthusiasts alike.”

We’re thrilled to have Rene on board in fantastic this journey. We believe we’re going to achieve big things together, and we can’t wait to take on this adventure.

