STAT Game update: CMR penalizations changes

We’ve released a new update for our STAT game including important changes in how the penalization system works. Take a look!

Guillermo Vidal Quinteiro
3 min readDec 16, 2020


Hey, STAT racers!

Yesterday we released a new update for our STAT game, including important changes in the way penalizations are implemented during tournaments and how they affect the CMR of each player.

These new mechanics will impact the 2-week STAT tournament starting today. So be sure to test the game and share with us your feedback on the new system. Your comments and suggestions are incredibly valuable for us, and they help us improve our game.

Changes in CMR penalization

The main change we are implementing with this new update is how CMR penalization works and affects each player’s position on the leaderboard.

Before today’s patch, players were de-ranked from the leaderboard after not playing a race for 24 hours. Every time this happened, users had to play five consecutive races to rank on the leaderboard again.

This mechanic will not work this way anymore.

The new system splits players into two groups:

  • Players with less than 70 CMR points
  • Players with more than 70 CMR points

Users who have less than 70 CMR points won’t be penalized at all for not playing the game. That means players that had played their five initial races to rank on the leaderboard won’t get penalized as long as they don’t go over the 70 CMR point mark.

On the other hand, STAT racers who accumulated more than 70 CMR points will have to be extra careful. From today on, 70+ CMR point users who don’t play for more than 24 hours will be penalized with 5 CMR points and 2 races for every 24-hour period they don’t play. Although, they won’t get de-ranked from the leaderboard.

Following this logic, if a player doesn’t play for 48 hours straight, it will temporarily lose 10 CMR points and will have to race 4 races to recover its CMR points.

The way CMR is calculated will remain the same as it was before the update.

CMR points are obtained from a formula that considers the last five races plus the historical record of all the races played during the tournament.

This formula will, of course, take now into consideration the results of the penalization races to determine the player’s new CMR points.

Let’s see an example:

Let’s say John CryptoMotors has played 10 races and won all of them. He obtained 90 CMR points, and he’s positioned in 1st place on the leaderboard.

John forgets to play the STAT game the next day, and he temporarily loses 5 CMR points and gets a penalization of 2 races. That means he has to play 2 consecutive races to recover his CMR.

John plays those races and wins them both, so he recovers his original 90 CMR points.

Join the STAT game hype!

At CryptoMotors, we continue working on our game to improve it more and more every day. Our goal with this update is to reduce the impact of penalizations on the players’ experience.

This way, we seek to find a proper balance between fair competition and a consistent flow of races throughout each tournament.

We want you to help us make a great game. We would like you to test these new mechanics and share your thoughts with our team.

Your feedback is hugely helpful to us. If you have any comments or suggestions, please join the CryptoMotors Discord server and reach out to us there.

