The Virtual Racer 2 is here!

Our latest addition to our lineup of NFT cars is finally here! We’ll be launching a special first edition sale to celebrate!

Guillermo Vidal Quinteiro
3 min readFeb 1, 2020


CryptoMotors — GEN1 Virtual Racer 2

Hey guys and gals!

We’re ending this fantastic week at CryptoMotors with a new big announcement.

We’re thrilled to introduce you the Virtual Racer 2, the latest addition to our lineup of NFT cars.

This yet-to-be-named model is inspired by the sketches presented by @defydesign in the first CryptoMotors Design Challenge. The design received more than 1500 votes from our community and earned second place in the podium (@joonyoung_koo⁣⁣ won the first place with the Abyssus).

Making this car took us over 400 man-hours and a whole five months of work and dedication. Well… We’re super obsessed with maintaining the highest quality standards while creating our vehicles.

In the past weeks, we also tested different textures, lighting, colors, and materials on the 3D model, and worked on some artistic shots of the vehicle. We’ll be sharing those in the following days.

Special first edition sale

Next Tuesday, we’ll be putting on auction a Virtual Racer 2 special first edition on OpenSea.

So, if you want to lend your hands on this unique model, don’t dare miss this chance! Also, be quick, because they usually go sold out pretty fast.

The standard version of the Virtual Racer 2 will be on sale in our platform in the near future. We’ll be posting the exact date soon on our social media channels.

The story behind the new car

For the Virtual Racer 2, we also worked in the story behind the driver and his avatar.

Following the story and the concept we came up with for the first CryptoMotors Challenge, we decided to create a rival to Serenay and her Abyssus.

Meet Luke and his avatar, Rob. He’s the man behind the Virtual Racer 2’s wheel, and he’s Serenay’s most terrible nightmare on the streets.

Y43 VR World
Serenay, Tris’ VR Avatar
Rob, Luke’s VR Avatar is born

Luke closes the door behind him and throws the keys on the table. The silence on his apartment comforts him. The room is cold, and the blinds are shut, just as he likes them. The hustle of the workday has finally ended, and Luke drops onto his leather sofa while exhaling a long breath.

But there’s no time to relax. His occupations of the day may be over, but he has another challenge to face. Not in this mundane and tedious world, no. In the other, where he is no longer Luke, but Rob, one of the most respected and feared street racers from Y43.

Luke puts his VR headset on and is immediately transported to that other world, where he can make come true his wildest dreams.

Rob is Luke’s alter ego, his complete opposite, some might say. When he’s in his racecar, Rob remains relaxed, never losing the focus of his one and only goal: victory.

Rob does not feel intimidated by the pressure or the hazards of the road. Behind the wheel, his skills are as great as his self-confidence.

Rob wears a neoprene suit that allows him to maintain a uniform temperature throughout his body. On his head, a tinted glass helmet covers his face while allowing him to focus on the track and his rivals. No one in Y43 has ever seen his true appearance. Anonymity gives him strength and identity. It gives him an edge.

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