We’re are launching our second Design Challenge

The second CryptoMotors Design Challenge is finally here. We’re inviting designers from all around the world to design the car of their dreams and get rewarded for it. Are you up for the challenge?

Guillermo Vidal Quinteiro
6 min readJul 9, 2019


CryptoMotors — 51 PEGASI b

We’re really excited to announce that today we are launching the second edition of the CryptoMotors Design Challenge. We’ve teamed up with Gravity Sketch to invite every designer from around the world -professionals and enthusiasts- to participate in the amazing journey of creating the next car in our lineup of ERC-721 crypto collectibles.

This time, participants will have to design an SUV or Crossover SUV for a futuristic, Earth-like alien world. The CryptoMotors Design Challenge is open to enthusiasts, freelancers, students, and professionals from all design industries.

The winning designs will be decided by the vote of the community. Winners will get the opportunity of having their design 3D-modeled by CryptoMotors’ professional team, as well as some other amazing rewards.

It’s to create the next generation of digital cars. Are you up for the challenge?

We’ll need every single one of you: enthusiasts and designers who want to create the car of their dreams and get rewarded for it; but also the whole community who will get to choose the winning designs with their votes.

How to participate:

It’s super easy, just go to:

Complete the form to register in our platform and submit your design proposals following the guidelines of our design brief. The registration will be open from July 8 to July 28.

You will have to design the exterior for an SUV or a Crossover SUV and send us the sketches and/or PSD renderings of your design proposal.

On July the 31st we will upload the designs to the website of the challenge and the five design proposals with the most votes will be the winners 🏆

You can check all the rules of the challenge here:


Vote for your favorite designs:

You don’t have to be a designer to participate in our challenge. You can also take part by voting your favorite designs and deciding which will be the next cars in our lineup of ERC-721 crypto collectibles.

In order to vote in the CryptoMotors Design Challenge, you must register on our platform. To do so, go to:

Follow the steps and create your account.

Design Brief

For this second Design Challenge, you’ll have to design the exterior for an SUV or a Crossover SUV. The car design has to fit the story we’ve created about Jan and Mallow, two pioneers exploring a unique looking planet called 51 PEGASI b.

As a designer, you will have to come up with a spacious, luxurious, and technology-driven design for the car. The volume and therefore the layout is entirely up to you, but it should be unique.

We will only ask you to keep a few guidelines in mind:

  • The car must have four wheels and space for at least two passengers.
  • 51 PEGASI b has the same gravity conditions than the real world.
  • A spacious feeling for the pioneers to observe as much as possible of nature when they are driving is wished for.
  • Feel free to choose the powertrain as well as any possible future technologies you’d like to integrate.

We’ve created a PERSONA and an ENVIRONMENT for you to fully dive into the scenario for the car. To set the perfect vibe, we have also added a music playlist to get you inspired.

CryptoMotors’ car driving in 51 Pegasus b


Jan and Mallow are pioneers. Driven by their desire of exploring new life and environments, they realize that life on primary planets simply isn’t exciting anymore. As pioneers, they see discovering and being one of the first as a privilege and a luxury. Jan and Mallow spend most of their time analyzing biodiversity, allowing them to design objects and modules to be used in everyday life.

Their pioneer suits are both fitted for space travel and everyday exploration jobs. Technology is fully integrated into their clothing but only a few details give away the materials full potential.

CryptoMotors Design Challenge — Persona


51 PEGASI b is an uninhabited planet. The high contrast between white crystals and black lava stone is very intriguing for the curious pioneers. They think it’s a viable planet.

Average temperatures are fairly low, around 2° Celsius, and humidity is high due to the great amount of living biomass. 51 PEGASI b is a diverse planet with a unique looking vegetation and soil, making it an exciting landscape for exploring and discovering new things.

The explorer habitat consists of a so-called loft-lab equipped with all the technology required to create anything by using the planet resources. It also has all the technical innovations to allow space travel as well as land exploration. All technologies are nearly invisible at first sight, landing gear seamlessly becomes part of the building’s architecture.

CryptoMotors Design Challenge — environment

The rewards 🥇

For this challenge, we have an amazing set of prizes and rewards for the winners:

For passing the first stage, the five winners will get a FREE Gravity Sketch software license for a period of 12 months to explore their designs in VR. The first two designers will additionally receive a VR headset from Gravity Sketch to use during the second stage of the Design Challenge.

The design proposals that end up in the places 1 to 3 will be 3D-modeled, visualized, and tokenized by the CryptoMotors professional design team. Later on, these models will be put on sale on CryptoMotors’ platform and each designer will earn a 10% commission from the sales associated with his/her design idea.

The first three winners will also receive one CryptoMotors ERC-721 crypto collectible car associated with their design idea, and the participants who end up on places 4 and 5 will get a CryptoMotors ERC-721 crypto collectible car associated with one of the winning designs.

To learn more about the rewards of the CryptoMotors Design Challenge, go to:

Partners & Sponsor

For this Design Challenge, we have teamed up with the British company Gravity Sketch. Gravity Sketch provides a tool that allows designers to sketch a full car model in VR using VR glasses and controllers. Through this software, designers are able to explore their ideas in a three-dimensional space throughout the entire creative process.

We are also proud to announce that the CryptoMotors Design Challenge is sponsored by Auctionity Team, the world’s largest blockchain auction house for crypto collectibles.

Auctionity allows users to create auctions, bid on and buy goods in real-time on a global, decentralized network, while maintaining payment and delivery guarantee. Auctionity is revolutionizing the auction world thanks to its unique application of the blockchain technology.

