We’ve been featured in Autodesk Redshift

Autodesk picked us to be showcased in Redshift, an exclusive publication where they explore the future of making. We translated the article from German to English so you can give a read.

Guillermo Vidal Quinteiro
4 min readSep 20, 2019


Hey, guys and gals! We’ve some fantastic news to share with you!

CryptoMotors was picked among hundreds of companies to be showcased in Autodesk Redshift. For those who don’t know, Autodesk is a multinational software corporation that makes software services for the architecture, engineering, entertainment, and automotive industries.

Redshift is an online publication that explores the future of making: how cars, products, and cities will be built tomorrow or even 100 years from now.

We wanted to thank journalist Friederike Voigt for creating such an inspiring piece and the team of Autodesk Redshift for allowing us to be a part of this amazing publication.

The original article was written in German, and we translated it into English, so everyone can take a look at what Autodesk has to say about us and our vision for the future of the automotive industry.

Disclosure: To adapt the content to English, we had to make some minor changes in the text. However, we aimed to maintain the intent of the original article. You can always read the german version here 👇


CryptoMotors is a Munich based startup dedicated to creating digital vehicles with the help of automotive professionals and design enthusiasts worldwide. Their car designs are secured in the Blockchain, and you can acquire them exclusively using the cryptocurrency “Ethereum” — in short, “Ether.” Here’s a look at a young company who understands cars differently.

“The first time I met Leandro, he played the guitar in his band, and I did not realize that we would have a business together. Back then, I was looking for an idea to invest in, and Leandro was looking for an investor,” said CFO Andrew Müller about the beginnings of CryptoMotors.

Leandro Bellone, the man Müller talks about, is a designer with more than ten years working in the automotive industry. His idea was to start a business that combines digital automotive design with that blockchain technology.

“My vision evolved as cryptocurrencies became popular a few years ago,” says Bellone.

Because the Blockchain is considered counterfeit-proof and transparent, car designs are protected against duplication or arbitrary disclosure. That makes it so interesting for designers.

Blockchain technology: a digital revolution

Blockchain is the next big innovation after the World Wide Web. It is a continuously expandable list of records concatenated using cryptographic techniques. Every change is collectively documented and certified; no central testing station is necessary.

This means that data is no longer stored centrally on servers of large companies, such as banks or social networks. Instead, they reside on thousands of different computers at the same time, all of which have an identical copy of the database.

The best-known application of the Blockchain technology is the digital currency Bitcoin. However, CryptoMotors choose the Ethereum Blockchain because it hosts distributed applications known as “dapps.”

“Ethereum is one of the most promising blockchains,” explains Andrew Müller convinced.

From hand sketch to a visualized 3D model

CryptoMotors regularly invites automotive designers to participate in design competitions open worldwide. The goal: Creating outstanding 3D-modeled automotive designs.

Bellone calls the digital designs “the soul” of the car. And that’s what CryptoMotors is all about. In the first phase of the Design Challenges, the sketches are submitted by designers from across the globe.

If the community approves the designs, they enter the second phase. Here is where the sketches are digitized for the first time.

Finally, on the third stage, CryptoMotors’ design team creates a 3D model of the cars using Autodesk ALIAS and 3ds Max and Maya to visualize them.

In the first-ever Design Challenge, a Korean designer won the competition with a pretty futuristic automotive design. CryptoMotors later offered this model as a limited edition for sale. Anyone interested can purchase CryptoMotors cars using cryptocurrency Ethereum. CryptoMotors shares the revenues from the sales with the original designer.

“No matter where in the world the designers sit in front of their computer, we want to network them all,” says CryptoMotors CFO Andrew Müller.

The buyers are often collectors from the crypto-scene, but also gamers who want to experience individual and unique vehicles in their 3D games.

Clients of CryptoMotors include automotive manufacturers, automotive industry suppliers, and, for example, the Danish e-bike and e-vehicle manufacturer BIOMEGA. They all approach CryptoMotors with targeted orders.

In September, CryptoMotors is celebrating its first anniversary. Currently, the startup has twelve employees, and in addition to the Munich headquarters, it’s represented in Berlin and Argentina. Looking ahead, CEO Leandro Bellone is already ecstatic: “We believe it will be fantastic. We want to connect the creativity of professional designers with the know-how of blockchain technology. There has never been such a thing so far.

