How Bitcoin’s Disinflation Will Save The World

Much has been discussed about the need for inflation in today’s world economies. However, the truth of the matter is that inflation helps in creating imbalances between those who own financial assets and those who do not.

Pedro Febrero (@febrocas)


There are many reasons why most well-respected economists of today think inflation is not only necessary but indeed welcomed.

They argue debtors benefit directly from inflation, since their debt becomes cheaper to pay with time. However, a person could use this exact same point to argue that inflation gives people the incentive to accumulate debt instead of savings.

In this paper, we will discuss how Bitcoin’s disinflationary properties will help in tackling the wealth gap worldwide, by looking into the distant past, and how that outcome could, once more, enable the lower classes to accumulate wealth simply by hoarding currency.

Contemporary Economics

Today in economics, it’s generally accepted that world economies need inflation in order to grow. The general argument made by traditional economists is that without inflation, there won’t be enough spending and thus, currency won’t…



Pedro Febrero (@febrocas)

Head of Blockchain @RealFevr. Researcher @QuantumEconomics. Hobbies include swimming and sith lording. Twitter @Febrocas