DICE -A New Generation Social Cryptocurrency

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5 min readMay 25, 2018

DICE Digital Economy — Dice Has No Single Ledger

There is no single transaction public ledger, instead we introduce a new “cluster model” of unconnected peers (called “operators”) all working within a singular more efficient global ecosystem.

Dice Is Practically Impossible To Steal

Can the greatest ever hacker steal even a single physical atom? The answer is no. Hackers can only steal data, but DICE exist as objects in the real world.

Unite Around A Common Purpose

One of the biggest problems of the today’s society is inequality. The 1% getting richer with the rest of us getting poorer.

Absolutely Free Transactions

Why would anyone agree to get charged for giving money to someone else?

DICE Can Be Mined Offline

The ability for offline mining opens possibilities for some very interesting and advanced fintech products that we will see in the near future.

Further DICE Features

Does not require a digital wallet or rely on an exchange Enables anyone to become a socially significant entity Not affected by blockchain hacking and clampdown The core element in the new model is called DICE (DIgital CErtificate). DICE is a sequence of 1024 bits which conform to a certain set of rules.

Valid DICE units can be stored and later exchanged for physical goods, services, or digital content in a process called Trading.

The process of creating new DICE units is called Mining, in which computing power is used to generate a block of 1024 bits which can be considered as a valid DICE.

The DICE economy is not based on a blockchain. Instead, it consists of small clusters of Miners gathered around entities called Operators — IT hubs whose purpose is to perform validation of DICE units, and to maintain a database of DICE units associated with that particular operator.

Any type of entity can be an operator in the global DICE economy.

Examples may include all business or non-business organisations, a family or even a single individual.

Operators are considered as limited trust parties (only within the scope of DICE associated with the operator), and all other users are considered as untrustworthy parties.

Every DICE unit is associated with only one operator on whose behalf it has been mined. The unit itself, however, is valid in the global economy regardless of which operator it is associated with.

Newly mined DICE are initially owned by the miner who has mined them, and their value is added to the capitalisation of the operator on whose behalf they have been mined.

Therefore it is in an operator’s own interest to incentivise having as many DICE as possible mined and circulating in the economy and associated with them as the operator.

Every individual can perform as a miner (optionally), and can mine for more than one operator as well.

Operators are completely independent from each other, but DICE units are global.


DICE — a social revolution in finance

DICE (abbreviated from Digital Certificates) is a new cryptocurrency and a universal platform for raising funds through crowd-supported cryptocurrency mining. It has properties of both the presently existing cryptocurrencies and traditional money, and also creates a brand new funding route for any business.

DICE introduces the “Cluster Model” economy, based on a large number of unconnected peers (called “operators”) all working within a singular global ecosystem. Each of those network peers is in a way a small country of its own, and the DICE miners supporting it, are its virtual citizens.

“Investment Mining” is another breakthrough that the cluster model provides. Miners own their new DICE, but the capitalisation of the respective operator increases with the overall mining production. This makes an investor out of every miner, and the choice of who will be the operator they mine for, is a completely personal decision. Thus, every operator is in fact a self-funding social structure built around a cause or business venture.

Unlike the blockchain, DICE operates on a different principle, much closer to the way deals in the real-world work — a secure and confidential virtual handshake verified by a witness.

The DICE model:

- Is fully customisable at every single operator’s level for full transparency or full privacy;

- may be used in both online and offline transactions

- lacks the need for special software wallets

DICE is well suited for a shock-free adoption as the new everyday money — not dissimilar from the money we all use today, but updated for use in the digital age. We invite you to read through this document which outlines the DICE model, covers of the ecosystem participants, and our business plans for the ICO and launch of the network.

DICE Money will have allocated budget for supporting the work of “DICE Money — Foundation”.

The DICE Money ICO

DICE Money is a commercial entity focused on development and distribution of end-user products and solutions for the DICE ecosystem. The purpose of DICE Money’s ICO is to ensure initial market penetration of DICE through the use of already established Blockchain technology. A secondary goal is to raise funds for the business and further development of the DICE global ecosystem. The ICO for funding DICE Money will be in the form of a separate Ethereum-based ERC20 utility type token called “Dicet” (exchange symbol “CET”), which can be traded as separate asset on the blockchain market. DICE Money consists of 100,000,000 Dicets priced in Ethers and allocated to six stakeholder groups.

No Dicets will be ever issued outside of this allocation plan.

To Know More about DICE , Stay Tuned :

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