Creating a BEP20 Token Cost — Unraveling the Price Aspect

Albert Peter
Published in
8 min readJan 9, 2024

Embarking on the journey to create a BEP20 token involves a nuanced exploration of costs, with a focus on unraveling the intricate price aspect. The process entails multifaceted considerations, encompassing development, deployment, and ongoing maintenance expenditures. Initial costs involve smart contract creation, auditing, and securing a unique token name. Delving deeper, blockchain transaction fees, tokenomics design, and potential legal consultations contribute to the overall expense.

Ongoing factors like marketing, community engagement, and listing fees on exchanges further impact the total investment. By dissecting the various elements, this exploration aims to provide clarity on the comprehensive cost landscape associated with bringing a BEP20 token to life, empowering creators and investors to make informed decisions in the dynamic realm of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

BEP20 Token — A Quick Overview

BEP20 tokens are fungible digital assets built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network, a blockchain created by Binance, a prominent cryptocurrency exchange. These tokens combine features from two well-known token standards: ERC20 (Ethereum) and BEP2 (BNB Beacon Chain), making them compatible with both Ethereum and Binance Chain.

The versatility of BEP20 tokens has led to their widespread adoption across various crypto platforms. These tokens find applications in crypto payments, staking, trading, and fundraising, and serve as governance tokens. Their primary purpose is to integrate seamlessly into decentralized platforms, aligning with the growing belief that decentralized finance (DeFi) will play a crucial role in the future of digital finance.

Within the DeFi ecosystem, BEP20 tokens are utilized for tasks such as staking, swapping, and voting. This adaptability enhances their utility and popularity in the crypto space. Notable BEP20 tokens that have captured the attention of crypto enthusiasts include Binance USD, Pancakeswap (CAKE), Safemoon (SAFEMOON), and others.

The distinguishing features of BEP20 tokens set them apart from other cryptocurrencies, contributing to their unique value proposition in the crypto market.

Features that Impact the BEP20 Token Cost

The cost of a BEP-20 token, which is based on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), can be influenced by various features and factors. Here are some key aspects that can impact the cost of a BEP-20 token:


The tokenomics of a BEP-20 token, including its total supply, distribution model, and any token-burning mechanisms, can significantly influence its cost. Scarcity and well-designed economic models often contribute to higher token values.

Utility and Use Cases

Tokens with clear use cases and utility tend to have higher values. If the token serves a practical purpose within a decentralized application (DApp) or ecosystem, it can attract more demand, positively impacting its cost.

Project Development and Roadmap

The overall development progress and the future roadmap of the project behind the BEP-20 token can impact its perceived value. A well-executed project with a promising future can contribute to a higher token cost.

Community Support

The level of community support and engagement with the project can play a crucial role. A strong and active community can drive demand for the token, positively affecting its value.


Liquidity on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) that support the BEP-20 token can influence its cost. Higher liquidity often leads to lower price volatility and can attract more traders and investors.

Market Sentiment

Overall market sentiment and trends in the cryptocurrency space can affect the cost of BEP-20 tokens. Positive sentiment and a bullish market tend to drive prices higher, while negative sentiment may lead to price declines.

Security and Audits

Tokens associated with secure and audited smart contracts are often perceived as more reliable. Security vulnerabilities can lead to a loss of confidence in the token, negatively impacting its cost.

Listing on Exchanges

The availability and ease of trading the BEP-20 token on major cryptocurrency exchanges can influence its liquidity and, consequently, its cost. Listings on reputable exchanges can enhance the token’s visibility and accessibility.

Regulatory Environment

The regulatory environment in which the token operates can impact its cost. Clarity and compliance with regulatory standards may contribute to a positive market perception.

Market Capitalization

The overall market capitalization of the BEP-20 token development, which is determined by its circulating supply and current market price, is a key factor influencing its cost. Higher market capitalization often indicates a more valuable and established token.

It’s important to note that the cryptocurrency market is highly dynamic, and token prices can be influenced by a combination of these factors. Additionally, investor sentiment and external events can also play a significant role in determining the cost of BEP-20 tokens.

How Much Does it Cost to Create a BEP20 Token?

The cost to create a BEP20 token typically falls within the range of $5000 to $10,000 on average. However, it’s important to note that this is a general estimate, and the actual cost can vary based on several factors. The specific requirements of your project, including features, functionalities, and customization, can influence the overall cost.

Factors such as the complexity of your token, the level of customization, and any additional features you want to incorporate will contribute to cost fluctuations. Additionally, engaging developers or agencies with different pricing structures and levels of expertise can also impact the overall expenses.

To get an accurate estimate for creating a BEP20 token, it is advisable to consult with blockchain development professionals or agencies. They can assess your specific needs, discuss your project requirements in detail, and provide a more precise cost estimate based on the scope of work involved.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Creating BEP20 Tokens

Creating BEP-20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) involves various factors that can impact the overall cost. Here are key considerations that affect the expenses associated with creating BEP-20 tokens:

  1. Smart Contract Development: The creation of a BEP-20 token requires the development of a smart contract. The complexity and functionality of the smart contract, as well as the expertise of the developers involved, can influence the cost. More complex features or custom functionalities may require additional development time and resources.
  2. Tokenomics Design: Designing the tokenomics, including aspects like total supply, distribution mechanisms, and any token-burning features, can impact the cost. Creating a well-thought-out and balanced tokenomics model may require careful planning and analysis.
  3. Security Audits: Conducting security audits on the smart contract is crucial to ensure the token’s integrity and protect against vulnerabilities. The cost of hiring third-party auditing services or security experts for a comprehensive audit is a factor to consider.
  4. Legal Compliance: Ensuring legal compliance with applicable regulations and jurisdictions may involve legal consultation and documentation. Compliance with regulatory standards can impact the overall cost of creating BEP-20 tokens.
  5. Token Minting Fees: Some platforms or tools charge fees for the process of minting new tokens. These fees can vary depending on the platform used for token creation.
  6. Blockchain Fees: The Binance Smart Chain, like any blockchain, involves transaction fees (gas fees). These fees are incurred during the deployment of the smart contract and any subsequent transactions related to the token. The cost of these fees can vary based on network congestion and transaction complexity.
  7. Token Symbol and Name Rarity: While not a direct cost, the rarity and uniqueness of the token symbol and name can affect the perceived value of the token. Projects may spend additional resources on choosing a distinctive and memorable token name.
  8. Integration with DApps or Platforms: If the BEP-20 token is intended for integration with decentralized applications (DApps) or specific platforms, additional development and integration costs may arise. Compatibility and seamless interaction with other blockchain-based services can add to the overall expenses.
  9. Marketing and Promotion: Building awareness and gaining traction for a newly created BEP-20 token often involves marketing efforts. Costs associated with marketing campaigns, community building, and promotional activities should be considered.
  10. Community Engagement: Establishing and maintaining an active and supportive community around the token can require ongoing efforts and resources. Community engagement strategies, such as airdrops or bounty programs, may contribute to the overall cost.
  11. Listing on Exchanges: Getting the BEP-20 token listed on cryptocurrency exchanges can involve listing fees. The cost varies depending on the exchange’s popularity and policies.

Considering these factors and planning accordingly can help project creators estimate and manage the overall cost of creating BEP-20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain. It’s essential to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice to ensure a successful token creation process.

Why choose Coinsclone for BEP20 Token Development?

The cryptocurrency market is poised for significant growth post-2024, propelled by factors such as Bitcoin Halving, an upswing in Bitcoin fees, emerging token trends, and more. Seizing this opportune moment, you can delve into the enchanting realm by creating your BEP20 token. For the seamless development of your BEP20 token, consider partnering with Coinsclone, a distinguished Token Development Company with extensive expertise in delivering exceptional crypto token development services, having completed nearly 350+ projects.

Our team comprises adept developers, technicians, experts, and project managers, ensuring a hassle-free creation process. The cost of creating a BEP20 token is tailored to align with your business budget. Our track record includes captivating the interest of investors, traders, and crypto enthusiasts through collaborations with startups.

Feel assured in approaching our team for your token creation needs. We extend a complimentary demo showcasing a sample version of the BEP20 token for your consideration.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, understanding the cost intricacies of creating a BEP20 token is pivotal for anyone venturing into the world of blockchain. The journey involves a blend of upfront development expenses and ongoing commitments, all of which contribute to the overall investment. By unraveling the price aspect, one gains insight into the diverse factors influencing the financial landscape of token creation.

Token creators and investors must navigate these considerations judiciously, balancing the initial costs with long-term sustainability and success. As the blockchain space continues to evolve, a well-informed approach to the cost dynamics ensures that individuals can navigate the complexities of BEP20 token creation with confidence, positioning themselves for a more successful and rewarding journey in the decentralized ecosystem.

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Albert Peter

I'm Albert Peter a 6+ years Experience in blockchain. NFTs, crypto, and the future of tech. Let's talk.