The Wild Ride of Crypto Market Volatility: The Good, the Bad, and the Profitable

Alexandra Wilson
Published in
5 min readJul 28, 2023

Volatility, my friends, is like the wild roller coaster of the market world. You know, those stomach-churning, heart-pounding rides that make you scream and laugh at the same time? Yeah, that’s volatility for you! Today, we’re diving headfirst into the crazy world of crypto markets and exploring how their volatility compares to the more traditional financial markets.

Understanding Healthy Crypto Market Volatility

Alright, let’s get one thing straight — volatility is not always a bad thing. In fact, in some cases, it can be pretty darn healthy. Healthy volatility is like that adventurous friend who’s always up for trying new things but still manages to stay within a reasonable range. It’s all about steady price changes that keep things interesting and create opportunities for profit. So, don’t be too quick to judge volatility!

But, of course, like everything in life, there’s a flip side. Extreme volatility is like that wild party that gets out of control, leaving you feeling uncertain and disoriented. Remember the 2008 Financial Crisis? Yeah, that was extreme volatility in action. Traders were in a frenzy, causing the Dow Jones Industrial Average to take a nosedive like never before. Chaos, my friends, chaos!

Thankfully, extreme volatility is a rare breed. What we usually see in the market is good ol’ moderate volatility, which happens when investors and traders respond to all sorts of information and news. They’re like detectives, investigating how the tiniest bit of news will affect the prices of companies, industries, and the overall economic vibe.

Wall Street’s Fear Gauge and the VIX

Oh, and speaking of volatility, there’s this thing called the VIX, also known as Wall Street’s “fear gauge.” It measures volatility in the stock market, giving us a glimpse into the minds of traders. A VIX value between 12 and 20 is considered healthy — you know, the sweet spot. But if it goes above that, well, we’re venturing into extreme territory.

Over the years, the VIX has had its moments, let me tell you. From a peak of 36.47 during a recession to hitting 89.53 at the height of the financial crisis, it’s been a wild ride, just like a roller coaster with no seatbelt! But don’t worry, it always finds its way back down, just like that roller coaster coming to a safe stop.

The Three Musketeers of Volatility

Now, let’s talk about what might be behind the perception of increased market volatility. We’ve got three culprits: rapid news cycles, institutional investors making power moves, and the rise of derivatives markets. Put them all together, and you’ve got a perfect storm of volatility in the making. Events happening in one corner of the world can trigger a chain reaction that sends ripples of volatility worldwide. It’s like a domino effect — one push, and everything starts tumbling down.

Crypto Market Volatility: Buckle Up, Buttercup!

Alright, time to switch gears and dive into the electrifying world of crypto markets. If you think the stock market is a wild ride, you ain’t seen nothing yet! Crypto volatility is like a turbo-charged roller coaster on steroids. Hold on tight!

While there are no official indices to measure crypto volatility, one look at historical price charts will blow your mind. The peaks and troughs are enough to make your head spin. Back in 2016, bitcoin was flying high, rising by a jaw-dropping 125%. And 2017? Oh, just a casual surge of over 2,000% in price! Talk about a wild ride!

But you know what they say — what goes up must come down. After the 2017 peak, bitcoin took a breather, and then it was back at it again in 2021, setting new all-time highs and tripling its peak price during the 2017 bull run. It’s like the wildest roller coaster that never stops!

Crypto Vs. Traditional Markets: The Battle of Liquidity

Now, you might wonder what fuels this crypto volatility? Well, it’s a combo of good ol’ news developments and good ol’ speculation — just like in the traditional markets. But here’s the kicker — crypto markets have less liquidity than their traditional counterparts. It’s like comparing a small pond to the vast ocean. And that can spell trouble when combined with heightened volatility. It’s a loop, folks — less liquidity fuels volatility, and volatility, in turn, scares away potential big fish investors.

See, most other cryptocurrencies out there lack the safety net of established and widely adopted derivatives markets, and that can be a problem. Without these stabilizing factors, prices can go haywire, just like a roller coaster off its tracks. However, don’t lose hope just yet! There’s light at the end of this volatile tunnel.

The Crypto Evolution: Where Do We Go From Here?

Here’s the thing, my friends — crypto markets are still in their infancy. It’s like they’re teenagers going through a rebellious phase — wild, unpredictable, and full of energy. As time goes on, we’re starting to see some big players step into the game. Institutional investors and trading firms are throwing their hats into the crypto ring with more and more conviction. And guess what? A derivatives market for cryptocurrencies is in the works, too. It’s like the calm before the storm!

Will crypto volatility eventually mellow out and play nice like the traditional markets? Well, that’s the million-dollar question, folks. As the crypto world grows and matures, we might see a taming of the wild beast that is volatility. But until then, buckle up, buttercup, because this roller coaster is far from over!

So, there you have it — the thrilling tale of healthy volatility and its wild ride in crypto land. Remember, volatility may be wild and unpredictable, but it’s also the spark that ignites the fire of opportunity. So, whether you’re in the stock market or the crypto world, hold on tight, enjoy the ride, and seize those opportunities like a seasoned thrill-seeker! Happy trading!

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Alexandra Wilson

I am a passionate Web3 writer dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the decentralized world. I have a keen eye for NFT and a love for all things blockchain.