How to Launch Your SRC20 Token: A Step-by-Step Guide

Angelika Candie
Published in
14 min readMay 24, 2024
SRC20 Token
Fig: SRC20 Token

Greetings and welcome to our blog, your go-to source for all things related to SRC20 token development! Whether you’re a blockchain enthusiast, a developer curious about tokenized assets, or an entrepreneur exploring new avenues in decentralized finance (DeFi), you’ve come to the right place.

In this space, we delve into the intricacies of SRC20 tokens, a pivotal standard within the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem designed specifically for security tokens. SRC20 tokens not only represent ownership or participation rights but also adhere to regulatory compliance, making them a robust choice for various financial instruments.

Through insightful articles, detailed guides, and industry updates, we aim to demystify the process of SRC20 token development. From understanding the underlying smart contract architecture to implementing robust security measures and navigating regulatory landscapes, our blog strives to equip you with the knowledge needed to embark on your tokenization journey confidently.

Moreover, we’ll explore the broader implications of SRC20 tokens in revolutionizing traditional finance, fostering liquidity, and enabling fractional ownership of assets previously considered illiquid. Whether you’re interested in tokenizing real estate, fine art, or enhancing the liquidity of private equity, SRC20 tokens offer a versatile solution with immense potential.

Join us as we navigate the evolving landscape of blockchain technology, discuss the latest trends in tokenization, and share practical insights to empower your understanding of SRC20 token development. Together, let’s unlock the future of decentralized finance and redefine ownership in the digital age.

Stay tuned, stay informed, and let’s embark on this transformative journey together. Welcome to the forefront of SRC20 token development!

What Are The Services Included In SRC20 Token Development?

SRC20 token development encompasses a range of specialized services aimed at creating and deploying tokens compliant with the SRC20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain. Here are the key services typically included:

  1. Smart Contract Development: Creation of the SRC20 token smart contract that adheres to the standard’s specifications. This involves coding functionalities such as token issuance, transfers, and compliance features.
  2. Customization and Tokenomics: Tailoring the tokenomics to meet specific project requirements, including total supply, distribution mechanisms, token vesting schedules, and governance structures.
  3. Security Audits: Conduct thorough security audits of the smart contract code to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, ensuring robust protection against potential exploits and attacks.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Implementing features to ensure compliance with relevant regulatory frameworks, such as KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) measures, where applicable.
  5. Token Minting and Distribution: Handling the initial minting of tokens and setting up mechanisms for distribution, whether through public sales, private placements, or other methods.
  6. Wallet Integration: Integrating the SRC20 token with various wallet providers and interfaces to facilitate seamless storage, transfer, and management of tokens by users.
  7. Token Listing Support: Assisting with the process of listing SRC20 tokens on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and centralized exchanges (CEXs), ensuring liquidity and accessibility for token holders.
  8. Documentation and Support: Providing comprehensive documentation on token functionalities, usage guidelines, and ongoing technical support to ensure smooth operations post-launch.
  9. Token Upgradeability and Maintenance: Building provisions for token upgradeability and ongoing maintenance to accommodate future enhancements or compliance updates.
  10. Consultation and Strategy: Offering strategic guidance on tokenization strategies, market positioning, and leveraging blockchain technology to achieve project goals effectively.

SRC20 token development services are tailored to support projects looking to tokenize assets, enhance liquidity, and leverage the benefits of blockchain technology while ensuring regulatory compliance and security. Each service plays a crucial role in creating a robust and functional token ecosystem that meets the unique needs of the project and its stakeholders.

Process of SRC20 Token Development

Developing SRC20 tokens involves a structured process to ensure the tokens are compliant, secure, and aligned with the project’s goals. Here’s a step-by-step overview of the SRC20 token development process:

- Project Planning and Requirements Gathering:

  • Define the tokenization objectives, such as asset tokenization, fundraising, or enhancing liquidity.
  • Gather detailed requirements including tokenomics (total supply, distribution plan, governance), regulatory considerations, and desired features.

- Smart Contract Design and Development:

  • Design the SRC20 token smart contract according to the Ethereum blockchain standards and the project requirements.
  • Implement core functionalities such as token issuance, transfers, approvals, and compliance features (if required).
  • Code the contract to include additional functionalities like token vesting, dividends distribution, or voting mechanisms as per project specifications.

- Security Audits and Testing:

  • Conduct comprehensive security audits of the smart contract code to identify and address potential vulnerabilities, ensuring robust protection against hacks and exploits.
  • Perform rigorous testing to validate the functionality, reliability, and performance of the smart contract under various scenarios and edge cases.

- Regulatory Compliance Implementation:

  • Integrate features to comply with relevant regulatory requirements, such as KYC/AML procedures for token holders, restrictions on token transfers, or reporting mechanisms.
  • Ensure the smart contract and token structure align with local regulations and industry standards to mitigate legal risks.

- Token Deployment and Initial Minting:

  • Deploy the finalized SRC20 smart contract onto the Ethereum mainnet or a testnet, depending on the project’s readiness and testing outcomes.
  • Mint the initial supply of tokens as per the defined tokenomics, setting up mechanisms for distribution and allocation as planned.

- Wallet Integration and User Interface Development:

  • Integrate the SRC20 token with popular wallets and interfaces to facilitate easy storage, transfer, and management by token holders.
  • Develop or customize user interfaces (UI) and user experience (UX) components to provide seamless interaction with the token and associated features.

- Launch, Marketing, and Adoption:

  • Plan and execute a marketing strategy to promote the SRC20 token, educate potential users, and attract investors or stakeholders.
  • Facilitate the listing of the token on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and centralized exchanges (CEXs) to enhance liquidity and accessibility.
  • Engage with the community, provide ongoing support, and foster the adoption of the SRC20 token ecosystem.

- Monitoring, Maintenance, and Upgrades:

  • Monitor the performance and usage of the SRC20 token post-launch, addressing any issues or user feedback promptly.
  • Maintain the smart contract and associated infrastructure to ensure continuous operation and security.
  • Plan for token upgrades or enhancements based on evolving project needs, regulatory changes, or technological advancements.

Throughout the process, collaboration with legal advisors, blockchain developers, security experts, and marketing professionals is essential to ensure a comprehensive and successful SRC20 token development journey. Each step is critical in creating a secure, compliant, and functional token ecosystem that meets both technical standards and project objectives.

Advantages of SRC20 Tokens Development

Developing SRC20 tokens offers several distinct advantages, making them a preferred choice for tokenizing assets and conducting fundraising activities within the blockchain ecosystem:

  1. Compliance and Security: SRC20 tokens are designed with compliance in mind, particularly for security tokens. They can incorporate regulatory requirements such as KYC/AML procedures, investor accreditation checks, and transfer restrictions. This ensures legal compliance and reduces regulatory risks associated with token offerings.
  2. Interoperability: SRC20 tokens are based on the Ethereum blockchain, leveraging its widespread adoption and interoperability with other Ethereum-based tokens and decentralized applications (dApps). This facilitates seamless integration and interaction within the broader Ethereum ecosystem.
  3. Fractional Ownership and Liquidity: By tokenizing assets such as real estate, fine art, or equity, SRC20 tokens enable fractional ownership. This opens up investment opportunities to a wider pool of investors who can purchase fractional shares, thereby increasing liquidity for traditionally illiquid assets.
  4. Programmable Assets: SRC20 tokens can be programmed with smart contracts to automate certain functions such as dividend distribution, voting rights, or compliance with regulatory requirements. This enhances efficiency, reduces administrative overhead, and improves transparency in asset management.
  5. Global Accessibility: Blockchain technology enables SRC20 tokens to be transacted globally, 24/7, without the need for intermediaries. This eliminates geographical barriers, reduces transaction costs, and provides access to a global investor base.
  6. Reduced Friction in Fundraising: For startups and enterprises, SRC20 tokens offer an alternative to traditional fundraising methods such as IPOs or venture capital. They enable direct peer-to-peer fundraising through token sales, democratizing access to capital, and fostering innovation.
  7. Transparency and Auditability: Transactions involving SRC20 tokens are recorded on the immutable Ethereum blockchain, providing transparency and auditability. This enhances trust among investors and stakeholders, as transaction history and token ownership can be verified in real time.
  8. Market Efficiency and Lower Costs: SRC20 tokens facilitate faster settlement times and reduce administrative costs associated with traditional financial transactions. They also enhance market efficiency by enabling direct trading between parties without intermediaries.

Overall, SRC20 tokens represent a paradigm shift in how assets are tokenized, traded, and managed, offering numerous benefits in terms of compliance, liquidity, efficiency, and accessibility within the evolving landscape of decentralized finance (DeFi) and asset tokenization.

Use Cases of SRC20 Tokens

SRC20 tokens, being a standard for security tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, find diverse use cases across various industries and applications. Here are some prominent use cases:

- Real Estate Tokenization:

  • Fractional Ownership: SRC20 tokens enable the tokenization of real estate assets, allowing investors to own fractional shares of properties. This democratizes access to real estate investments and increases liquidity in traditionally illiquid markets.
  • Efficient Transactions: Tokens facilitate faster and more efficient property transactions, reducing paperwork and administrative costs.

- Venture Capital and Private Equity:

  • Tokenized Fundraising: Startups and businesses can issue SRC20 tokens to raise capital directly from investors globally, bypassing traditional fundraising methods like venture capital or IPOs.
  • Liquidity Enhancement: Investors benefit from enhanced liquidity through tokenized shares, enabling easier exit options compared to traditional private equity investments.

- Art and Collectibles:

  • Fractional Ownership of Art: SRC20 tokens enable art collectors to tokenize their collections, offering fractional ownership to investors. This opens up art investment opportunities to a broader audience and increases liquidity in the art market.
  • Provenance and Authenticity: Tokens can include metadata about the artwork’s provenance, ownership history, and authenticity, providing transparency and reducing the risk of fraud.

- Tokenized Securities:

  • Regulated Investments: SRC20 tokens comply with regulatory standards, making them suitable for tokenizing traditional securities such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives.
  • Automated Compliance: Tokens can incorporate compliance features like investor accreditation checks, dividend distribution, and voting rights, automating regulatory requirements.

- Commodities Trading:

  • Fractional Ownership of Commodities: SRC20 tokens can represent ownership of commodities such as precious metals, energy resources, or agricultural products.
  • Trade Efficiency: Tokens streamline commodity trading by reducing intermediaries, improving transparency in supply chains, and enhancing market liquidity.

- Tokenized Funds and ETFs:

  • Diversified Investments: Asset managers can create SRC20 tokens to represent shares in diversified funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
  • Lower Costs and Accessibility: Tokens offer lower management fees and minimum investment requirements, making diversified investments accessible to retail investors.

- Governance and Voting:

  • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): SRC20 tokens can be used for governance in DAOs, allowing token holders to participate in decision-making processes through voting mechanisms encoded in smart contracts.
  • Transparent Governance: Tokens ensure transparency and fairness in governance by recording voting outcomes on the blockchain, making them auditable and resistant to manipulation.

SRC20 tokens demonstrate versatility across multiple industries by leveraging blockchain technology to enhance liquidity, reduce costs, improve transparency, and democratize access to traditionally exclusive asset classes. As blockchain adoption continues to grow, SRC20 tokens are poised to play a pivotal role in transforming how assets are owned, traded, and managed globally.

What is an SRC20 Token?

An SRC20 token is a type of digital token that adheres to a specific standard for security tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Similar to ERC20 tokens, which are used for fungible tokens (like cryptocurrencies), SRC20 tokens are designed specifically for representing ownership or participation rights in real-world assets such as securities, real estate, commodities, or other financial instruments.

Key characteristics of SRC20 tokens include:

  1. Compliance: SRC20 tokens are designed to comply with regulatory requirements, especially those related to securities. They may include features like investor accreditation checks, transfer restrictions, and regulatory disclosures.
  2. Smart Contract Standard: SRC20 tokens are based on a standardized smart contract template that defines how tokens behave on the Ethereum blockchain. This standardization ensures interoperability and compatibility with various wallets, exchanges, and decentralized applications (dApps).
  3. Fractional Ownership: SRC20 tokens enable fractional ownership of assets, allowing investors to own a portion of an asset represented by tokens. This enhances liquidity and expands investment opportunities by lowering entry barriers for traditionally illiquid assets.
  4. Programmability: Like other Ethereum-based tokens, SRC20 tokens can be programmed with smart contracts to automate processes such as dividend distribution, voting rights in governance structures, or compliance with regulatory requirements.
  5. Security and Transparency: Transactions involving SRC20 tokens are recorded on the immutable Ethereum blockchain, providing transparency and auditability. This enhances trust among participants and reduces the risk of fraud or manipulation.

SRC20 tokens are particularly relevant in the context of tokenizing assets and conducting regulated fundraising activities within the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. They offer a secure and compliant method for digitizing ownership rights and facilitating efficient trading of asset-backed tokens on a global scale.

What is SRC20 Token Development?

SRC20 token development refers to the process of creating and deploying tokens that adhere to the SRC20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain. This standard is specifically designed for security tokens, which represent ownership or participation rights in real-world assets such as securities, commodities, real estate, or other financial instruments.

The development of SRC20 tokens involves several key steps:

  1. Smart Contract Creation: A smart contract is developed using Solidity, the programming language for Ethereum smart contracts, according to the SRC20 token standard. This smart contract defines the functionalities and behaviors of the tokens, including issuance, transferability, compliance features, and any additional customizations required by the project.
  2. Tokenomics Design: The tokenomics of SRC20 tokens are designed to align with the project’s goals and regulatory requirements. This includes determining parameters such as total token supply, distribution mechanisms, vesting schedules, governance structures, and any economic incentives built into the token model.
  3. Security Audits: Thorough security audits are conducted to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in the smart contract code. This is crucial to ensure the security and integrity of the tokens and protect against potential exploits or attacks.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Features are integrated into the smart contract to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and legal frameworks. This may include implementing know-your-customer (KYC) procedures, anti-money laundering (AML) measures, investor accreditation checks, and other regulatory requirements depending on the jurisdiction and nature of the tokenized asset.
  5. Deployment and Testing: The finalized SRC20 smart contract is deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, either on the mainnet for live transactions or on a testnet for initial testing and validation. Rigorous testing is conducted to ensure the smart contract functions correctly under various conditions and edge cases.
  6. Integration and Support: SRC20 tokens are integrated with wallets, exchanges, and other blockchain interfaces to facilitate token management, trading, and interaction by users. Comprehensive documentation and ongoing technical support are provided to assist users and developers in understanding and utilizing the tokens effectively.

SRC20 token development requires expertise in blockchain technology, smart contract development, regulatory compliance, and security auditing. It aims to create a secure, compliant, and functional token ecosystem that enables efficient tokenization of assets and facilitates decentralized trading and ownership on the Ethereum blockchain.

How do SRC20 Tokens Work?

SRC20 tokens work by leveraging the Ethereum blockchain to represent ownership or participation rights in various assets, particularly securities and other regulated financial instruments. Here’s how they function:

  1. Smart Contract Standard: SRC20 tokens are based on a standardized smart contract template written in Solidity, Ethereum’s programming language. This template defines the basic functionalities and behaviors of the tokens, ensuring interoperability and compatibility with Ethereum wallets, exchanges, and decentralized applications (dApps).
  2. Token Issuance: The smart contract specifies how SRC20 tokens are created (minted) and issued to token holders. This issuance can be done through an initial token sale (token generation event) or other distribution mechanisms defined in the tokenomics.
  3. Transferability: SRC20 tokens are designed to be fungible, meaning each token is identical and interchangeable with others of the same type. They can be freely transferred between Ethereum addresses, facilitating peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries.
  4. Compliance Features: SRC20 tokens incorporate features to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, especially those governing securities. These features may include:
  • KYC/AML Checks: Implementing know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) procedures to verify the identity of token holders.
  • Transfer Restrictions: Enforcing restrictions on token transfers to comply with securities laws, such as limiting transfers to accredited investors or within specific jurisdictions.
  • Regulatory Disclosures: Providing transparency by disclosing relevant information about the tokenized asset and the issuer.
  1. Programmability: Like other Ethereum-based tokens, SRC20 tokens can execute programmed functions through smart contracts. This programmability enables various functionalities such as:
  • Dividends and Profit Sharing: Automatically distributing dividends or profits to token holders based on predefined rules.
  • Voting Rights: Allowing token holders to participate in governance decisions through voting mechanisms encoded in smart contracts.
  • Automation of Compliance: Automating regulatory compliance tasks, such as dividend distribution verification or periodic reporting.
  1. Blockchain Transparency: All transactions involving SRC20 tokens are recorded on the Ethereum blockchain, providing a transparent and immutable record of ownership and transaction history. This enhances trust among participants and reduces the risk of fraud or manipulation.
  2. Interoperability: SRC20 tokens can interact seamlessly with other Ethereum-based tokens and decentralized applications (dApps). This interoperability allows for integrated token management, trading, and utilization within the broader Ethereum ecosystem.

SRC20 tokens enable efficient and compliant tokenization of assets, offering enhanced liquidity, fractional ownership opportunities, and streamlined trading on a global scale. They represent a significant advancement in decentralized finance (DeFi) by bridging traditional financial instruments with blockchain technology and promoting transparency, security, and accessibility in asset management and investment.

The Future of SRC20 Tokens

The future of SRC20 tokens appears promising as they continue to evolve and gain traction within the blockchain and financial industries. Here are some key aspects shaping their future:

  1. Increased Tokenization of Assets: SRC20 tokens enable the tokenization of a wide range of assets beyond traditional securities, including real estate, art, commodities, and more. As regulatory frameworks mature and acceptance grows, more assets are likely to be tokenized, unlocking liquidity and democratizing access to investments globally.
  2. Integration with DeFi Ecosystem: SRC20 tokens are well-positioned to integrate with decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. They can facilitate automated lending, borrowing, and trading of tokenized assets, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs compared to traditional financial systems.
  3. Enhanced Regulatory Clarity: Regulatory clarity around security tokens, including SRC20 tokens, is crucial for broader adoption. As regulators provide clearer guidelines and frameworks for token issuance, trading, and compliance, SRC20 tokens can gain wider acceptance among institutional investors and traditional financial institutions.
  4. Interoperability and Standardization: SRC20 tokens benefit from interoperability with other Ethereum-based tokens and standards. Continued standardization efforts and improvements in blockchain interoperability will enable seamless integration and interaction with various blockchain platforms and ecosystems.
  5. Innovation in Governance Models: The programmability of SRC20 tokens allows for innovative governance models, such as decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). Token holders can participate in decision-making processes, vote on proposals, and shape the direction of projects and organizations in a transparent and decentralized manner.
  6. Advancements in Security and Scalability: Ongoing developments in blockchain technology, such as Ethereum 2.0 and layer 2 scaling solutions, are expected to enhance the security, scalability, and efficiency of SRC20 tokens and the Ethereum network overall. This will support increased transaction throughput and reduce costs associated with token transfers and interactions.
  7. Broader Adoption and Market Expansion: As SRC20 tokens demonstrate their utility and advantages, their adoption is likely to expand beyond early adopters to mainstream investors and businesses. This broader adoption will drive liquidity, market depth, and innovation in tokenized asset markets.
  8. Emerging Use Cases and Applications: SRC20 tokens will continue to inspire new use cases and applications, particularly in sectors where asset tokenization can unlock value, improve efficiency, and reduce friction in transactions. Emerging technologies such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) may also intersect with SRC20 tokens, creating new opportunities for digital ownership and exchange.

In summary, SRC20 tokens are poised to play a significant role in reshaping financial markets, enhancing transparency, and democratizing access to investments globally. Their future hinges on continued innovation, regulatory advancements, and integration with evolving blockchain technologies and decentralized finance applications.


In conclusion, SRC20 tokens represent a pivotal advancement in the realm of blockchain-based finance, offering a standardized and secure method for tokenizing real-world assets such as securities and commodities. Developed on the Ethereum blockchain, SRC20 tokens adhere to a smart contract standard that ensures interoperability, compliance with regulatory requirements, and programmable functionalities.

The future of SRC20 tokens appears promising as they continue to expand their use cases beyond traditional securities to encompass a diverse array of assets. This expansion is driven by increasing regulatory clarity, advancements in blockchain technology, and growing acceptance within both decentralized finance (DeFi) and traditional financial sectors.

Key factors shaping the future of SRC20 tokens include their integration with DeFi applications, enhancement of governance models through decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and innovations in asset tokenization and trading. As blockchain ecosystems evolve and scalability improves, SRC20 tokens are poised to facilitate more efficient and transparent asset management, liquidity provision, and global investment opportunities.

Overall, SRC20 tokens stand at the forefront of transforming how assets are digitized, traded, and managed, offering significant potential to democratize access to financial markets and unlock liquidity in previously illiquid asset classes. With continued innovation and adoption, SRC20 tokens are set to play a crucial role in shaping the future landscape of decentralized finance and digital asset ownership.

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