Token Marketing: The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Tokens with Crypto AMA Sessions

Wilson jack
Published in
8 min readApr 16, 2024

In a thriving community, your voice matters — it’s heard, respected, and amplified. Being recognized and appreciated is important to all of us, and for businesses, especially those in the web3 space, community building has become a vital aspect of daily operations and marketing. It requires just as much attention and care as any other marketing activity.

Cryptocurrency brands are finding creative ways to engage with their communities, and one trend that’s gaining popularity is hosting AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions.

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of AMAs in the crypto space and explore how you can use them to effectively promote your token.

Let’s get started!

What is AMA (Ask Me Anything) in Crypto?

Before delving into the significance of AMA sessions, let’s grasp their essence and what AMA signifies in the realm of tokens and crypto.

AMA, short for Ask Me Anything, is a popular format for interactive discussions where individuals or teams field questions from an audience. In the crypto world, AMAs are often used by projects, founders, or team members to engage with their community, provide updates, and address queries directly.

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AMA sessions gained traction for allowing brands to cultivate a unique bond with their audience through transparent communication, free from intermediaries. These open dialogues were a breath of fresh air in community interactions before becoming mainstream. Notably, in AMA sessions, project representatives provide real-time answers to community questions, making this form of communication fundamental, transparent, and widely embraced by crypto enthusiasts. Consequently, it’s challenging for AMA respondents to provide false answers, ensuring transparency and trust within the community.

Given the diverse nature of the crypto audience, questions can span from the technical aspects of your token to inquiries about strategic plans, the project’s core idea, and the team behind it. Effectively addressing these queries requires a comprehensive understanding of all project development aspects. Hence, inviting subject matter specialists like developers or designers who contribute to the project can help answer attendees’ specific questions.

AMA sessions are typically conducted in online chat rooms, social media platforms, and messaging apps like Telegram, Discord, Twitter Spaces, and YouTube Live streams. The conversation format can be either chat-based or live video, depending on the platform and hosts’ preference. The key requirement is providing real-time answers. For those unable to attend but keen to catch up, projects often publish a list of questions with answers in an article or community post, akin to this Crypto AMA session.

How Does an Ask Me Anything (AMA) Crypto Session Work?

First, the host of an AMA session must choose the platform for the conversation. Telegram is currently the most popular choice for AMA sessions, offering both live broadcast and chat formats. However, with numerous social media platforms available, there are many options for hosting an AMA:

  • Reddit
  • Discord
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Twitch
  • Instagram
  • TikTok

Second, the host needs to decide how to gather questions for the AMA session. Based on experience, three methods are commonly used to prepare for an AMA session:

  1. The host creates the questions for the AMA and presents them to the participants.
  2. Community members submit their questions before the session, and the host selects some to discuss during the AMA. This type of AMA engages both the host and attendees, allowing the host to address potential investors’ concerns while making attendees feel involved in the conversation. This approach also attracts new members and sparks their interest in the project.
  3. An impromptu session where no pre-planned questions are involved, and people ask questions live. This approach is a great way to build trust with a new audience, although there is a risk of receiving unrelated or inappropriate questions.

AMA session can be part of a broader marketing strategy aimed at announcing a new product feature (for Beta testing) or launching a marketing event (contests or giveaways). It can be a small step in an extensive marketing funnel that includes various promotional tactics in an overall marketing campaign.

What preparations should be made before an AMA in cryptocurrency?

Hosting an AMA requires careful planning to ensure a smooth and productive session for both the host and the audience. Here are some essential steps to follow before hosting an AMA session:

  1. Check for Bots: Verify the authenticity of the audience, especially if conducting the AMA on someone else’s channel. Fake followers can skew engagement metrics and damage your project’s reputation. Avoid associating your brand with fake communities by thoroughly vetting channels for genuine activity.
  2. Agree on Timing: Determine the optimal time zone and schedule the AMA to coincide with peak audience engagement periods. Aim for a time that accommodates participants from different regions, typically around 4–5 pm (UTC).
  3. Prepare an Agenda: Compile a list of topics and questions to guide the discussion during the AMA. Share this agenda with all invited participants to ensure alignment and focus.
  4. Announce and Remind: Promote the AMA session through multiple channels and send reminders to participants in the days leading up to the event. Keep the community informed and engaged to maximize attendance.
  5. Plan a Marketing Activity: Leverage the high engagement of an AMA session by incorporating a significant announcement or launching a marketing activity, such as contests or ambassador programs. Provide a clear call-to-action to incentivize community participation and drive conversions.
  6. Check and Set Up in Advance: Anticipate technical challenges by arriving at the AMA venue early to check settings, connections, and sync with the interviewer. Allocate time for troubleshooting to minimize disruptions during the live session.

By following these steps, you can ensure a successful and impactful AMA session that fosters meaningful engagement with your community and enhances your project’s visibility.

What are the benefits of cryptocurrency AMA sessions?

Cryptocurrency AMA sessions offer several key benefits for projects and their communities:

  1. Direct Engagement: AMAs allow projects to engage directly with their community members, fostering a sense of transparency and trust.
  2. Education: AMAs provide an opportunity to educate the community about the project, its technology, and its vision.
  3. Feedback: Projects can gather valuable feedback from the community during AMAs, helping them improve their offerings and address concerns.
  4. Promotion: AMAs can be used as a promotional tool to generate interest in the project and attract new community members.
  5. Community Building: By hosting regular AMAs, projects can build a strong and loyal community around their brand.
  6. Market Research: Projects can use AMAs to conduct informal market research, gaining insights into the preferences and opinions of their target audience.

How to Find Upcoming Crypto AMA Sessions?

If you want to participate in a crypto AMA interview but don’t know where to find one, here are some tips to help you:

  • The most common platform for AMA sessions is Telegram. These events are usually held on popular crypto channels, so you should conduct your research to find upcoming interviews. Discord and Twitter Spaces are also popular platforms for AMA sessions.
  • Another way to find an upcoming AMA session is to check crypto influencers’ websites and social media profiles. Pay special attention to those who have previously announced AMA sessions.
  • You can find updated information about AMA crypto events on Twitter. Search for publications mentioning hashtags like #AMA, #AMAsession, or other AMA-related hashtags — these will lead you to the right place.
  • Visit Reddit. Search for “crypto AMA” or other related topics to find information about upcoming events, or use a specific subreddit for question-and-answer interviews — such as r/IAmA.

How to Use AMA in Crypto Advertising?

Having explored the concept, workings, and benefits of AMA sessions in the crypto space, let’s delve into how you can leverage them to promote your crypto projects effectively.

Building Brand Awareness

For new crypto projects, establishing brand awareness is paramount. Engaging a wide audience is key. Consider hosting your AMA interviews on guest platforms to reach a larger audience.

Pro tip: Ensure to verify the legitimacy of the platform hosting your AMA. With the proliferation of fake groups, conducting a scam check is essential. As a host, it’s crucial to do your due diligence beforehand.

Generating Leads

AMA sessions are often a great tool for lead generation. For instance, if you collaborate with a crypto influencer with 100,000 followers for a promotional post about your AMA, and half of them — 50,000 — see the post and 1,000 people join your AMA, you’ve successfully gained new social media subscribers, AMA participants, and individuals who have been introduced to your project through a trusted source.

Turning Your Audience into Ambassadors

A successful AMA session that effectively showcases your project’s value can turn enthusiastic attendees into brand ambassadors. They are likely to promote your project on social media, amplifying your reach to thousands of potential investors.

Additionally, if you can demonstrate your project’s potential to your audience, investors may be more inclined to invest early. Even smaller projects have the potential to attract investment when investors recognize their value.


AMA sessions serve as a potent tool for launching and increasing brand visibility for your crypto project. Conducting an AMA fosters candid and transparent communication, laying the foundation for trust and a robust relationship between the project and its backers. Furthermore, these sessions offer valuable feedback and insights to the project team, aiding in product enhancement and a deeper understanding of the audience. Nonetheless, it’s essential to recognize that while AMAs are impactful, they are just a single component of your overall promotional strategy. Reach out to us for assistance in crafting a tailored strategy for your crypto product.

What makes Blockchain App Factory stand out as your choice for a crypto marketing agency?

You’ve dedicated yourself to your project, so you deserve the best crypto marketing services available!

Blockchain App Factory is the ideal partner for launching a successful Crypto AMA. With our marketing expertise and profound understanding of the cryptocurrency industry, we can help you connect with your target audience and produce compelling content that enlightens and engages.

Our committed team stays abreast of the latest industry trends, leveraging them to craft tailored strategies for each client. If you’re seeking a trustworthy partner to assist with your AMA session or devise an impactful marketing strategy, Blockchain App Factory is your go-to choice.

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Wilson jack

Experienced blockchain technical writer with expertise in creating engaging content on Decentralized Technologies, Metaverse, NFTs, and industry trends.