Top 5 Leading Bitcoin Layer 2 Projects of 2024

Zara Zyana
Published in
8 min readApr 16, 2024

As the adoption of Bitcoin continues to surge, scalability and transaction speed remain critical challenges for its widespread use as a medium of exchange. In response, Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions have emerged as vital components in enhancing the scalability and efficiency of the Bitcoin network. These solutions operate atop the base layer of Bitcoin, offering faster and more cost-effective transactions while maintaining the security guarantees of the underlying blockchain.

In this ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, identifying the most promising Layer-2 solutions is paramount for both developers and users alike. This comprehensive review delves into the top five leading Bitcoin Layer-2 solutions of 2024, shedding light on their unique features, functionalities, and contributions to the broader Bitcoin ecosystem.

By examining these innovative projects, we aim to provide valuable insights into the advancements driving Bitcoin’s scalability and usability forward in the year 2024 and beyond.

Understanding Bitcoin Layer-2 Networks

Bitcoin Layer-2 networks refer to secondary protocols or systems built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain to enhance its scalability and functionality. The primary motivation behind Layer-2 solutions is to alleviate the limitations of the Bitcoin network, such as slow transaction processing times and high fees, by offloading some of the transaction volume from the main chain.

One of the key features of Layer-2 networks is their ability to facilitate off-chain transactions. Instead of processing every transaction directly on the Bitcoin blockchain, Layer-2 solutions enable users to conduct transactions off-chain, among themselves or within a specific network. These transactions are then later settled on the main Bitcoin blockchain, reducing the overall burden on the network and improving scalability.

The Mechanics of Bitcoin Layer-2 Solutions

Bitcoin Layer-2 projects work by creating additional layers or systems on top of the main Bitcoin blockchain to address its limitations and enhance its capabilities. Here’s a simplified overview of how they work:

✍️Off-Chain Transactions: Layer-2 solutions enable users to conduct transactions off-chain, meaning these transactions occur outside the main Bitcoin blockchain. Instead of recording every transaction directly on the blockchain, users interact within a separate network or protocol.

✍️Payment Channels: One common approach used in Layer-2 solutions, like the Lightning Network, involves establishing payment channels between users. These channels act as off-chain pathways for transferring Bitcoin. Users can open a payment channel by committing funds to it, and then they can conduct multiple transactions within that channel without involving the main blockchain.

✍️Sidechains: Another method is through sidechains, which are separate blockchains interoperable with the Bitcoin network. Users can transfer assets between the main Bitcoin blockchain and sidechains using a two-way peg mechanism. This allows for experimentation with new features and applications without congesting the main blockchain.

✍️Final Settlement on Main Chain: Although transactions occur off-chain, Layer-2 solutions ensure security by periodically settling the accumulated transactions on the main Bitcoin blockchain. This settlement process involves updating the balances of users involved in the off-chain transactions.

Top Bitcoin Layer-2 projects in 2024

Nervos CKB Blockchain

Nervos CKB Blockchain, also known as the Common Knowledge Base, is a public, open-source blockchain platform designed with a focus on scalability and security.


Unlike traditional blockchains, Nervos has a layered architecture. The core layer, secured by Proof-of-Work, is designed for security and minimal functionality. Higher layers built on top of this base layer handle smart contracts and applications, enabling scalability without compromising security.

  • Security: Nervos leverages Proof-of-Work, a well-established consensus mechanism, to ensure the security and decentralization of the network.
  • Scalability: By separating core functionalities from application layers, Nervos can achieve high transaction speeds through Layer 2 solutions built on top of the secure base layer.
  • CKB Token: The native token of Nervos is called CKByte (CKB). It serves multiple purposes such as storage,staking and transaction fees.

The Stacks Network

The Stacks Network is a layer-2 solution built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, enabling it to support smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). Here’s a closer look at Stacks:

Stacks aims to leverage the security and decentralization of Bitcoin by enabling smart contracts and dApps to be built on it. This unlocks new functionalities for Bitcoin and its vast user base.

Key Features:

  • Bitcoin Layer-2: Stacks operates as a separate blockchain but connects to the Bitcoin blockchain. This allows dApps on Stacks to leverage Bitcoin’s security and benefit from its established network.
  • Smart Contracts: Stacks provides a platform for developers to create and deploy smart contracts, enabling new applications like DeFi, NFTs, and more on the Bitcoin network.
  • Clarity Programming Language: Stacks uses a custom language called Clarity for writing smart contracts. Clarity is designed to be secure, verifiable, and predictable, ensuring the safe execution of smart contracts on the network.
  • STX Token: The Stacks network has its own token, STX. It serves several purposes such as Securing the Network, Transaction Fees and Governance.

Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN)

The Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) is a layer-2 payment protocol built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. It’s designed to address Bitcoin’s limitations in terms of transaction speed and cost. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

Bitcoin itself can handle a limited number of transactions per second (TPS), leading to slow transaction times and high fees during peak usage. The Lightning Network tackles this by enabling off-chain transactions between participants.

How it Works:

  1. Channel Opening: Two parties lock up a certain amount of Bitcoin in a multi-signature transaction on the blockchain. This creates the payment channel.
  2. Off-Chain Transactions: Once the channel is open, both parties can make multiple payments to each other within the channel without involving the main blockchain. These transactions are much faster and cheaper.
  3. Channel Closure: Eventually, when the parties no longer need the channel, they close it. They broadcast a final transaction to the blockchain that settles the final balances.

Liquid Network

Liquid Network is a layer-2 solution built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, designed to address some of Bitcoin’s limitations, particularly in the areas of scalability, confidentiality, and asset issuance. Here’s a closer look:

What it Does:

  • Faster Transactions: Liquid offers faster transaction processing compared to the Bitcoin mainchain, enabling near-instantaneous settlements.
  • Confidential Transactions: Unlike standard Bitcoin transactions, Liquid supports confidential transactions, where specific transaction details like amounts can be hidden from public view.
  • Asset Issuance: Liquid allows for the issuance of various digital assets on its sidechain, including stablecoins, security tokens, and other financial instruments. This opens the door for new use cases within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

How it Works:

  • Sidechain Architecture: Liquid operates as a separate blockchain but is pegged to the Bitcoin blockchain in a 1:1 ratio. This means every unit of Liquid Bitcoin (L-BTC) on the Liquid sidechain is backed by an equivalent amount of Bitcoin locked on the mainchain.
  • Federated Consensus: Unlike Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work, Liquid utilizes a federated consensus mechanism where a consortium of trusted entities validates transactions. This allows for faster block times and transaction processing.


RGB (Ricochet) is not exactly “one-time Bitcoin contracts” for the Lightning Network. It’s a more comprehensive system that enables scalable and private smart contracts on top of Bitcoin, leveraging the Lightning Network for efficient transactions. RGB is an acronym for ‘Really Good Bitcoin’.

Here’s a breakdown of key concepts:

  • Smart Contracts: These are programmable agreements that execute automatically when predefined conditions are met. Traditional blockchains like Ethereum offer smart contracts, but they can be slow and expensive due to limited transaction capacity.
  • Bitcoin: The original and most secure cryptocurrency, but its base layer struggles with scalability for complex smart contracts.
  • Lightning Network (LN): A layer-2 scaling solution for Bitcoin that facilitates faster and cheaper off-chain transactions. However, LN itself doesn’t have built-in smart contract functionality.

RGB bridges the gap:

  • It allows for smart contracts to be defined and executed off-chain, leveraging the efficiency of the Lightning Network.
  • The state of the contract (data like balances, etc.) is not stored directly on the Bitcoin blockchain, which helps with scalability. Instead, commitments to the state are cryptographically anchored on-chain for security.
  • Privacy is enhanced because most contract details remain hidden, only revealed to participants when necessary.


Collaborating with Bitcoin Layer 2 blockchain solutions offers a promising avenue for enhancing scalability, efficiency, and usability within the Bitcoin ecosystem. By leveraging Layer 2 technologies such as the Lightning Network, sidechains, and state channels, developers and businesses can significantly reduce transaction costs and processing times while maintaining the security and decentralization of the underlying Bitcoin blockchain. Through strategic partnerships and integrations with Layer 2 solutions, stakeholders can unlock new opportunities for innovation in areas such as micropayments, decentralized finance, and cross-border transactions, ultimately contributing to the broader adoption and utility of Bitcoin as a global digital currency.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the top five leading Bitcoin Layer-2 solutions of 2024 represent significant strides in addressing the scalability challenges facing the Bitcoin network. Through innovative technologies and approaches, these solutions offer a glimpse into a future where Bitcoin can truly function as a fast, efficient, and scalable medium of exchange. As development continues and adoption grows, these Layer-2 projects will play a pivotal role in unlocking Bitcoin’s full potential as a global digital currency and driving forward the evolution of decentralized finance.

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Zara Zyana

Passionate wordsmith, NFT-gaming enthusiast. Let's build a community around the future of play! NFTs, blockchains, and endless possibilities await.