Web3 Podcast: How Podcast Marketing Can Boost Your Web3 Brand

Jennifer Kate
Published in
6 min readJun 11, 2024
Web3 Podcast

If words like “blockchain,” “NFTs,” or “decentralized revolution” make your heart race, then you’re probably hooked on the potential of Web3. This emerging frontier of the internet is built on empowering users, fostering innovation, and embracing a bit of unpredictable chaos. And guess what? Podcasts are the perfect way to navigate this exciting landscape. They let you delve deep into the tech, philosophy, and projects defining Web3.

Why Start Your Own Web3 Podcast?

Starting your own Web3 podcast can be a game-changer for several reasons:

1. Tap into the Web3 Masterminds: Imagine having in-depth conversations with the developers, visionaries, and rule-breakers of this space. A podcast offers this unique opportunity.

2. Become the Go-To Source: If you have insights and opinions on the Web3 space, share them! Building your reputation as an authority can set you apart.

3. Find Your Web3 Family: Consistently creating engaging content helps build a dedicated fanbase of like-minded enthusiasts.

4. Stand Out from the Crowd: Web3 is teeming with thought leadership — podcasts let you add your voice to the mix and get noticed.

5. The Potential Payoff: While not the main motivator, podcasts can open doors to sponsorships, collaborations, and other exciting opportunities.

Choosing the Right Web3 Podcasting Platform

Getting your Web3 podcast out there is thrilling, but choosing the right hosting platform can be overwhelming. Should you prioritize simplicity for maximum reach or opt for data-rich insights to grow your audience? Let’s dive into some top platforms to help your podcast soar!

1. Anchor: Simplicity and Massive Reach


  • Completely free to use — no storage or bandwidth limits.
  • One-click distribution to all major podcast directories.
  • Spotify integration provides instant access to a colossal audience.
  • Built-in basic editing tools and the ability to record directly in the app.
  • Simple analytics help you track your listener base.


  • Limited features — don’t expect advanced stats or fancy tools.
  • Basic monetization options.
  • Lack of customization for your podcast’s website or branding.

Best For: Beginner podcasters seeking maximum exposure without a steep learning curve. Great for experimenting without any financial investment.

2. Buzzsprout: The Feature-Rich Option


  • In-depth analytics help you truly understand your audience.
  • Automatic transcription turns your episodes into searchable text.
  • Variety of plans to fit different budgets and storage needs.
  • Dynamic ad insertion allows for easy sponsorship slots, even in older episodes.
  • Magic Mastering feature polishes your audio with one click.


  • Paid plans are necessary to unlock its full potential.
  • Might be overwhelming for beginners due to its array of features.

Best For: Podcasters serious about growing their audience. Ideal for those seeking data-driven insights and tools that scale as your podcast grows.

3. Riverside.fm: Guest Interview Excellence


  • Crystal-clear audio and video, perfect for remote recording sessions.
  • Separate tracks for each speaker make editing a breeze.
  • Live streaming capability to platforms like YouTube for additional reach.
  • Intuitive interface even for those who aren’t particularly tech-savvy.


  • Can get pricey, especially if recording high-quality video for many guests.
  • Focuses on the recording process itself, not on distribution or analytics.

Best For: Podcasters who rely heavily on interviews, want pristine audio/video quality, and want to simplify the technical side of remote conversations.

4. Podbean: The Budget-Friendly All-Rounder


  • Affordable plans with decent storage and analytics.
  • User-friendly with enough features to satisfy most podcasters.
  • Built-in website creation for your podcast.
  • Live streaming options for audience interaction.
  • Integrated monetization opportunities.


  • Lacks standout features compared to Buzzsprout or Riverside.fm.
  • Some advanced tools are locked behind higher-priced plans.

Best For: Podcasters wanting the essentials without breaking the bank, while still valuing a balance of features and ease of use.

5. Substack: For Community and Direct Support


  • Great for building a tight-knit community of paid subscribers.
  • Newsletter integration allows communication beyond episodes.
  • Option to have free and paid podcast tiers.
  • Prioritizes direct connection with fans and supporters.


  • Not the most robust platform for podcasting specifically.
  • Limited distribution compared to dedicated podcast hosts.
  • Slower audience growth with less discoverability on traditional podcast apps.

Best For: Content creators focusing on strong community aspects, valuing direct support from listeners, and potentially already using Substack for written content.

Essential Web3 Podcasting Equipment

Let’s talk gear. Clear, professional-sounding podcasts require some investment in equipment, but don’t let the world of microphones and software intimidate you. Here’s the lowdown:

1. Start with What You Have: Many smartphones have decent built-in mics these days. Get started, perfect your delivery, and see if you even enjoy podcasting before investing in fancy gear.

2. Upgrade in Stages: Begin with a basic USB microphone — they’re affordable and sound surprisingly good. As your audience grows, invest in higher-end options like an XLR mic.

3. Sound Treatment Matters: Sometimes, making your room quieter has more impact than upgrading your mic. Use pillows and blankets to absorb excess noise, making a noticeable difference.

4. Editing is Your Secret Weapon: Free software like Audacity can work wonders. Clean up your audio, remove those “ums” and “ahs,” and you’ll sound polished, even with a basic mic.

Growing Your Audience with Big-Name Web3 Guests

Big-name guests can add rocket fuel to your Web3 podcast. They bring fresh perspectives, expert knowledge, and serious credibility. But how do you make yourself stand out in a crowded space and convince them your show is worth their time? Let’s uncover the secrets to landing your dream interviews.

How to Land Those Big-Name Web3 Guests

1. Hone Your Niche: Don’t be a generalist. A focused podcast on, say, NFT art platforms, has a clearer appeal than a broad Web3 show. Guests want to know their expertise aligns with your audience.

2. Do the Deep Dive: Before reaching out, become a temporary expert on the person’s work. Read their articles, listen to their interviews, follow their social media. This makes your approach more compelling.

3. Genuine is Gold: Forget copy-paste mass emails. Craft a personalized pitch showcasing why YOU are excited about THEM. Compliment a specific project, reference an insightful Twitter thread… show you’re a fan, not just a slot-filler.

4. Make It About Them: Your job is to make THEM look good. Explain how your podcast is an opportunity to share their insights and raise their profile in the space.

5. Sell the Value: Is your audience full of devs eager for tech talk? Do you have a loyal following known for insightful discussion? Highlight the unique value you bring to the guest.

6. Flexibility is Key: Top Web3 personalities are busy. Offer options for dates/times, be understanding about rescheduling, and be gracious if they ultimately decline.

7. Tech Check: Especially for remote interviews, offer a pre-recording tech check. This eases their anxieties about sound quality or connection issues.

8. Hype Them Up: Promote the episode vigorously before release. Tag the guest on social media, share snippets if they provide them. Show you’re committed to making them shine.

Web3 Podcast Marketing for Business

In the fast-paced and often technical world of Web3, podcasts offer businesses a unique marketing edge. Unlike traditional advertising, podcasts foster trust and build deep connections with a niche audience. Their long-form nature allows businesses to showcase expertise, establish thought leadership, and position themselves as go-to resources in the Web3 space. This opens the door for a variety of marketing benefits, including:

1. Lead Generation: Attract potential clients or collaborators aligned with your message.

2. Brand Awareness: Build credibility and name recognition within the Web3 community.

3. Audience Engagement: Create a loyal following passionate about your niche.

4. Partnership Opportunities: Connect with potential partners and influencers through interviews and collaborations.

5. Talent Attraction: Position your business as innovative and forward-thinking to appeal to top Web3 talent.


Podcasting in the Web3 space opens doors to a uniquely engaged community. Dive in and make connections with fellow creators, engage with your audience, and embrace the collaborative nature of Web3 Marketing. By working together, we can produce incredible content, spark meaningful discussions, and help shape the future of this exciting decentralized world.

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Jennifer Kate

I am a professionally qualified content writer with 6 years experience. I’m cool and very passionate about writing.