Cryptonom Development Update — 2/3/23

Published in
7 min readFeb 4, 2023

Hey peeps!

Hope you all are having a great 2023 so far! It’s been a long while since we’ve done an article so we figured it was time. We want to let the community know our path forward, what we have in store in the near future and beyond.

Current Status

We are currently about 90% done with our internal game build which includes updated battle logic, progression board updates, Frozen Tundra and Electric Forest procedural Zone integration, as well as some other features. We have roughly one month worth of work left, plus playtesting, and then implementing the blockchain portion (our next big step) of the game after that’s complete.

We’ll also be updating the website (specifically the Roadmap and Pix portions) as things have changed and need to be adjusted appropriately so stay tuned for those updates too.

The demo, which is currently playable at, has been received with great feedback overall and we were able to implement some community-led changes to make the game better. We have a fully playable game that’s pretty fun to play, and we’re super proud of that.

Moving Forward

With that being said, the blockchain side of the game is tricky to say the least. We are exploring other avenues (chains and technology) to see what fits best with our ideology while keeping our current OG holders in mind. Enjin’s tech and Efinity may very well be the ultimate end-game solution (God-mode) but it has yet to materialize. Instead of implementing Jumpnet, then having to implement Efinity when it’s ready, we see another possible solution in Altura.

In fact, there are other Enjin games that have switched over already (or are thinking about it) and the beauty of Altura is that we can operate on any chain while still honoring all OG assets; a win-win in our opinion. This decision has not been finalized but it’s the closest ‘best case’ solution we’ve seen and will require minimal extra work on either side to implement. We are NOT abandoning any assets we have created and will continue to honor all assets going forward.

Those OG assets you all have been holding will be deeply embedded into gameplay, offer functionality that we have yet to announce and will play pivotal roles within the overall NOM ecosystem indefinitely. Rest assured that we will do everything to strike a fair balance between OG asset functionality and new player progression.

Bringing Aethos to life

Once our game is done we want it to be accessible to all and give everyone the chance to explore our game while having fun without paying anything upfront. Every player will be able to experience the game minus one thing: Using capsules to capture NOMs.

In other words: Everybody can try the game and get a feel for if they would like to support us. When you are ready to play long term, earn blockchain assets and participate in the upcoming PvP additions, you will then need a one-time-purchase in the form of a License.

With that being said there are two types of Licenses we are introducing to our ecosystem.

1 — Trainer License — If you want to capture NOMs within the game, blockchain or simulated, you will need a Trainer License. These licenses are super inexpensive [$10 or .008 ETH] and will have an unlimited supply so no FOMO necessary.

Without a Trainer License players will still be able to play the game to get a feel for how it works but won’t be able to capture NOMs.

The Trainer License is available for purchase here:

Trainer License Open Sale

2 Legacy License — This License grants all the benefits a Trainer License would but also includes additional utility with access to future perks and functionality:

-1 Free Cryptonom Pix mint claim

-1 Free Season Pass claim per year (soulbound)

Did we mention the story of Cryptonom will be told via Seasons? With the Legacy License, players will be able to claim 1 Season Pass per year to experience the story we’ve been crafting for Cryptonom.

The Legacy License supply maxes out at 1250, available to purchase for $50 or .03 ETH and will be available until sold out.

Some additional details on both Licenses below:

-Season Passes will be claimed as soulbound tokens (non-transferrable) and will not stack.

-The Season Pass claim for the Legacy License will NOT be stackable but the free NOM Pix mint WILL be stackable depending on how many Legacy Licenses are held within the holder’s wallet.

-Both the Trainer License and the Legacy License give the player the ability to capture NOMs, blockchain and simulated, forever.

-All OG NOM asset holders (snapshot already taken) are eligible for 1 Legacy License (just pay gas to claim once available).

All OGs can claim their free Legacy License at the link below:

Legacy License OG Claim

Those looking to purchase a Legacy License can go here:

Legacy License Limited Sale

These two items will allow us to fund development while bolstering our ecosystem in meaningful ways and providing a bot-free experience.

Please keep in mind that these are the only confirmed functions of the Legacy License at the moment 🤐 and features are subject to change based off of community feedback.

Cryptonom Pix

We’re also making some adjustments to Pix, there won’t be any redemption of Mint Passes, you’ll simply mint an unrevealed Pix NFT, with a reveal sometime shortly after the initial launch. The only way to mint a Cryptonom Pix will be by grabbing a Legacy License, so keep that in mind. The max supply for Pix will be lowered to 1250 to match the Legacy License.

The images and assets are completely done for Pix but we need to run some more tests for quality control, stay tuned.

OG NOM Assets

We also realize that some peeps may have questions about the original NOM assets minted with Enjin backing, here’s a breakdown on what role they play within our ecosystem:

1st Edition NOMs — our first limited supply NOMs, each representing a monster, with a max supply of 100 (most with far less). These NOMs will have a special in-game function similar to re-rolls (more on that in a later article)

Path Founder’s Token (stackable) — These tokens, each representing a Path within the game (Champion, Guardian, Architect and Explorer) will grant the player an in-game supply drop at the beginning of each season that coincides with the associated Path.

Multiverse Founder’s Token (not stackable) — These tokens will grant a passive bonus in-game to the player’s Reputation. Reputation is what your End-of-Season Rewards will be based on.

Gear/Relics — Able to be equipped in game and will represent different advantages, buffs, effects, etc. to add to the strategy of building your loadout when adventuring in a Zone.

Zone Ownership Tokens (ZOT) — Owners of these tokens will have the ability to operate all 6 Zones in a server-like fashion. Control entry fees, prizes, compete against other Zone owners to gain items to use in your own adventures, or use those winnings to buff your Zones and entice more players to your player-owned Zones. Much more on this later but we want the game-owned zones and player-owned zones to feed off of each other in a symbiotic relationship. Also please note that this is quite a ways off as we want to build out the base game first and get all the pieces in place.

Cryptonom Pix — These cute/silly/fun PFPs of your favorite NOMs will have future utility in the game itself. At the very least, use them as your online profile pic, or for possible in-game customization.

We want your feedback!

We want to make the best game possible and to do that we need you, the community, to help us in crafting the game we all want to play. Hit us up on our social channels and let us know what we can do!

Thanks for reading!

— Will M.

[The Cryptonom squad consists of: Will M, Chris M, Ramon V, James M and Bill M. Special recognition to: Danil, Archon, Kyle, Sheepgod, Jen M, Jacob F, and Russell F. Artist: Morgan G.]




Cryptonom is a blockchain-powered digital creature ecosystem backed by the Enjin Platform and powered by Godot. Telegram: @cryptonomofficial #CatchNOMs