Cryptonom Development Update — Cryptonom Pix — 12/30/21

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7 min readDec 30, 2021

Hey peeps!

We know it’s been pretty quiet around the NOMverse but we’re still building (slowly but surely)! We have a good bit of info for you in this article including some fun and exciting things we’ve been working on. So, let’s get to it!

For those unfamiliar with Cryptonom here’s a brief explainer:

Cryptonom is a free-to-play, exploration-focused, turn-based RPG featuring unique creatures called NOMs that can be captured, leveled-up, and traded (on the Ethereum Blockchain) — all powered by the Enjin platform.

Gather your desired party and venture through 6 varied Zones populated with quests, NOMs, unique landmarks, and characters to discover! Witness the growth in strength of your NOMs as they level-up on a visualized progression board. Utilize an array of tools designed to give you an edge in battle like potions, craft-able consumables, Relics, and powerful Summons.

Choose which Path(s) fit your gameplay style best and reap Path-based rewards as you increase ranking through a non-linear character progression system.

Delve into a story of conflict and struggle as you learn about the past and present of the NOMverse in order to decide the future of its inhabitants.

Cryptonom, from the initial concept till now, has been in development for almost three and a half years (although it feels much longer 😅). From collectible cards in the beginning, to a full blown turn-based monster-capturing RPG, we’ve gone through many changes along the way.

We released our MVP demo back in March of this year and we received mostly positive feedback with peeps wanting more (of course).

A quick glimpse of stats from then till now:

-over 2000+ registered players

-over 4000+ NOMs captured

-over 28000+ battles completed

-over 125+ King Enjileons defeated

For us, personally, we know development has been slow, but we’re still here and we’re still building, bit by bit, every single day; it may not be something big or something public, but Cryptonom is being built all the same. We appreciate our community with all of the feedback we’ve received from the start and we look forward to continuing this trend! 😁

In all honesty, it wasn’t until recently that we really started to realize that this was more than a game, more than just a single experience; Cryptonom is an IP/brand that we want to bring to as many players as possible.

How could we build on what we currently have without taking away development time on the game itself AND handle it in a super meaningful way?

That’s where Cryptonom Pix comes in.

Cryptonom Pix is a collection of 3250 randomly generated, hand-drawn NOM portraits from our artist Morgan with the backdrops done by Danil Pan. These NOMs can be seen having the best times of their lives, while mixing in a variety of expressions, accessories, skins, backdrops, etc., to capture the pure essence of this lighthearted getaway.

What about the lore for Pix?

Here’s a brief overview, with more to come soon:

In Aethos, each year there is a massive festival that the Overseers throw for everyone. Here, trainers bring their NOMs for a ton of fun activities, meet fellow trainers, and participate in competitions (unrelated to battling).

Two photographers, Digi and Snap, handle the responsibility of capturing these fun, silly, and (sometimes) slightly annoyed NOM portraits for the trainers of Aethos.

We’ll have much more on these characters and the overall feel of Pix once our new website is live.

How does it work?

With Cryptonom Pix there are phases and here’s a breakdown of how things will work:

Phase 1 — Owners of Cryptonom-related assets mainnet or jumpnet (snapshot already taken), are whitelisted to redeem a Founder’s Mint Pass (Gold/Black pass) via our mint page (once the site is live) for FREE. All you will have to do is pay gas to do so. If you qualify but don’t want to redeem your pass, that’s perfectly fine. There will be a timeframe of approximately 10 days to ensure peeps mint one when gas fees on ETH are low.

Phase 2 — To obtain a Community Mint Pass (Purple/Gold pass) we will be whitelisting via contests, competitions, giveaways, collaborations and other Twitter/Telegram/Discord events. Obtaining a whitelist spot will guarantee your address qualifies for a max of 3 Community Mint Passes, at .05 ETH per pass, when the date comes to mint. If you are whitelisted, you will have a specified timeframe in order to get your Community Mint Pass while ensuring peeps can take advantage of low gas.

Phase 3 — IF there are any remaining Mint Passes left, the Public Mint Pass (Blue/Silver pass) would then be open, again at a specified time after the Community Pass phase, at .06 ETH per mint pass.

Phase 4 — Burn your Mint Pass for a Cryptonom Pix NFT by visiting our site on a specified date AFTER the public sale has occured. Your Mint Pass would then be burned and you would receive 1 Cryptonom Pix NFT in exchange for your burned Mint Pass. The image of the Cryptonom Pix NFT, you burned your Mint Pass for, would then be revealed shortly thereafter.

It’s also important to note that there is no time limit on when you would need to burn your Mint Pass.

Royalties for both the Mint Pass and Pix collections will be set at 10%, here’s the breakdown:

-5% back to the team for funding/sustainability

-3% to the game fund for tournaments/prize pool allocation

-2% to an Artist’s fund, these funds will be used to commission artists to do pieces for us, to then be used as prizes in tournaments or giveaways for Mint Pass/Pix holders

Why an Artist’s Fund?

We feel that with the Artist’s Fund we can make a positive difference within the art community. Commissioning artists with secondary royalties feeds money back into a positive feedback loop for our project and helps artists with paid work.

This means that YOU will have direct access to unique 1/1’s of pieces that won’t be available anywhere else and that ONLY Cryptonom Mint Pass/Pix NFT holders are eligible for. This also means that YOU will have an impact on the decision making of how the Artist Fund is utilized (ex. What artist should we commission? What NOM or character from our universe should we get drawn up? etc.)

We’ve worked with artists on other collaborations before and we look forward to putting this initiative in place!

Do the Mint Passes — Founder, Community & Public — function differently?

The ONLY difference between the 3 mint passes, beyond their looks, is the Founder’s Mint Pass will also double as your admission to our Early Access release of the game once we’re to that point.

Early Access will be a HUGE milestone for us and the first time peeps get to see the in-game economy, capture on-chain NOMs, and possibly take part in tournaments via PVP for ultra rare game items/crypto prizes. This all circles back to benefiting YOU, the player, as we progress onwards.

We’ll have more details on additional unlocked functionality of ALL Mint Passes before we launch.

Are these Mint Passes and Cryptonom Pix Enjin-related?

The Mint Passes (ERC 1155) and Cryptonom Pix (ERC 721) are not Enjin-based but both will help build out the Cryptonom IP, along with the NOM Battle Bot, to become the 3rd pillar within the Cryptonom umbrella of experiences for players.

How are you going to tie in the game and NOM battle bot with Pix?

We have milestones, based off of the number of mint passes sold, that will allow us to ensure the funds raised go towards the game to push development further and much faster than before. With that in mind we have specific plans to incorporate the Mint Passes and the final revealed Cryptonom Pix tokens themselves. We want each pillar within the NOM ecosystem to have a place and not feel tacked on. This is a priority and absolutely essential for us.

That about wraps up the Cryptonom Pix news for now! Much more to come via our social channels very soon!

In other news, up until now we have primarily relied on mostly freelancers with Tim and Ramon working part time to deliver updates to the game. I’m extremely pleased to announce that Ramon will be working on the game full time starting the 1st of January! We were able to acquire a bit of funding from a community-owned DAO which was a big help to get this done!

As we mentioned previously, we are working on a brand new website, that will include more info on Cryptonom Pix, and we’ll continue to build on the structure we set. Our own official Discord will be launched very soon as well, along with a downloadable version of our demo with some QOL improvements, so be on the look out!

We are extremely pumped to get everything out in the open and in the community’s hands! Thanks for sticking with us and riding it out, we appreciate you all!

Stay tuned for more info and news on everything Cryptonom-related via our social channels!

For feedback, comments, and questions, feel free to drop us a line at!

Thanks for reading!

— Will M.

[The Cryptonom squad consists of: Will M, Tim S, Ramon V, James M and Bill M. Special recognition to: Danil, Archon, Kyle, Chris, Sheepgod, Jen M, Jacob F, and Russell F. Artist: Morgan G.]




Cryptonom is a blockchain-powered digital creature ecosystem backed by the Enjin Platform and powered by Godot. Telegram: @cryptonomofficial #CatchNOMs