Public Demo v2 Launch! [3/30/21]

Published in
5 min readMar 31, 2021

Hey peeps!

We know it’s been a while, but here we are, ready to launch our v2 public demo tomorrow, 3/31/21, around 1PM EST! We have been hard at work, adding and adjusting front end and back end functions / features / bug squashing so we hope you all enjoy it!

Let’s get to it!

First, here is a rundown of some helpful info to bring anybody new to Cryptonom up to speed!


  • NOM: Numerical Order of Monsters / Numerically Ordered Monsters
  • Simulated NOM: Centralized / Account specific NOM (local / non-blockchain NOM), these are sent to your party or storage upon a successful capture.
  • Wild NOM: Blockchain / Tokenized NOM, these are sent to your wallet upon a successful capture.
  • Hub: Where the player starts that also acts as a ‘home’ for the player, within Cryptonom.
  • Capsule: Used to capture NOMs
  • Progression Board: Used to level up your NOMs by spending XP earned in battle on different attributes.
  • Zone: These are the different ‘worlds’ or environments within Cryptonom. Each Zone contains different NOMs to capture!
  • Darkness: Mysterious adversaries within the Cryptonom universe that can be battled but cannot be caught.
  • Kovan: An Ethereum (blockchain) test network that we are using for our public demo.

Set up

When you first go to the game will load most of the data needed in one shot, so it could take a few minutes for the initial start up to complete.

Once loaded, you can create an account username / password combo and, for the best experience, we highly recommend downloading the Enjin wallet and linking it immediately (there is a helpful prompt that pops up with the info needed to do so 😉).

Once the Enjin wallet has been downloaded, one necessary additional step, specifically in terms of the demo, will need to be done.

Brilliantly explained by Esther, from Enjin:

To enable Developer mode, navigate to your wallet settings. At the very bottom of the page, you will see the Enjin Wallet version, which will appear something like the following: (this will vary depending on which version of the app you are using).You will need to Tap on the wallet version 10 times. As you go through this process, you will receive notification pop-ups indicating “You are now x steps away from being a developer.” after the 10th tap, you will receive the final notification pop-up indicating that “You are now a developer!”

Once you create an account and link your Enjin wallet, you’re ready to play!


Once you’re loaded into the game itself, you’ll find that you are now in the Hall portion of the game’s Hub. You can talk to Danil, our resident hype man, to get you pumped up and then proceed to the Terminal to travel to a Zone!

Danil, our resident hype man. 😃
Visiting the Terminal will allow you to travel to different Zones within Cryptonom.

Now, before you’re able to travel to a Zone, you will need to confirm a few things at the Zone Prep screen. You will need to select the Zone / Tier to travel to (Frozen Tundra — Tier 1 is the only available Zone / Tier in this version of the demo), the NOMs you are taking in (maximum of 3), what items you want to bring in your Pack, and the Gear you wish to equip [see images below]. Currently there are limited options to choose from, but you’ll need to make your selections regardless.

Choose your NOMs then confirm ->
Choose your items then confirm ->
Choose your gear then you’re all set to Travel!

Once you’re all set, proceed to ‘Travel’ and you’re ready to enter the Frozen Tundra!


Within the Frozen Tundra you can battle or capture simulated / wild NOMs (Enjileon & Litikat are available for the demo 😁). You will also run into Darkness, mysterious enemies within the Cryptonom universe, that can be battled but not captured. Important reminder: As long as you have your Enjin blockchain wallet linked (and followed the setup intstructions), whenever a wild NOM is captured, you’ll receive it straight to your digital wallet!

As you battle NOMs and gain XP from victories, you can go to the Progression Board to spend earned XP to ‘level up’ your NOMs. On the Progession Board itself, you will start out with only one tile to unlock, then a few more, and then more and more as you move through confirming the tiles you choose. These unlocked (then confirmed) tiles will grant your NOM increases in Attack, Defense, Agility, HP, or new moves! 😏

Unlock tiles on the Progression Board to ‘level up’ your NOMs!

There’s also a small percentage chance of encountering a King Enjileon, but beware, if you have not progressed your NOMs via the Progression Board enough, he’ll wreck you. 😅 Good luck!

That about sums it up! We hope you all enjoy the demo and we look forward to the feedback to continue to make the game better! Please keep in mind that demo progress won’t carry over to the full release along with the account you create. Check out our social channels to stay up to date with all our relevant news / updates!

For feedback, comments, and questions, feel free to drop us a line at!

Thanks for reading!

— Will M.

[The Cryptonom squad consists of: Will M, Tim S, Ramon V, James M and Bill M. Special recognition to: Danil, Archon, Jacob F, Russell F, and Amy K. Artist: Morgan G.]




Cryptonom is a blockchain-powered digital creature ecosystem backed by the Enjin Platform and powered by Godot. Telegram: @cryptonomofficial #CatchNOMs