New Source Ratings feature, New Listing Principles and more about How We List Sources on CryptoPanic.

Kaspars Sprogis
Published in
4 min readOct 10, 2018

We believe one of the CryptoPanic most valuable features is selection of its sources. If we would approve all the news sources that are submitted, we would end up with 150+ more sources on our aggregator, however we care about quality and diversity over quantity.

Most problematic issues with sources are scaling reviewal process and also effectively re-evaluating sources over time as for some quality may be great when we list them and may significantly drop over time.

With increasing amount of toxic news (FUD, fake, shill, paid posts) it was time to rethink our listing process to make reviewals faster, more transparent and also to give more power to users over the news they can see on CryptoPanic.

Before we had only two states for the sources: Approved or Rejected/Delisted. In many cases delisting for small violations (occasional FUD posts made by certain authors) right away is too aggressive move, so we decided we need better control over this issue.

CryptoPanic Source Ratings

From now on each news source will receive CryptoPanic rating from 1 to 3 stars. 3-star sources will have 100% exposure in Top News feed. 2-star sources — 50% exposure and 1-star sources will have 0% exposure in Top News however their news will be shown in Search, News Sites feed and also in Coin views.

Sources are rated by closed group of full time cryptocurrency readers who know each news piece very well and can quickly spot any FUD, fake, duplicate/copied posts. New ratings will allow us to list new sources much easier with 2-star rating at first giving all sources equal chance to increase exposure on CryptoPanic if their news are proven to be good quality or decrease rating over time if we notice too much low quality or toxic posts.

You can see source rating and more stats in the new dedicated Source view together with more stats.

You can get to Source view by clicking on Source name in any news post.
Example on DecryptMedia details page

Notes: Existing sources may have special “Not Rated” (100% coverage) notice until we re-rate all of them. Single coin related news sources does not have ratings as these news are shown only in relation to coin and in “Following” feed.

More Control to All Users

We think users shouldn’t go PRO only to disable news sources they don’t like, therefore now all users will be able to Disable any News Source for themselves to stop seeing news from it. In the future our group of reviewers may start taking into account how many users have disabled certain news source and consider rating change for specific source.

Leave feedback about News Source

We’re expanding our comments feature and now you can comment directly on the News Source. We care what you think about the news sources we list and I’ve received feedback from source owners they care what you think too. Reasoned feedback is always welcome!

If you’re a news source owner, you can subscribe to comment notifications on your source and feel free to reply to users and provide response.

To finalise this post I’d like to explain in sequence how source listing will work from now:

How to Get Listed

In order to get listed on CryptoPanic aggregator source needs to fill form, check if they match all our default criteria and agree to our terms:

Once we receive submissions it gets to queue where we review sources in the order of submission.

Our head of reviewers team verifies if website matches default terms and approves or rejects initial submissions and new sources get listed with 1-star rating, 0% coverage in Top News, yet aggregated on CryptoPanic and still having exposure in multiple areas on CryptoPanic. Now our team of reviewers start rating newly listed sources and as soon as source is reviewed by at least two members the rating gets published (using average rating + and if needed rounding with optimistic and source friendly — ceiling algorithm).

We have intended to get through the existing queue (150+) of submitted sites in closest weeks and hopefully in future to get listed and rated won’t take more than a week.

To Summarize

We believe these new features will give more transparency on listings, more control to users, more feedback to news source owners, all sources will have equal chance to prove themselves over time and overall quality of news you read on CryptoPanic will keep improving.

If you’d like to get involved more, help curating sources or just hang out, join our telegram:

Feedback as always is welcomed and you can leave your comments on these new features on post.


After considering and trying out feature for first week, we have decided not to make ratings public as that may confuse users and also site owners. This rating is rating within our platform and rating alone isn’t indicative. Our algorithms take into account many more variables to “decide” whether news post will be shown to a user, like coins user is following, duplication/similarity with previous posts, etc.

