January 2019 Revenue Report Analysis

Melissa Adams
The CPAY Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2019

It’s been a hectic start to the year and January has already passed! In December we shared our total monthly revenue and revenue share per 100 CPAY information, you can view it here. Find below insights into performances from the month just passed.

The Numbers
Total January 2019 revenue: € 129,506

January 2019 Revenue share: € 12,951

Share per 100 CPAY: € 0.014

Distribution date: February 8th, 2019

The new 2019 year has begun exactly as we expected for the crypto-market — January has historically proven to be calm in terms of trading volumes and the past month followed this forecast.

Bitcoin’s price has been declining gradually from 3,650 EUR to approximately 3,000 EUR according to all major exchanges, so did the activity of Cryptopay’s B2B customers — this stream of revenue has decreased by 33%, while B2B income still maintains almost half of the total January 2019 proceeds.

The good news is that in spite of the overall market lull, Cryptopay wallet revenue from B2C customers remained flat in comparison to December 2018. Proceeds from our individual clients’ transactions in the wallet, form another significant part of total company’s income (approximately 40%) and the dynamics look promising.

And lastly, commissions on purchases of crypto-currencies from debit/credit cards is slowly growing but it is still less than 10% of the aggregate figure. At the moment we see this product as a fresh and easy-to-refine service that we can use to test new market hypotheses and build efficient processes inside the company.

Future Outlook
As of yesterday, our company’s Board were assessing the budgets and forecasts for the upcoming 2019 year. The discussion is still in progress, but it is already clear that we will be pursuing very challenging goals in terms of our customer base and revenue increment. The main bets are made on the launch of long-awaited EU card program and the extensive growth of our B2B business.

Moreover our new marketing team from the UK is already working on the overall Cryptopay brand image so look out for our new and improved branding and socials.

On all things B2B, our team have had a strong start to 2019. January saw the highest number of processing agreements signed ever for the team, and we’re strengthening our product by joining forces with a number of strategic partners.

The team have just returned from a successful show at the ICE Totally Gaming Exhibition, during those 3 days we met and opened dialog with merchants, payment solution providers, and regulators. The team are optimistic and expecting strong growth in 2019.

ICE Totally Gaming Exhibition

We’ve had inquiries about crypto-currency purchases from debit/credit cards, this product is currently evolving — during January 2019 our team have introduced instant purchase of LTC and XRP, increased limits mechanics and localizations.

We’re also looking forward to card advancements and confidently becoming a sustainable revenue stream for the whole business. What are you looking forward to this year? Let us know.

