Bitcoin’s Daily Action: Mind-Blowing Stats You Won’t Believe!

Bitcoin’s Daily Usage: Insights into its Growing Popularity

Will Martin
3 min readJun 10, 2024


In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin stands as the flagship, setting the pace for innovation and adoption. As the pioneer digital currency, Bitcoin continues to attract attention, not only from investors and enthusiasts but also from everyday users.

Transactions in the Last 24 Hours

Over the past day, the Bitcoin blockchain recorded an impressive 868,234 transactions. This figure illustrates the bustling activity within the Bitcoin network, showcasing the continuous flow of value across the decentralized ecosystem.

On average, this equates to approximately 36,176 transactions per hour, underscoring the consistent demand for Bitcoin’s utility and functionality.

Bitcoins Sent in the Last 24 Hours

A total of 78,794 BTC, equivalent to a staggering $5,482,094,553 in value, were sent across the Bitcoin network in the past day alone. This substantial volume of transactions highlights the widespread use of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange and store of value.

Despite fluctuations in market sentiment, Bitcoin’s resilience is evident in its ability to facilitate significant value transfers on a daily basis.

Active Addresses in the Last 24 Hours

Within the same timeframe, there were 543,732 unique addresses actively participating in transactions on the Bitcoin network. These active addresses represent real individuals and entities engaging with Bitcoin, whether it be through sending or receiving funds.

This metric offers valuable insight into the growing community of users embracing Bitcoin for various purposes, ranging from peer-to-peer transactions to investment strategies.

How Many People Use Bitcoin?

Inside Bitcoin’s Wallets: A Simple Wealth Analysis

To gauge the number of individuals using Bitcoin, we can examine the distribution of wallet values. Over 25 million addresses hold Bitcoin valued at $1 or more, indicating widespread participation.

Notably, approximately 9 million addresses possess over $100 worth of Bitcoin, showing continued interest. Moreover, around 3 million addresses hold assets exceeding $1,000, signifying deeper involvement.

Interestingly, over 1 million addresses own assets surpassing $10,000, reflecting substantial investment. While a smaller percentage controls higher sums, such as over $10 million, the data overall suggests a diverse user base with varying levels of engagement in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Google Trends for “Bitcoin”

The key stats outlined above offer a glimpse into the vibrant ecosystem of Bitcoin usage on a daily basis. With a thriving network of transactions, significant value transfers, and a growing community of active participants, Bitcoin remains at the forefront of the digital currency revolution.



Will Martin

Catching the latest trends in #crypto, tracking prices, researching #blockchain, and exploring the potential of this #Defi.