Introducing: Demo Version of WatchDog

Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2018

This is a really important and exciting day for us and our community. As we said in our last announcement, we have switched our main focus from the Token Sale to the development of the WatchDog notification system. It has been an exciting period, diving fully into extreme programming mode and bringing our idea from scratch to a real working prototype. Now we are ready to present you with the WatchDog 0.1.6 and show you some of its possibilities.

We have already introduced you to our WatchDog product, but in case you missed it, WatchDog is a notification system that notifies users about scams and red flags on the Internet.

The most common question we receive about WatchDog is, “How will WatchDog get information in order to provide protection?” This is where the “wisdom of the crowd” will come into action, and this wisdom will come from all of YOU.

That’s why we invite YOU ALL to join the global fight against scam and start using our WatchDog notification system to help us test this demo and improve our technology.


  1. Download MetaMask extension, install it and switch to the Ropsten Test Net. In case you already have Metamask, you only have to switch to the Ropsten Test Net.
  2. Download and install the demo version of WatchDog from the Chrome web store.
  3. If you would like to submit reports, you should add Ethereum to your MetaMask account. To do that, follow this link and send the test ETH to your MetaMask account. Ethereum will be used to pay for gas (transaction fee).

We also encourage everyone to start the training in our CryptoPolice Academy to become CryptoPolice Officers, because these people will be the ones who will start the testing of our algorithm and verify all the reports that we will receive. Remember, first 1000 Officers won’t have to own and maintain at least 1000 OfficerCoins in total to receive and keep the position of an Officer.

Now, let’s have a closer look at the demo version and its functions. The version of WatchDog you see today is only a demo version with basic functionality: we are still developing the main features of the product, like the multi-level verification algorithm, together with the Information Technology Institute of Riga Technical University.

The main goal we want to achieve with this demo version is to test the technology and get early feedback from the community and our partners.

Here is the general functionality of this demo version we plan to test along with the community:


  • Protection (blocking/redirecting) — If you enter a website that is already listed in our database as a phishing scam, you will automatically be redirected to the Watchdog website to see all the reports.
  • Reporting — You have the opportunity to send in a report about a specific website that you believe is phishing website.

Investment scams

  • “Red flag” Notification — Users will receive notifications about all verified “red flags” found on the website, and will also have the opportunity to see the number of reports that have been submitted about the specific website.
  • Reporting — You can send in a report about specific red flags and facts that indicate that this website has the signs of an investment scam.

Fake projects

  • “Red flag” Notification — Users will receive notifications about all verified “red flags” found on the website, and will also have the opportunity to see the number of reports that have been submitted about the specific project.
  • Reporting — You are able to send in a report about specific facts that indicate that the project is actually fake, and has the intention to steal money or personal data.

By downloading and using our demo version of WatchDog, you will become part of the test group and you will be able to send your feedback and receive rewards for your input.
Click the button “SEND FEEDBACK” in the WatchDog plugin and fill in the form to send your feedback to us.


  1. Download MetaMask extension, install it and switch to the Ropsten Test Net. In case you already have Metamask, you only have to switch to the Ropsten Test Net.
  2. Download and install the demo version of WatchDog from the Chrome web store
  3. If you would like to submit reports, you should add Ethereum to your MetaMask account. To do that, follow this link and send the test ETH to your MetaMask account. Ethereum will be used to pay for gas (transaction fee).

We are thrilled to finally give you a look at our product and would greatly appreciate it if you would download the extension and see what benefits it could bring you. We will be constantly updating and improving WatchDog according to our plan and based on your feedback.

Feel free to follow us on social media and our blog to stay up to date with everything that is going on at CryptoPolice. If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, you’re always welcome to chat with us on Telegram!




CryptoPolice is a platform that helps bring together community and technology in order to safeguard online users against fraud.