WatchDog Alpha 0.2.0 Is Live

Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2018

Our developers and programmers have been working hard for past few weeks to deliver the newest version of our WatchDog Alpha (0.2.0).

Now, let’s have a closer look at the demo version and its functions. The version of WatchDog you see today is only a demo version with basic functionality:we are still developing the main features of the product, like the multi-level verification algorithm, together with the Information Technology Institute of Riga Technical University.

The main goal we want to achieve with this demo version is to test the technology and get early feedback from the community and our partners.

It has been an exciting experience for us and so here are the main updates we made to WatchDog extension.

1. We implemented a Bridge technology into our algorithms that allow more seamless conversation between Blockchain and servers.

Many popular web APIs, like the ones from Facebook and Twitter, can only communicate with a centralised server positioned at a specific domain. A decentralised application doesn’t need to “live” on a particular server.

Therefore, for the DApp to use an “old world” API, it needs a Bridge Server.

2. With this bridge, we also need better API developer tools to provide secure, reliable, and scalable access to Ethereum and IPFS (interplanetary file system) — used for hosting large amounts of data in decentralize way.

Also we no longer are using Metamask for accessing information already stored on the blockchain. Which means it is much easier to access and use WatchDog.

That’s why we started using ‘’Infura’’ Etherium node, but for now, Metamask will still be used for submitting data to the blockchain.

3. Moreover, speaking of review submissions here is the third update.

We designed a decentralised application (DAPP) for our community and WatchDog users — This application allows our users to add new scam websites to blockchain and add new reviews for existing scams that already have been listed on the blockchain.

As you can see this update is laying a strong foundation for updates to come.

We have implemented excellent API developer tools for the safest and fastest access to our decentralised network.

We have connected these API tools to our decentralised application (DAPP) that pulls data from our database using Bridge technology specially crafted for the needs of our product.

Watchdog is the main product of the CryptoPolice, and we are working tirelessly to make it as good as possible. Many things will need to be improved before we launch our final version, but we need your support to get there. If you ever find a thing or function that doesn’t work, please let us know immediately so that we can fix the bugs. To do that click on WatchDog extension and press “SEND FEEDBACK”.

Thanks for your support!

Let’s make the internet safer together!

CryptoPolice team




CryptoPolice is a platform that helps bring together community and technology in order to safeguard online users against fraud.