Boosting your Blockchain Business Profile with the Best PR and Media Services
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3 min readNov 28, 2018

CryptoProfile helps blockchain companies increase their brand credibility and awareness and create opportunities for increasing social media follows and website traffic. Our full service media and Press Release offering also creates an additional way to drive sales or boost token raises and we assist clients with developing effective strategies and building or maintaining a prominent presence in relevant media.

Our experienced team delivers exclusive public relations and press release services that can raise awareness or even shift perceptions of your brand through a range of captivating media activity. Our team develops tailored editorial angles that are genuinely interesting to journalists and their audiences. We focus on advising your team on the best media platforms to meet your communications objectives and handle many aspects from national media to crypto and blockchain related media websites and channels. We understand what journalists expect and find ways to meet their needs whilst conveying important client messages.

Some of our media coverage services include:

  • Consumer product placement
  • Spreading the news about your company’s success
  • Creating ‘issues-led’ or ‘seasonal’ news to shape the media agenda
  • Researching and developing in-depth, technical articles and profiles
  • Coordinating media tours to get you in front of influential journalists

Keeping track of your media coverage

CryptoProfile also specialised in tracking your brand’s reputation and the sentiment around your project because it is important for business strategy to know when you are being mentioned in the media, so you can ensure the information is correct. When you’re aware of the coverage being received by your brand, via print, broadcast, digital and social media, you can build on positive coverage and mitigate against any negative press. The best way to measure the strength of your brand image is by analysing the media and press coveragearound your project or company so that you are also able to calculate the return on investment of your communication, PR and marketing activities. Brand tracking gives you a holistic view of your brand and its reputation across various mediums. It also allows your business to have system in place to report on the activities of your marketing and communication teams to help you keep track of whether you are able to meet your targets. You can also easily compare media coverage, from free PR to ad spend.

Some of the brand tracking services we offer include:

· media monitoring

· social media monitoring

  • social listening
  • advert monitoring, and
  • media coverage reporting.

Helping you differentiate your business in a burgeoning industry Tracking your media and press coverage means that you have an effective way to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your overarching strategies. You can quickly see if your marketing and PR efforts have been successful and make necessary adjustments to improve performance if need be. Our team is equipped to help create brand stories that are relatable to consumers and people in crypto communities. Our press and media coverage services involve letting your potential customer base about your business motivations and vision as well as getting them to understand your roadmap and passion for solving problems through your technological developments.

We can also assist you with:

  • establishing yourself as an expert or authority in your industry
  • improving your website SEO via building backlinks
  • giving consumers something of value while having a chance to connect with your target audience
  • getting more exposure to expand your audience

Building relationships is the most important element of building press for your brand and company. There are a number of ways to build relationships with journalists that can be highly effective, including commenting on their work and share it with your social media following, sharing content with them that they might find interesting, asking for their feedback or advice on something you are working on, or offering them a chance to test a new service or product you have not launched yet. We help your execute all the aforementioned and so much more. Our press and media services are tailored to deliver the best results for you!

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