OMG The Market Is Bearish! Then Why the Smart Money Are Entering?

Danny Rusev
Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2018

Everyone is talking about the crypto market being bearish. The media, the forums, your friends even your grandma probably knows how much money were lost by the people who entered the market in the last 2 quarters of 2017 with the intention to drive Lambos in few months.

Have you ever wondered why Bitcoin reached nearly $20,000 per coin, worthless alternative cryptocurrencies had price spikes up to 100x and ICOs raised billions of dollars with nothing but websites and marketing campaigns?

First it was the mass media headlines and then the uneducated people who knew nothing about investing in new markets, going in FOMO (fear of not missing out) mode. Now all these people are pulling their hair out and those who never invested are waiting for the market to become bullish again, so they can finally buy some crypto.

Let me just tell you that people who rely on the media to make informed decisions will always end up on the losing side of the field. Why, because the information distributed on media is the information for the masses. The information distributed by the classes in order to manipulate the masses. This is how most rich people get richer for ages.

The media hyped up all those people to buy Bitcoin at $10, $15 or $20K per coin with flashy headlines, so then the smart money can exit the market at its peak leaving everyone else to suffer.

What we are witnessing now is how media is trying to spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) and convince the masses this is not the right time to enter the market or add to their positions.

Unfortunately, we don’t get to see what’s happening under the counter, because the smart money doesn’t buy Bitcoin from exchanges. They do it privately and eventually will own most of it while the masses are waiting for the bulls to take over the market.

Let’s not forget ICOs. Everyone who donated their money to scammers or bought shitcoins just because they promised unrealistic returns complained to all their friends and now no one wants to participate in Initial Coin Offerings because is too risky.

The risk my friends comes from not knowing what you’re doing.

Both the retail and the institutional investors are exposed to the exact same blockchain projects. The only difference is that the masses never take the time to do their own due diligence and make decisions based on fake ratings, hype and emotions, while the smart money research every project before they invest in it.

While the average person is missing out on these incredible opportunities to participate in blockchain projects at very early stage, create wealth and secure their future, ICOs are sold privately to institutional investors and they make tons of money.

As always History repeat itself. However, we never had access to so much information before and those willing to spend some time on education and research still have a chance to be involved in the crypto revolution.

Good Luck!

In case you’re from the few people who like to get educated and create wealth, learn how to properly analyze ICO’s here



Danny Rusev

I enjoy creating content and influence people to change their lives for good. Passionate about cars. Founder of