How we got 10% profitable this fall while the market lost 30%

CryptoRing Platform
2 min readDec 18, 2019

This autumn was dramatic for crypto markets. BTC went down 30% from $10600 at the beginning of September to $7500 at the end of November. This trend started even earlier, in the middle of summer and haven’t finished yet by now.

But even in these dark times, there were several rays of hope, eg. when on Oct 24 Xi Jinping announced China’s endorsement of blockchain. This event skyrocketed the market by more than 30% in 2 days, but also pushed altcoins to BTC prices down.

We began to develop our trading strategy and build a proof of concepts bots for the fleet at the beginning of September. It took about a month to model and code everything and start the testing process. About a week more we were hunting on critical issues and bugs.

At Oct 8th we filled the tanks of our fleet with real money (about $100 for the testing period) and started the process of alpha testing. Now we want to share some results with you.

The fleet was trading on 2 exchanges:

  • Poloniex
  • Binance

It operated 4 pairs:


All the assets were in equal amounts on both stocks at the beginning.

Here are the graphs to compare this portfolio performance with and without bots.

Portfolio performance with and without bots comparison

As you see in the graph our strategy is not a magic wand. It can’t promise gains without losses, but it performed well during 2 months of testing. It is 5% above the market and 1.7% above the starting point, while the market is 3.5% below the starting point.

We are going on making this PoC into ready to invest platform. We are planning to add more trading and hedging algorithms to make our fleet succeed in the sea of crypto.

If you are interested in our strategy or want to invest in it later, you are welcome to follow us here or on twitter. We are going to publish daily portfolio and bot results, changing of portfolio structure, weekly analytics and a lot more there.

Do you have any questions or want to support us? You are welcome to clap, subscribe, comment and DM us whenever you wish.



CryptoRing Platform

#Founder & #developer focused on #startups rocketing and #socialimpact.