How we measure bots performance?


CryptoRing Platform
2 min readJan 13, 2020



We are working hard on developing, testing and making our bots more efficient. But what does it mean “more efficient” while the market goes up and down daily? How to be sure that those profits are results of the bot, not the portfolio itself? This becomes even more challenging with small test budgets.

In traditional stocks funds, people usually say: “Our strategy performs better than S&P by xx%” or “We are above Dow xx%”.

But for Crypto, there are no “traditional” Indexes and benchmarks. So we decided to design our own. They are CryptoRingIndex (CRI) and Previous Day Portfolio Performance.

Last one you can see in our Twitter daily report publication. It is called “Portfolio P/L” there. We take the portfolio of the previous day (4:00 UTC) and count its cost for the current day. It’s simple and effective for short distance.

For periods more than a month, the previously described benchmark looks a bit odd. So we decided to use CRI. CRI is a total cost of the portfolio consists of equal parts of currencies that are traded by our bots bought on September 1st, 2019 (the day when we started our investigations) for 1 BTC. For now, it consists of

  • BTC,
  • ETH,
  • XMR,
  • EOS,
  • LTC.

The actual graph of the index you can see at the top of the article.

We are publishing daily reports, changing of portfolio structure daily, weekly analytics and a lot more there in our twitter (@CryptoRingFund). We are going to add CRI there, too.

Feel free to follow us.

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CryptoRing Platform

#Founder & #developer focused on #startups rocketing and #socialimpact.