CryptoRome Developer Update: 2/1/19

The next release for CryptoRome is currently scheduled for Thursday, February 7.

Caesar’s Triumph
Caesar’s Triumph
6 min readFeb 1, 2019


Yes, dear people, rejoice! The next release is near!

A quick recap since our last release — just last week:

  • Since introducing Centurion training and upgrades less than a week ago, there have been 215 upgrades to Centurions!
  • 80% of the players in the Battle for Sicily have sent supplies to the battlefield via the new wagon train!
  • All you have to do is show up and see how the new walls have impacted the battle game!

We’re keeping up the fast pace and are ready for the next release. A quick note before we go into greater detail: each release gets us a step closer to our ultimate vision of a massive, epic and ongoing battle that spans the entirety of the Roman Empire— our original vision for CryptoRome. We are finalizing the roadmap and are excited to share this with everyone soon! Huge thanks to all of you that have come along with us in this journey! You’re not going to be disappointed.

However, that’s later and this is now. Here is what you need to know about the next round of updates:

New rankings system: Battle Experience Points

In support of improved matchmaking in the battle game (i.e. more balanced), we are splitting the current Battle for Sicily into three battlegrounds (more on this below). Players will progress through battlegrounds based on Battle Experience Points. These Battle Experience Points are gained through:

  • Win Caesar: +50
  • Win Senator: +20 (can only earn these points 1x daily)
  • Land points: Every 10 points won in battle earns you 1 Battle XP (max 10)

The most Battle Experience Points a player can earn in a day is 60.

Players can view their total Battle Experience Points in the Profile Page.

New Battlegrounds

The new rankings system will be used to place players into one of three assigned battlegrounds — Battleground I, II and III. This allow for more competitive battles as players are lined up against similar experienced players. The higher the battleground, the better the prizes.

While this is subject to change and we will periodically change up the prizes, here is how the new battlegrounds will look starting next Thursday:

We will run the numbers and place players in the appropriate battleground before the new battlegrounds go live. Experienced players will not start at 0. When you come into the game on Thursday, you will find yourself in right arena!

Small detail: When we open the new battlegrounds, Battleground III will be the current Battle for Sicily game. This means all of the defender troops will be carried over into this battle. Battlegrounds I and II will start fresh.

Caesar’s Legion Troops & No More Multiple Accounts!

We want all new players to experience the battle game. With this in mind, all players will receive a bonus 500 troops each day. You can think of these troops as “borrowed” from Caesar’s personal legion. He is a generous leader! These troops are static and will not reappear once used. They also work under a use it or lose it model. If you don’t use all of the troops during the battle day, they are not saved for any future days.

To summarize, each day, all players will get 500 troops plus all of the troops generated from their lands.

As a result of this, we are officially banning multiple accounts. Multiple accounts ruin the game experience for other players and it has to end. Any player caught using multiple accounts will forfeit any current or past rewards earned.

Battle Game Updates

We’re making some updates to the battle game that will increase the overall strategy and thinking involved in battle.

  1. Wine Max change: Players can now use wine up to the amount equal to 20% of the troops on the card. Players still receive a random 1–5 bonus troops for each bottle of wine used. However, now, players can use much more wine and conceal many more troops. (For example: If I place 1,000 troops on the card, I can use up to 200 bottles of wine. This will give me anywhere from 200–1,000 extra troops on the card. This change makes scouts much more valuable. Speaking of…)
  2. Scouts cost increase: The cost to use scouts will still be troops, but the required amount will change depending on the battleground.
    *Battleground I: 10 troops
    *Battleground II: 30 troops
    *Battleground III: 90 troops
  3. Wall cost changes: Walls are changing to a consistent price across all of the arenas
    1. Battleground I: 10 of the resource on all cards
    2. Battleground II: 25 of the resource on all cards
    3. Battleground III: 45 of the resource on all cards


We implemented a fun feature where any player can raid the unclaimed lands for the chance to receive denari, resources or battle items. This is in addition to the daily chest! The only difference in this case is that Raids will require Metamask. The reason for this is we’re giving away resources and items that can be sold directly into Trajan’s Market for ETH.

Here’s how Raids work. A Raid should take around 1 minute total.
1. Send out your raiding party
2. The riding party will then tell you what they discovered and pillaged
3. You then have the option to accept what they found or leave it unclaimed. If you choose to not claim the prize, your raiders will apologize, hang their heads low and hope to do better next time.
4. If you claim it, then the reward will be moved directly into your harvested inventory!

In addition, each raid has a 5% chance of receiving a 75 pack of denari! All players can perform a raid every 24 hours but players with at least one village can raid every 12 hours!

Raids are found in the main player dashboard.

New Referral Program!

People have been asking for it so we developed a referral program that we believe brings value back to players and is in line with the overall vision of the game.

With this program, we’re encouraging players to build up their army and their allies! Here’s how it works:

From the Profile page, you will find a personalized link that you can send to your friends.

For every 3 players that purchase at least 1 village each, you get one village.

We’re also offering Caesar bonuses!
* 10 new landholders and get a Level 1 Centurion ($15 value)
* 25 new landholders and get a Level 5 Barracks Credit ($30 value)
* 50 new landholders and get a Level 10 Barracks Credits ($88 value)
* The first player to refer 100 new landholders will get a Level 20 Centurion!

note: the villages purchased will need to be villages that have not been previously owned.

We’re so excited for this! We know it’s been asked for quite a bit. It took us some time to nail down a rewards structure we loved and one that we felt our players would love as well.

You may be saying — “Holy moly! This is a lot to digest!” To which we’d respond, “Who says ‘Holy moly’ any more?”

It’s not bad. The foundation of the game’s mechanics are staying the same. These updates, like all of our updates are getting us closer to our ultimate goal. Until then, we’ll keep moving forward and won’t slow down!

Up next:

  • Automating the battle rewards to be issued daily
  • Marketplace redesign to include token stats (Centurions XP, Village production details, etc.)
  • Reskin: UI and UX changes to improve the look and feel of the game

