CryptoRome Developer Update: Resources and Marketplace

Caesar’s Triumph
Caesar’s Triumph
Published in
6 min readOct 19, 2018
Time to harvest.

Thank you to everyone who has provided helpful feedback, suggestions and ideas as we move into our biggest stage of development to date. We’re extremely excited about the future of CryptoRome and we want the community to be as well. With that in mind, we want to provide an update on this next phase in our roadmap.

Let’s address the next update as a Q&A! This will be the first in a series of posts as we keep everyone up to date on all the upcoming changes.

When will my village produce resources?
Resource production and improvements on land will go live on November 14.

Each village produces up to three different resources.

Ok, then how will I produce resources?
Good question! If you own a village, you already know this: every village produces 1–3 different resources (always adding up to three). There are nine different resources found in CryptoRome today. Each are used in different ways in the game — both in battle or to support the production of other resources and items. Each village has up to 6 slots — 3 are pre-populated with resources, 1 slot is pre-populated with a barracks (where troop production occurs) and 2 are left empty for you to build on.

Do I have to do anything to start producing resources?
No! When this update goes live, your village will begin producing resources immediately. For example, if you have grapes on your village, you automatically have a vineyard and can harvest those grapes. Each resource will work in a similar fashion.

Cool! So how do I level up my resource production?
Denari is used to level up the resource production for each resource slot found on your land (i.e. hiring more workers on your land). We think this is going to be a huge part of the fun that will come with the game! So, for some of you, all that work you put into winning Caesar or Senator during the Battle for Sicily WILL pay off! There’s still plenty of time to rack up the wins and the denari. 💪

Speaking of Battle for Sicily, what will happen to my existing barracks?
When land improvements go live, all players will receive credits for the barracks they have built in the mini-game. You will be able to use those credits to upgrade barracks on your land tokens. All future barracks upgrades will take place on your land token. As a result of this, we’re making some changes to the battle game but more on that in a future post.

What are these “improvements” you referred to?
You will have the ability to construct buildings on your land to produce goods from your inventory of resources. Items that are produced by these buildings have specific purposes in the game.

With this initial release, the following buildings will be available:

  • A Bakery takes wheat/grains to make bread. Bread feeds your workers and provides temporary increases in your production rate.
  • A Winery takes grapes to make wine. Wine is given to troops in battle and provides added protection.
  • A Blacksmith takes iron to make swords. You bring swords to battle and give them to your troops, obviously. This will give you an advantage in battle.

There are also two “special” buildings — Barracks and Warehouses.

  • Barracks: You can choose to build additional barracks to your village, increasing your total troop production.
  • Warehouses: Each resource will have its own special warehouse that will give you the ability to increase your inventory capacity. You can level this up as well for even more capacity of that resource.

Inventory capacity?
You will only be able to maintain an inventory that is equivalent to the production level of that resource. Once you hit that capacity, you will have to use that resource or sell it in the marketplace before you will be able to continue producing again. There are instances where you may exceed your inventory capacity — through purchasing a large amount of a resource in the marketplace, for example. However, your village will stop producing more of that item until you dip below your capacity max. As soon as you go below that capacity, you’ll automatically begin producing again.

Ok, you mentioned grains, grapes and iron. That leaves 6 other resources. What’s up with those?
, Stone and Clay will be used initially to construct the aforementioned buildings.

Fish is a food source that doesn’t require an extra building. You’ll be able to provide even larger increases in worker production with fish.

Horses are used to bring temporary increases in troop production rate (bringing your troops to the battlefield quicker).

Anything else?
You’ll now need resources to construct walls in the battlefield. When you take a card, you can construct a stick wall (requiring wood), a stone wall (requiring stone) or a fortified wall (requiring iron).

What about marble?
The initial use for marble will be for constructing higher level building improvements. However, in the near future, we will release the ability to create new statues to the gods. These will be constructed with marble and each will bring unique benefits to the village, town or city where it sits. For example, the Statue of Bacchus will bring increased wine production. The Statue of Ares will bring increased troop production. These statues will be incredibly rare!

I heard you mention a Marketplace a few responses ago…
With this release, we are introducing Trajan’s Market. This is a self-regulating market where you can buy and sell resources. All nine resources will be available to be bought and sold. This is a dynamic marketplace and the prices will fluctuate with each transaction. All of the items will be bought and sold for ether. For all intents and purposes, we are standing up a micro economy with CryptoRome.

This is a HUGE development in CryptoRome. Here is one isolated vision: Players looking to gain a competitive advantage in battle because they want those prizes or that recognition will build a Blacksmith on their land to produce swords for their troops. They will head to the marketplace to purchase iron so they can produce even more swords. This drives up demand for iron, increasing the price. Someone producing iron can then “play CryptoRome” by upgrading their iron production so they can sell more and more of it in the marketplace (for real ether!). Monitoring the marketplace and increasing or slowing production to capitalize on prices is as much of a game as taking your troops into battle and conquering Europe!

You keep mentioning “initial” release? What’s going to come after this?
We’ll continue to develop new use cases for resources, including new weapons like catapults, roads and battle chariots. In addition, we’ll develop the ability to sell finished goods into the marketplace (bread, wine and swords).

Following the release of resource production and land improvements, we will be making some big changes to the battle game. While the fundamental design will remain the same, these changes will address feedback we’ve received as well as acknowledge the interplay between resource production and consumption. It’s going to be a lot of fun!

We are never short on ideas to grow, expand and improve CryptoRome. We love all the ideas that come from the community. Keep them coming!

Let us not forget that Rome wasn’t built in a day. CryptoRome has evolved greatly since the initial release. We look forward to continuing to grow with our community of players and are confident the game is going to exceed expectations!

Copyright Caesar

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CryptoRome Website:
GigLabs Website:

