Vetting The Tech And How To Stay Away From Hype

Crypto Scrat
Published in
5 min readJul 20, 2018

Thread by @crypto_Tyrion


Alright, lets discuss some tech…my area :)

Time for Lannister bombs (vetting tech and staying away from hype).

This is my approach. Its not just the tech which is important.

Note the following while FA’ing -


There are some crypto hype areas, for e.g. — platform, security, currency, loans etc..

Lets tackle them one by one…..

Please note that if I give some e.g. , I am not dissing your project, just making my point. I have absolutely no problem with you loving your bags.



Yes blockchain tech..or ‘crypto’ needs platforms for DAPPS’.

But we don’t need 100+ DAPP platforms. AT MAX 5–7 will survive. Ethereum will be (to a certain extent, is!) defeated by new entrants.

Let me tell you a bitter truth- DAPPS is a hoax word used by ICOs


Literally every other project uses the word DAPPs to imply that they are adding a REALLY IMPORTANT value to their existing use case.

If you have to invest into a platform/’DAPP’ project, invest in the one which focuses on it. We know Ethereum is in trouble already.


What are some amazing platform projects? These are examples, there could be many more.. don’t @ me —


Focus on these types, as they are pure platform coins. Their teams know what they are doing.

Conclusion- Beware the DAPP hoax!



The most difficult area to FA. What would be totally secure? Which one is the perfect security coin? Answer — NONE (I meant no project, NONE is not a currency :) )


Some projects I like (note that I don’t HODL any security based coins apart from LUX) -


But the biggest problem- which is ‘The One’? Ans- It depends…..each offers a different ‘project package’..pick the one you like…IMO all 4 are good.

XMR has the best tech IMO. ZCASH is the lightest..XZC has MN..LUX has ‘DAPPS’ (lol) and PMN


Many projects ‘fork’ the above project i.e. use their code base, and add more ‘features’…. or add more security layers to market the project as better.

Now many will get salty, but gotta speak the truth here.


For e.g., I can ICO a project by forking XMR, add ‘DAPPS’, add some more ‘features’, and also use it as a token for a new exchange that I will launch with project.

Above sounds like a perfect ICO isn’t it? 🤦‍♂️

This is the problem with this space. Sad, but true.


I can literally raise USD 20–50 million with the above Idea.

All I need to do is find a cryptographic developer, 2 community admins (who are basically college interns.. maybe even freshman level), a marketing team, a good website, and boom!

Noob money is mine in altszn!


What can you do to prevent falling pry from something like above?

  1. The them, talk to them..ask them difficult questions, check their Linkedin profiles etc.
  2. Check what ‘big project’ is the new project attacking? For e.g. -


Say a project is ‘attacking’ and targeting the domain captured by ZCASH and XMR. No problem.

What about ‘PROJECT MATURITY’? You have to realize these projects have been around for years, very mature, solid dev teams, community developer support, ad financial firepower!


Want to bet you precious BTC on the abilities of 1 deveoper? Good luck!

However, if you are convinced with the abilities of 1 or few devs, ur FA, trust your work, go ahead! (i have invested in few such projects).

I also do not want to diss some awesome projects out there


But be careful fam! Easy to get hyped by next Monero, but there wont be a next Monero..there has to be a next security heavy weight.

Find that project. Additionally, it is possible that a project lead by 1 dev gets attentions and recognition and becomes big over time.



Be careful with the pure currency domain. So many players claiming to be really good.

‘Payments’ faster than BTC is mostly a meme. When investing in such projects, test them on your own (I mean the tech).


For e.g. the XRB/NANO project. i read about the tech, tested it, got convinced and realized its fundamentally better than LTC and likes. SO saw the upside.

PS — I do not HODL any NANO

So find something that would beat NANO (but be advised it is now a very mature project).



WTC, VEN, TRAC etc …all offering moon

WTC and VEN asian companies. What to do? Talk to devs. Be on their slacks and track their updates.

E.g. I was in VEN, but when they went on marketing frenzy, I got out.

Personally I believe in WTC.& TRAC Take ur pick!


Safe bet :-

Invest in multiple (max 2–3) projects in the same space. When one pumps, move funds into the other ;)


Many players again here. The next ‘YouTube’. Be careful about project maturity.!


What if YouTube adopts blockchain and reduces prices..they already have almost market monopoly.. so be up to date in areas like DIGITAL CONTENT, ADVERTISING, SOCIAL MEDIA etc.

Reason is that in these areas, the established players can adopt blockchain very easily.



BEWARE OF the projects which offer you everything. To deliver literally everything, i.e. scalability, speed, lightweight, privacy, DAPPS etc, you need an organisation, and not merely 20 developers.

Be cautious with such projects, especially new ones!



So many project… SALT, LEND, NEXO which one to pick since all are new?

Look at the teams, what country they vased in (regulations!?), and just try taking a loan. You’ll know then …ezpz…


To conclude, pay special attention to project maturity, and be cautious of the meme terms I mentioned.

I would like to add that there are still projects which can take on the big boys. There are projects even with 1–3 devs which will win. Find ‘em!

Thanks. Love Y’all..

