Coinmetrics and Coindar now available in Cryptosheets

John Young
Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2018

Cryptosheets is now available on Microsoft’s official store, Appsource

Investors need access to detailed and robust data. We wanted to give our users the deepest, cleanest, and most extensive cryptocurrency data. We are excited to announce powerful new datasets aimed at making your cryptocurrency analysis easier than ever before.

Our newest update includes:

  • Coinmetrics Historical: Blockchain data of a given asset over a specified time range
  • Coindar Events: Returns cryptocurrency events
  • Coindar Social: Returns a massive list of all coins social data, including social links and user counts

Let’s take a deeper dive into each integration:


Coinmetrics Historical

Description: Blockchain data of a given asset over a specified time range

Data returned:

  • txcount
  • txvolume(usd)
  • adjustedtxvolume(usd)
  • paymentcount
  • activeaddresses
  • fees
  • medianfee
  • generatedcoins
  • averagedifficulty
  • mediantxvalue(usd)
  • blocksize
  • blockcount
  • price(usd)
  • marketcap(usd)
  • exchangevolume(usd)

Example: Return metrics for Bitcoin from August 1st, 2018 to August 21st, 2018.

How to pull

  1. In the Cryptosheets ribbon, click Dashboard
  2. Login to the service through Google, or sign-up option
  3. Click the orange + button
  4. Click Coin Metrics Historical
  5. Choose Start Time (GMT) and End Time (GMT)
  6. Click the Table Headers toggle
  7. Click into A1 of the “Data” tab, click Highlight Range, and Place Data
  8. Verify that data has updated
  9. You also have the option to choose a timed refresh interval.

P.S.: Nic Carter (founder of Coinmetrics) just finished funding for his VC fund to invest in blockchain projects. Go send him a congratulations on Twitter!


Coindar Social

Description: Returns an exhaustive list of social data for all coins.

Data Returned (Example used is Ripple):

How to pull

  1. In the Cryptosheets ribbon, click Dashboard
  2. Login to the service through Google, or sign-up option
  3. Click the orange + button
  4. Click Coindar Social
  5. Click the Table Headers toggle
  6. Click into A1 of the “Data” tab, click Highlight Range, and Place Data
  7. Verify that data has updated

Coindar Events

Description: Returns cryptocurrency events specified by coin

Data Returned:

  • caption — event caption.
  • source — link to the event description.
  • proof — proof link.
  • date_public — event publication date on Coindar.

All dates are in UTC and yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm format.

  • date_start — the date of the event start.

If there is no definiton of time, request will be returned in yyyy-mm-dd format.

If only month is defined, in yyyy-mm.

If only quarter is defined, in yyyy-QX, where X is a quarter number.

  • date_end — events end date.
  • coin_id — cryptocurrency’s ID.
  • coin_price_changes — the percentage change in value since the event publication.
  • tags — tags IDs.

How to pull

  1. In the Cryptosheets ribbon, click Dashboard
  2. Login to the service through Google, or sign-up option
  3. Click the orange + button
  4. Click Coindar Events
  5. Choose your cryptocurrency
  6. Choose Start Time (GMT) and End Time (GMT)
  7. Click the Table Headers toggle
  8. Click into A1 of the “Data” tab, click Highlight Range, and Place Data
  9. Verify that data has updated
  10. You also have the option to choose a timed refresh interval.

Available on Microsoft Appsource

Cryptosheets is available to install on the official Microsoft app store, Appsource:

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John Young

Founder, Cryptosheets and Spreadstreet. Husband to the most beautiful woman in the world. Runner-up in 6th grade spelling bee.