Manage Your Crypto Portfolio with Cryptosheets & (part 1)

Chris Ware
Published in
6 min readMar 26, 2020

Crypto portfolio management is incredibly challenging for many reasons including tracking & integrating accurate data for your positions. That just changed, here’s how. and Cryptosheets have officially integrated

Manage Your Crypto Portfolio with Cryptosheets &

I’ve been waiting 3 years to write this article and it feels good. We are thrilled to announce the official integration of into the Cryptosheets platform!

This means that with one formula you can now pull in ALL of your positions across dozens of accounts from trading exchanges, online wallets, cold wallets, altcoin wallets, mining pools and more directly into Excel & Googlesheets. Prices and all calculations for gains, losses and necessary tax reporting across your positions are refreshed in near real time.

Easy to use formulas like =CS.QUERY("Cointracking", "Get Trades") provide instant access to portfolio balance, trades, gains, history and more

1) Why is this so important?

Portfolio management is about decision making and risk allocation both of which require reliable data and tools to use that data.

  • With Cointracking integrated into Cryptosheets, investors can now easily pull in their full Cointracking account data and then overlay, combine or supplement it with data from over 1,200+ additional datasets from 80+ providers available in Cryptosheets
  • Combining Cointracking’s unparalleled level of detail and tax accounting data with live streaming prices, dynamic analytics and market benchmark data provide the most comprehensive crypto data tool set for a crypto investor’s portfolio anywhere
Connecting your Cointracking account to Cryptosheets unlocks infinite combinations of data analysis for your portfolio positions

2) Examples & Use Cases

With so many use cases we’ll highlight a few here but will also be covering more with future articles in this series that will include supporting templates, tutorials and examples.

  • ✅ Traders
    Overlay RSI, MACD and other technical analysis indicators on their positions to help back test and time trading strategies or use trading signals from providers like Cryptocompare to add sophisticated AI driven market intelligence
  • ✅ Miners
    Pull in detailed metrics on hashrate, block rewards, mempools and even kilowatt costs to help calculate their profitability models
  • ✅ Passive investors
    Easily overlay yields from staking or lending out crypto assets using Defi services while cross referencing with liquidity metrics to help manage their appropriate risk tolerance
  • ✅ Professional portfolio managers
    Use Cryptosheets model portfolios powered by Cointracking to compare performance against crypto asset benchmarks and even capital markets or macro benchmarks to assess asset allocations
  • ✅ Research Analysts & Journalists
    Combine any or all of the above to inspire your narratives and align them with data driven themes, trends and factual analysis. Easily create benchmark portfolios using Cointracking that track hedge fund holdings, venture capital funds, trading exchanges or corporates then overlay with sentiment analysis to extract patterns and themes
  • ✅ Hobbyists, Beginners & Students
    Simplify managing your crypto investments by easily accessing them in Excel and Googlesheets. Using Cryptosheets, all the heavy lifting for API integration, custom developer work, coding and security is already taken care of for you. This allows less experienced users to focus on the data they need to understand in a simple and familiar environment

Other common use cases include creating customized charts, developing mining plans, creating and testing portfolio rebalancing scripts, making custom crypto indices and running tax liability scenarios based on potential trading strategies.

💭 For US taxpayers the recently announced postponement for tax filing deadlines until July 15 offers additional time to review crypto portfolio holdings making this a perfect time to setup your Cointracking & Cryptosheets accounts and dig in while you may be quarantined at home.

Try a Cryptosheets template for Cointracking today & stay tuned for more advanced templates coming soon

3) How to setup & connect your Cointracking account

Retrieve your Cointracking API key and Secret, then follow the steps below
Connect your Cointracking account in 30 seconds
  1. Install Cryptosheets for Excel or Googlesheets
  2. Go to your integrations in the settings tab
  3. Activate the Cointracking integration
  4. Update your API key and click save
  5. Update your API secret and click save
  6. In any cell in a new sheet type

Excel =CS.QUERY(“Cointracking”, “Get Balance”)

Googlesheets =CSQUERY(“Cointracking”, “Get Balance”)

You can pull all 6 API endpoints from Cointracking into Cryptosheets using the side panel console or custom functions (aka formulas)
get trades, get balance, get historical summary, get historical currency, get grouped balance, get gains

All 6 Cointracking API endpoints are available in Excel & Googlesheets

You can easily explore all 6 endpoints and build customized queries or formulas using the Cryptosheets side panel console.

Quickly find, customize and build formulas for any Cointracking endpoint using the Cryptosheets console

4) Why

There aren’t many tax applications that can consistently and reliably import data from cryptocurrency exchange APIs.

  • One reason for this is that each cryptocurrency exchange uses a different API format. Designing software that is compatible with all the most popular exchanges and keeping up with all the API changes takes dedication, patience and know-how.
  • Another key reason why they have surpassed the 570,000 user mark is that they not only support all the major cryptocurrency exchange APIs, but also keep up with all their constant changes and updates and even offer support for bankrupt or defunct exchanges (like Mt Gox).
  • It takes dedication, hard work and know-how to keep up with cryptocurrency exchange APIs, which change (and break) often. Each time a cryptocurrency exchange modifies their API, they react quickly to make sure that CoinTracking users can still get the data they need to do their taxes.
  • As a professional risk manager and trader my entire career, the last three bullet points combined with years of their proven track record are why I’ve been using Cointracking since day one.
Unparalleled support for exchange API connections, imports for wallets and other sources
Cointracking offers the most comprehensive portfolio reporting data and granularity available

5) Summary

The integration of Cointracking with Cryptosheets brings together two best in class platforms dedicated to improving and maintaining the most powerful and comprehensive tools in the crypto data arena.

The ability to create customized views of your crypto portfolio positions using data, analytics, metrics and content from over 80+ of the top crypto data providers in whatever combination you need or want (not just what they need or want to serve you*) opens new and previously unobtainable possibilities.

As a combined crypto data tool and service it represents a genuine paradigm shift in the way investors can more effectively manage their risk in crypto markets.

… as mentioned, stay tuned for the next part(s) in this article series focusing on advanced methods and strategies that leverage Cointracking portfolio data in Cryptosheets. We’ll announce them on Twitter first



👉 This help center article shows how to add your Cointracking API key to Cryptosheets for Excel and Googlesheets

👉 This help center article shows how to import CoinTracking data using the Cryptosheets plugin

👉 This help center article shows how to use custom function formulas to access your Cointracking data using the Cryptosheets plugin

▶️ Cryptosheets is free to sign up and start using now.
What are you waiting for? ➡ Get crypto data in 30 seconds or less

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TAGS : cointracking, portfolio, excel, googlesheets, spreadsheet, crypto data, bitcoin, blockchain, taxes, crypto taxes, accounting, tax reporting

