Using Crypto ETF Pricing with Live Formulas in Excel & Googlesheets using Cryptosheets

Chris Ware
Published in
5 min readFeb 20, 2024

Learn how to access an easy to use crypto ETF dashboard and standalone pricing with automatic refreshable formulas in Excel and Googlesheets for your crypto portfolio including current and historical data


The dawn of 2024 has ushered in an exciting development in the financial markets: the introduction of Crypto ETFs listed on exchanges in the United States. This innovative blend of traditional exchange-traded funds and the dynamic realm of cryptocurrencies opens up new horizons for investors seeking diversified exposure in the digital asset space. With the advent of tools like Cryptosheets, accessing and analyzing pricing data for these novel financial instruments has become more intuitive. This guide will navigate you through the essential steps to master Crypto ETF pricing data for informed investment decisions.

Want to get started NOW? Download the Cheatsheet Here!


This article is intended for anyone including noobies to professional traders. It focuses on how to download the ETF Dashboard, how to use it, to get started using Cryptosheets like a professional, ASAP!

First, make sure you have Cryptosheets Installed!

This article demonstrates how to download the Crytpo ETF Dashboard you can use in Excel 365 for desktop PC, Excel online and Excel 265 for Mac OSX. Click here to make sure you meet the minimum Excel version requirements and click here to install the Cryptosheets add-in for Microsoft Excel.

Next, make sure you’re logged in and find The Cheatsheet in the sidebar, under “browse.”

Click “Open New Workbook” to download the Cheatsheet. Or click here.

Quickest way to download the ETF Dashboard is through the excel plugin

👉 Add a new ETF ticker easily:

👉 Refresh the ETF Prices:

The Significance of Real-time Pricing Data

In the volatile world of cryptocurrencies, the value of real-time data cannot be overstated. For investors venturing into Crypto ETFs, having access to up-to-the-minute pricing information is crucial. It enables timely decisions, helps in assessing market trends, and plays a pivotal role in risk management and portfolio optimization strategies.

Challenges in Crypto Data Acquisition

Despite the opportunities, obtaining reliable and consistent data for Crypto ETFs presents challenges. The nascent nature of these financial instruments means that data might be scattered or not as readily available as traditional assets. Additionally, the technical aspects of extracting and interpreting this data can be daunting for many investors.

Want to get started NOW? Download the Cheatsheet Here!

A Step-by-Step Guide to Accessing Standalone Crypto ETF Pricing Data:

Why use IEX Cloud?

IEX Coud, a financial data platform has expanded its offerings to include Crypto ETFs. The accuracy and comprehensiveness of the data they provide are essential for sound analysis. If you are a subscriber to IEX, you can access their real-time pricing, but don’t worry if not, because you can still pricing (delayed 15minutes)!

👉Use the CS.PRICEA function to call the pricing data.

Excel         =CS.PRICEA("source","IEX","base","HODL")
Google Sheets =CSPRICEA("source","IEX","base","HODL")

It’s THAT easy!

It’s THAT easy in Excel: =CS.PRICEA(“source”,”IEX”,”base”,”HODL”)

👉Alternatively, navigate on your sidebar to provider “IEX Cloud”

First Navigate to provider IEX Cloud

Second, click into endpoint “Quote”

Click into the “Quote” endpoint

Click into “Scenarios” and locate “Bitcoin ETF ticker — HODL”

The result is the ETF price in a clean format!

=CS.QUERYA(“IEX”,”Quote”,”_path”,”{Symbol:@.symbol,Price:@.latestPrice,Time:@.latestTime,Source:@.latestSource}”,”token”,”Your token”,”symbol”,”HODL”)

👉 Real-world Applications and Strategies

Investors are using real-time pricing data in numerous ways, from adjusting portfolios in response to market movements to identifying undervalued assets for long-term growth. The versatility of tools like Cryptosheets in handling Crypto ETF data empowers investors to implement a wide range of strategies tailored to their investment goals.

👉 Best Practices for Data Management

Maintaining the accuracy and integrity of your data is paramount. Ensure regular updates to your datasets and adhere to best practices for data security. Given the fast-paced nature of the crypto market, staying informed and adaptable is key to success. Learn more about refreshing your data here.

👉 Crypto ETFs are here

Crypto ETFs represent a significant step forward in making cryptocurrency investments more accessible and manageable. With real-time pricing data at your fingertips, thanks to platforms like Cryptosheets, you’re better equipped to navigate this emerging landscape. Embrace these tools and insights to refine your investment strategies and carve out a competitive edge in the crypto market.


Cryptosheets is free to sign up for and start using now….
👉 What are you waiting for?

Signing up for Cryptosheets is free → Get crypto data in 30 seconds or less

Get the Excel add-in now

Get the Googlesheets add-in now


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TAGS: crypto, bitcoin price, bitcoin,cryptocurrency, blockchain, excel, googlesheets, crypto api,formulas, btc, bitcoin price history, spreadsheet, streaming, live, real time, websocket, wss, refresh, automatic price refresh, formulas, custom functions, tvl, defi, ETFs, Bitwise, VanEck, Blackrock

