Website Launch + PRE-SALE!

Shiekina Añasco
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2019 Website!

“NFTs and gaming for me are the best use cases for Blockchain. Blockchain is a very complex concept. For more people to adopt Blockchain, we need something that’s easy to understand. This is where CryptoSolitaire comes in. Solitaire is one of the most popular card games in the world. We’re going to leverage this popularity to attract interest towards Blockchain and speed up its adoption.” — Rico Zuñiga, Head of Technology

Rico Zuñiga, Head of Technology

After weeks of hard work, we’re pleased to announce the launch of our new website! contains information about our team, our project roadmap and the Deck Pre-sale. It also features the artist who will be working with us to create our inaugural deck of cards. We hope to reach out to Blockchain enthusiasts, gamers, investors, and those who want to learn more about this emerging technology.

The Logo

“As a designer, the logo for me is for identification, not for communication. Communication is for marketing. Unlike logos for schools and institutions where all elements should be there, logos for businesses are different. For me, the logo is the period at the end of the sentence, not the sentence itself. You don’t need unnecessary elements to be understood. As for CryptoSolitaire, I used three playing cards for the logo to make it easier to identify that the business involves card games.

CryptoSolitaire Logo

The first letter of your brand will be the easiest to remember. For CryptoSolitaire, this is the letter C. I used gold for the logo’s color because it denotes value and scarcity. While the dark brown for me represents leather. It symbolizes professionalism and luxury like in brands Chanel and Louis Vuitton. The longer you look at the logo, the more you will appreciate it. Why? Because it is for identification, not communication.” — Ismael Jerusalem, Head of Marketing

Ismael Jerusalem, Head of Marketing

The Website

“As a developer, I am here to turn ideas into usable products. For my first project, I helped in producing the website. Next, I’ll be part of the development of CryptoSolitaire Blockchain game.” — Aldrick Bonaobra, Blockchain Developer

Aldrick Bonaobra, Blockchain Developer

Upon entering our website, you’ll find a brief explanation of what CryptoSolitaire is all about. This section also includes short descriptions of the 4 features of CryptoSolitaire — the ability to Own the cards, Play them, Earn from selling, and Support for the artists.

In the Pre-Sale section, we have a countdown timer for the start of our deck presale. This also includes a section about our first featured Deck Artist, Chen Naje. Take a look at some of his works and read about his background as an artist. We’re bringing together art and cutting edge technology through CryptoSolitaire.

Our Team of Experts

In the Project Roadmap section, you’ll see the plans and targets that we want to accomplish. Some of these targets have already been achieved. Learn more about the project in the Frequently Asked Questions section. Get to know the experts behind this project in the Our Team section.

That’s it for our website launch! Our pre-sale of our inaugural deck of cards designed by our first featured local artist, Chen Naje, will start on 8.8.19 at 11:12AM (August 8, 2019 at 11:12AM). Save the date! You may also like us on Facebook or Follow us on Twitter and Instagram to get frequent updates!

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