Refreshing Benefits of Vending Machines NFT: The Avalanche Community’s Gift to the World

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7 min readMar 3, 2022
Vending Machines NFT continues to change the game! The rewards from VM benefit all holders and consistently enrich the Avalanche ($AVAX) blockchain community with airdrops and more benefits

I vaguely recall the days of my high school wrestling experience and how the vending machine was my refreshing savior after each grueling three hour practice. Exhausted, I would line up with my teammates at the angelic rectangular prism of our most urgent desires. The first sips of the sports drink or ice cold water were immaculate and beyond satisfying — it was like I was an alien from outer space and the earth’s air was toxic and the only thing I could breathe was in this bottle of pure liquid satisfaction.

From then to now, there is a consistent fact that I have observed in my life — I truly believe that vending machines, in general, are underrated. It’s something we take for granted — the dispenser of thirst-quenching freedom. It is the hallmark of a civilized society. Vending machines are the symbol of the freedoms we enjoy as an advanced consumer society. The success of the vending machine is indicative of the success of mankind itself and our ability to not only survive, but thrive.

Vending Machines NFT (VM NFT), similarly, is the symbol of the success of the Avalanche blockchain. The $AVAX token has seen incredible growth in support in such a short lifetime. If Avalanche had the market cap of Ethereum, it is sure that the AVAX token would be worth over $1,000 USD. It is easy to state that AVAX is incredibly undervalued. The bright rectangular symbol of our collective success as a species has already arrived. The limitless dispensing capabilities of the large blessed box is beyond our mortal musings. When more people discover the outstanding potential of the VM NFT and Avalanche, the true glory of the VM NFT will be made fully aware to the global community Avalanche metaverse.



As part of the roadmap, the VM project will donate a portion of funds to buildOn in order to help build schools for children in less developed areas

Fundamentally, VM is made up of a global community people that lift each other up into a greater state of being by our supportive presence, friendly cooperation, and mutual ideals of creating something cool. And one of the coolest things is school — that is, giving under-privileged children access to education. We tend to take for granted our own educations, and as an educator myself I really appreciate the efforts to help raise the collective consciousness by getting as many people as possible access to good education. I deeply believe in the value of a good education to raise mankind out of darkness into enlightenment. It’s so cool that VM is helping enable this positive process.

The Q1 Plan of the VM NFT Roadmap is already completed. With the direct support of the VM Community, 2.395 Ether ($6,786.35) has been donated to to build two schools in communities with lesser access to proper resources. In the near future, more will be donated.

From the BuildOn website:

Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy, and low expectations through service and education. We mobilize U.S. students to transform their communities through service and change the world by building schools in developing countries.

In partnership, we work with businesses and community leaders to grow our impact around the world.

While it’s just a small drop in the bucket to solve the global problem, for those kids positively affected it is their entire world! Hundreds of children will soon have access to supplies and facilities that at one point seemed financially unreachable. More people will have a chance to live a good life instead of succumbing to poverty or turning to crime or worse in areas of the world where opportunities for the youth can be extremely limited compared to more developed countries.


“What we do in life, echoes in eternity” — a Roman gladiator, probably

If you’re really paying attention, you’ll notice there is some natural law: you reap what you sow. The Beatles said, “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” Giving is receiving and as our intention ripples across spacetime, it tends to bounce back at us with tenfold strength. Energy is neither created nor destroyed but takes many forms, seemingly infinite.

In the case of the VM NFT holders, that simple 2 Avax investment on the Mint has already had considerable return: Two NFTs have been airdropped to all the wallets of VM NFT holders for free. A third NFT, the VM Tycoon, was dropped to the OGs who purchased a VM before the February 7th snapshot. A total of 580 wallets received a free VM Tycoon. VM NFT has brought VM Tycoons, VM Gorillas, and VM Hats. Many investors already made many times their investments back just on VM Tycoons alone.

VM NFT is certainly the daddy of all of these other related NFT projects. Imagine a digital vending machine dispensing airdrops to you — that’s kind of what’s going on right now. And this is only the beginning. While there are big plans for more airdrops on the future, let’s focus for a moment on the next upcoming thing:


Official collection here:
I kinda like the Wizard Hat Gorillas

The next event in the VM NFT project family is the Gorilla. This is a P2E (Play to Earn) game and the first of its kind on Avalanche. It is the first interactive game to earn tokens on the Avalanche network. All VM holders have one gorilla by default. This will allow the user to participate in the upcoming game and earn fungible tokens based on their performance. As far as I am aware, nothing like this currently exists on the Avalanche network.

It’s inspired by the 2D platformers of yesteryear


VM Hats official banner on NFTrade. See the collection here:

The hats have a special utility that has yet to be revealed by the team. One thing we know is that they are somehow related to the upcoming VM Comic Book! The plan for this is more than just art — the team is planning a real world utility comic book. The community is patiently waiting and announcements are going to be made soon on the Twitter and Discord pages, which welcomes all new members and any questions you may have about the projects.

5) VM NFT has done all this for its holders already and has still NOT minted out!

As of this writing, only 3637 / 4444 Vending Machines have been minted. It is not too late to join this party at a low cost of only 2 Avax. That 2 Avax remains the same whether the price is $50 or $100 — I do recommend joining as soon as possible, however, as earlier investors get a rewards bonus based on amount of VM NFTs owned and total number of investors.

These are the total awards claimable across all the VM NFT tokens, so your share will be proportionate to the amount you own.

In the case of VM Tycoons (VMT), each holder got 100 $BIZ airdropped to them per VMT token, including the 580 wallets that received VMT for free. The VM daddies helped this intern ( to set this up, and the team has faith in the process. Cosmos is running that show greatly. Join their discord for any questions regarding VM Tycoons.



Cause when we use our minds
And take a step at a time
We can do anything that we want to do

Vending Machine’s marketing has been organic. The promotion has come not just from the project owners but from the community (like myself), and the message is clear: This is a unique project on the most undervalued blockchain in the world at the moment (Avalanche). Early investors have been consistently rewarded with Avax rewards and NFT airdrops, and it’s not too late to get in because the mint has not yet finished. This is also the first project to achieve all of this without minting out! There is still a lot of room for early investor rewards.

Gradually but surely, more and more people are seeing what the fuss is about. The roots are growing and the connections with other projects are made. I know it sounds cliché, but this project truly is early— the plans for how Vending Machines will be implemented are exciting and fun. We have to all remember that anyone in this space right now — especially on Avalanche — are pioneers, like the people heading west to California in the 1800s. There is huge potential for success and with the collaboration of the excellent community and developers, we all have the potential to transform these projects into something truly outstanding.


I have not even mentioned the metaverse. The applications for installing vending machines in various digital spaces are just limited by our imaginations. There is a lot of potential — I am still keeping my dream of exploring a digital Tokyo metaverse and accessing the sweet vending machine supplies from there. The partnerships are all being made now and laying the foundation for the future. Avalanche is set to take off in value in 2022 and beyond as more people become aware of this great low-cost and high-speed alternative to Ethereum. It is quickly becoming a dominant NFT space and Avax is already a great exchangeable token.

Say hi in the Discord and I hope to see you in the future as we explore our new metaverse together. ^_^

  • S



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