Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2018


Pavel Shterlyaev

BestRate is not just a streamlined aggregator of crypto exchanges to make trading/investing easy for you. It’s also a vibrant community of crypto enthusiasts that all support this new, innovative technology. Leading the helm is our CEO Pavel Shterlyaev. Many of you know Pavel already but it’s about time we give this community a formal introduction of BestRate’s founder.

Personality wise, Pavel is a cheerful, easy-going IT professional who speaks English, Spanish and Russian. In terms of personal interests, Pavel is deeply invested in IT, telecommunications, and in particular, blockchain. When he is not pushing the boundaries of innovation, Pavel takes to the great outdoors to engage in surfing, rock climbing, snowboarding and more. To itch his creative muscles, painting and music help to occupy more free time.


Education is an important part of any CEO’s success and Pavel is no different. To gain a basic understanding of technical knowledge that he could build off of, Pavel attended Saint-Petersburg University of Telecommunications. Upon graduation, Pavel sought out to expand upon his knowledge and expertise at Lappeenranta University of Technology.

After that, Pavel used his education to participate in Yandex.Start and IIDF which ultimately turned out to be integral elements of BestRate’s creation.


Pavel’s career began as a telecommunications research assistant at Finnish University Lappeenranta University of Technology, IT department. During that time, he moved on to become a programmer and research architect in “New Telecommunications Technologies”. This eventually led him to evolve into a technical specialist for 3G equipment, networks, and solutions at the esteemed, Huawei technologies.

There, Pavel was in charge of 3G initiation for the northwest region of Russia’s biggest operators. Soon after, Pavel joined Veeam Software in June 2009 as a Systems Engineer, where he worked with VMware and Hyper-v, backing up and monitoring the SEMEA region, primarily in Spain. Eventually, he got promoted to the System Engineers Team Lead.

In addition to that, Pavel worked as Business Development Manager in eKassir LTD, and as a Partnerships Manager in Cloudberry Lab. While the management opportunities continued to present themselves to Pavel, he eventually had a desire to switch to the development side of operations. Thus began a new journey of project creation which led to him building several of his own startups.

In recent years, Pavel became the Semrush product owner, founded TargeAd and participated in several ICOs, like MyWish, ModulTrade, etc. This leads us to October 2017 where Pavel founded BestRate, crypto exchange aggregator that we all know today.

At BestRate Pavel is responsible for: all questions regarding the company, including strategy and growth.

