BitCoin Jesus On Why He Loves The Currency

Daya Baran
Crypto World
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2017

Roger Ver, known as BitCoin Jesus, one of the earliest investors in BitCoin gives five reasons on the importance of BitCoin. Ver said:

1)BitCoin is one of the most important inventions in the entire history of humankind right on par on the importance of the of the internet.

2) Traditional currencies — you have to trust the a bunch of politicians who you’ve never met and know nothing about you, and they can print as much of that money at time as they want for any reason, , whereas BitCoin is governed by the laws of mathematics.

3) China crackdown — anything that China tries to ban is something you should invest, YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter, all these things are astounding successes. BitCoin is on its way to being an astounding success all over the world as well. The only way to stop it would be to turn off the entire internet in the entire world and keep it turned off and even China can’t do that.

4) BitCoin split — there is probably going to be another split between the BitCoin legacy and Segwit2X version of BitCoin, but from my point of view that just gives me more coins that I can sell for the BitCoin Cash version, which I think is the most useful one because it has limited supply and you can move it faster and cheaper than the others ones anywhere in the world.

5) Volatility — the volatility today is much much less than it used to be. The percentage swings that we’re seeing today, 20% in a day, compared to the traditional markets that’s huge but if you’ve been in BitCoin a while that’s nothing.

