Game Guide

Tides of Magic
Published in
5 min readDec 2, 2020

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Stan A CryptoVirus.

CryptoVirus is a virus infecting game on ethereum.

Meet Stan. He is a CryptoVirus token. He can do plenty of things from infecting wallets, earning you eth, or breed with other ERC721 tokens and even battling for world domination.


Each CryptoVirus is a combination of genomic traits, viral structures, colors and more. These traits affect how the virus is displayed but also how they interact with countries in battle. Some traits increase the ability of a virus to survive in wealthy countries and some allow it to spread throughout the population faster.

Virus Traits

Infections: Spread this virus and get paid.

If you own viruses you can infect ethereum wallets. Each ethereum wallet can only be infected once. When you infect a wallet you must transfer a virus you own to them. This virus then becomes non-transferable. Meaning the wallet cannot remove the virus or the infection. Also, this means the virus you sent to the wallet is lost forever. If a wallet you’ve infected makes a pack purchase in the game 10% of the ethereum will be sent to you. If you are the person who has infected the most wallets ever 10% of all contract pack purchases go to you. The most viral player wins.

An Active Virus

Virus Creation

These viruses can be created in several ways.

  1. Packs
    There are two packs of viruses ‘Plague’ or ‘Pandemic’. Opening one of these packs grants you 5 viruses with 5 random traits. If you purchase a ‘Pandemic’ pack each virus is guaranteed to have 1 legendary trait.
  2. Dailies
    After buying and opening 7 packs of viruses, your ethereum address can now get 1 free virus every 6000 blocks (roughly 1 day).
  3. Breeding
    For a fee of 0.0015 ETH you can breed a viruses in our game. All you need is 1 virus and 1 host. There are no genders so it doesn’t matter what type of virus you have. The host has to be an erc721 token we support. These ERC721 tokens can be from Tides of Magic, Axie, GodsUnchained and Ethermon. We will support more ERC721 tokens in the future. After you breed a virus the parent gets older by a generation. After a certain number of generations, the parent virus becomes too old to breed. After starting the breeding process the host will be infected and a baby virus will be born in 140 blocks (roughly 30 minutes). During this time, the host cannot be infected again. A virus cannot infect a host that its parents infected. There is a slight chance the virus will kill the host. After a host dies it cannot be used again to breed viruses. (Don’t worry you still own that ERC721 outside of the game). There is also a chance that the virus will adapt to species. This makes the virus more lethal but this limits the virus. If the virus adapts to a Tides of Magic card. It will become more deadly but it will no longer be able to be breed inside of any non Tides of Magic card. These adaptations pass to to to viruses children. Each type of erc721 token can be adapted to and each adaptation grants its own unique stats.

Battle Royale

This is a competition to see which player can destroy the world. The game ends when every human is infected.

World Map

Each player can enter 2 viruses in the game. In order to enter the game, they have to wager 0.006 ETH. This ETH goes into a pool. The winner is the player who can score the most deaths, he or she then gets 100% of the prize pool. We decided to not take any developer fees for the battle. When a virus is added to the game it cannot be removed. Your virus is lost forever. So if you are going to risk a strong virus make sure you win!

There are 60 countries in the world. Each country can be infected with up to two viruses. Each player can only have 2 viruses in the game but he or she cannot have 2 viruses in the same country. Each virus has different infection or death rates based on genome, adaptation, and generation. Viruses also acclimate to the climate of the first country they infect. So if a virus infects Russia it will be stronger in Polar climates. If a person is infected with a virus in the game they cannot be infected by any other viruses. Each virus initially infects a single person. As time passes the infection will grow and jump to more people in that country. Viruses spread faster in countries with high population densities. The wealthier a country is the harder it is to spread in that country. So it’s the hardest to spread in countries like United-Kingdom or Japan which are two of the wealthiest countries. Each country can have an airport a seaport and a land border. Not all countries have all three, some countries that are islands are only accessibly by sea, like Madagascar. If your virus grows to a high population it can spread to a connected country. Each country has different spread rates. For example, you will need to infect 80% of Norway’s 5,695,868 population before you can jump to another country but you only need 75% of the population to jump by land. In order to spread to another country, you have to add 0.003 ETH to the pool. Making a bigger pool for the winner. After the game is complete the winner will receive their ETH and another game will be started. We will be pushing incremental changes to the battle contract over time.

I hope you like my game, I’ve worked really hard on it!

Drop in our discord and say hi!


