Real-time Normalized Market Data Feed From Major Crypto Exchanges. For Free

Maksim Hramadtsou
Good Crypto
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2018

When we began researching the crypto markets in the Autumn of 2017, our biggest surprise was the sheer wealth of systematic trading opportunities the crypto markets provided. We have not seen such inefficiencies in traditional asset classes for over a decade.

Our second-biggest surprise was the almost complete absence of even basic professional trading tools that traders and investors are used to in traditional markets. That’s when the idea of the CRYPTTO platform was born.

One of the first things any professional trader needs is reliable market data delivered in a format that is easy to use. As part of our platform development, we’ve created our own real-time normalized trade data feed and decided to share it with the crypto community.

At CRYPTTO we are committed to equal access to opportunities and increased transparency of the space, as that makes any market more attractive in the long run. We believe that the today’s release is our small contribution to this cause. You are welcome to use it and share it with the fellow traders.

Our consolidated feed provides real-time normalized trade data from major crypto exchanges for free. We do not aggregate or conflate trade data in any way, only normalize the protocols and publish the trade data to subscribers. At the moment we provide access to real-time trade information for all pairs listed on Bitstamp, Bitfinex, Poloniex, Quoinex, GDAX, and Gemini. Bitmex, OKEx, and Binance to be added soon with others to follow.

The market data feed is being delivered via our C++ based low-latency market data handler capable of maintaining connections and processing all data from all crypto exchanges on a single commodity server.

For technical documentation and instructions on how to access the feed, please, visit our GitHub repository.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our data feed, please, join our Telegram chat.

