Balance Your Chakras: Top Crystals for Energy Healing

Mystic Love Crystals
Crystal Wisdom
Published in
10 min readMay 2, 2024

The chakras are the seven main energy centers in the body that regulate our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When these chakras become blocked or imbalanced, it can manifest in various ways like low energy, negative emotions, or spiritual disconnection.

Working with crystals and gemstones is one powerful way to help realign and balance the chakras. Each type of crystal resonates with certain chakras due to their unique vibrational frequencies and metaphysical properties. By mindfully surrounding yourself with the right crystals, you can harmonize and unblock stuck energy within the chakras.

This chakra stone guide explores some of the most commonly used crystals for each of the seven chakras, from the root chakra to the crown. Understanding which stones are ideal for your particular chakra needs can help you experience their maximum healing benefits.

Root Chakra Crystals:

  • Located at the base of the spine
  • Represented by the color red
  • Associated with feelings of safety, security, and being grounded
  • Linked to the adrenal glands and legs
  • Key crystals: Red Jasper, Blood Stone, Ruby

Red Jasper — A nurturing, protective stone that resonates with the root chakra’s energies of security, stability and feeling at home in the world. Red jasper cultivates a deep sense of being grounded and belonging. It helps you find positive, practical solutions during challenging times by providing an earthy, steadying energy. This crystal encourages living fully present in the moment while drawing strength from your connection to the earth’s constant, reassuring rhythms. Red jasper’s vibrations instill a sense of safety and trust in your ability to overcome obstacles.

Bloodstone — Known for its intensely grounding, centering vibration linked to the root chakra, bloodstone instills the courage, endurance, and inner fortitude needed to persevere through times of doubt, fear, or struggle. It clears scattered, unfocused energy and anchors you firmly in the here and now. This powerful healing stone inspires rebirth and the vitality to overcome life’s inevitable obstacles with renewed determination. Bloodstone promotes confidence in your own power while providing a sense of being supported by the earth’s sustaining energies.

Ruby — The fiery, vitalizing energy of the ruby aligns perfectly with the root chakra’s energies of passion, physicality, and one’s basic needs for survival. This vibrant crystal provides an energizing surge of vigor, confidence, and natural leadership qualities. The ruby promotes an intense zest for life, stoking your internal fires and stirring you into action to fearlessly pursue and manifest your deepest desires. Its energies awaken an appreciation for the simple pleasures of the physical world.

Sacral Chakra Crystals:

  • Located below the navel
  • Represented by the color orange
  • Associated with creativity, sexuality, and emotions
  • Linked to the reproductive organs
  • Key crystals: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Sunstone

Carnelian — An invigorating stone that resonates deeply with the sacral chakra’s creative, sexual, and emotional energies. Carnelian helps restore one’s zest for life, increasing motivation and reigniting the vital life force within. It aids in overcoming stagnant emotional energies like grief, fear, guilt, or apathy that can inhibit the natural flow of creativity, sexuality, and joy. This warm, energizing crystal awakens your innate abilities for pleasure, passion, and authentic self-expression through artistic outlets. Carnelian’s vibrations stir up courage to birth new ideas.

Orange Calcite — Radiating joyful, uplifting vibrations in perfect harmony with the sacral chakra, orange calcite clears the way for unblocked creative and sexual expression to flow freely. This dynamic, energizing crystal helps dissolve energetic barriers, blockages, or inhibitions, allowing your unique gifts and talents to shine through unobstructed. It promotes enthusiasm, optimism, and an overall positive, playful state of mind in tune with your sensual, creative side. Orange calcite brings a childlike sense of awe and appreciation for life’s simple joys.

Sunstone — Aptly named for its brilliant sunny hues and energizing properties, sunstone’s vibrations align beautifully with the sacral chakra. This vitalizing crystal instills confidence, optimism, and a good-natured acceptance of life’s natural cycles and rhythms of change. Sunstone supports you in embracing change and new experiences rather than resisting them out of fear. It boosts your ability to go with the flow of life’s constant shifts and transformations with an open, adventurous spirit. Sunstone’s energies restore your sense of wonder and sexuality.

Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals:

  • Located above the navel
  • Represented by the color yellow
  • Associated with confidence, willpower, and self-esteem
  • Linked to the digestive system
  • Key crystals: Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Jasper, Pyrite

Citrine — This vibrant yellow crystal is ideal for activating and aligning the solar plexus chakra. Citrine promotes confidence, self-discipline, and the ability to clearly manifest your personal power, ambitions, and goals. Its energizing frequencies boost willpower, self-worth, and the courage to transform limiting beliefs or habits holding you back. Citrine helps you embrace your individual identity and truth without compromising your integrity. It instills optimism, warmth, and a positive mental attitude that attracts abundance.

Yellow Jasper — Strongly linked to the solar plexus chakra’s energies, yellow Jasper inspires courage, clear decision-making, and a positive mindset to overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs. This grounding stone helps you trust your gut instincts and personal authority. Yellow jasper’s vibrations balance emotions, increasing confidence to pursue your ambitions and life purpose with determination. It stabilizes energy levels and provides the motivation needed to turn ideas into action.

Pyrite — Known as the “fortune stone,” pyrite resonates powerfully with the solar plexus chakra to increase confidence, intellect, and strong decision-making abilities. This metallic crystal helps you recognize your own self-worth and inner strength. Pyrite’s energies promote taking smart calculated risks, boosting your ability to manifest wealth, success, and abundance through applied effort and logic. Its golden sheen deflects negativity and energizes your personal power.

Tiger’s Eye — Providing motivation and clarity of intention, Tiger’s Eye aligns harmoniously with the solar plexus chakra. This grounding yet energizing stone enhances willpower, self-discipline, and commitment to achieving one’s goals. Tiger’s eye promotes integrity, self-worth, and the courage to blaze your own trail. Its vibrant energies stimulate taking action and overcoming procrastination by cultivating unwavering focus and resolve.

Heart Chakra Crystals:

  • Located in the center of the chest
  • Represented by the colors green and pink
  • Associated with love, joy, and inner peace
  • Linked to the heart, lungs, and circulatory system
  • Key crystals: Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite

Rose Quartz — The quintessential heart chakra stone, rose quartz opens the heart to giving and receiving love in all forms — self-love, family love, romantic love, and unconditional universal love. It dissolves emotional wounds, fears, and resentments with its soothing, gentle vibrations. Rose quartz is a stone of tranquility, empathy, forgiveness, and heals heartache or grief. This crystal purifies and revitalizes the heart’s energies.

Green Aventurine — Promoting compassion, empathy, and unconditional love, green aventurine nurtures and aligns the heart chakra. It encourages an outward perspective, helping you see beyond your own self-interest to the bigger picture. Green aventurine’s soothing energies help release deeply-held resentments, anger or emotional burdens so you can experience more lightheartedness and joy. This crystal instills a sense of harmony and optimism.

Rhodonite — A nurturing, healing crystal for the heart chakra, rhodonite helps mend emotional trauma, abuse, and heartache. It instills a sense of peace, emotional balance, and self-love. Rhodonite’s vibrant pink energy works to open and repair the heart, allowing you to embrace life from a place of compassion rather than hurt or bitterness. This stone promotes inner child healing and the ability to give and receive love fully.

Throat Chakra Crystals:

  • Located in the throat area
  • Represented by the color blue
  • Associated with communication and self-expression
  • Linked to the thyroid and throat
  • Key crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Blue Apatite

Lapis Lazuli — A powerful throat chakra stone for open, honest communication and self-expression, lapis lazuli reveals your inner truth and wisdom. Its royal blue vibrations foster authentic communication that comes from the heart. Lapis lazuli provides confidence to speak up with courage and conviction. This crystal encourages creative self-expression and helps you articulate your personal beliefs and perspectives with clarity.

Aquamarine — The serene, calming aquamarine aligns with the throat chakra, allowing clear, honest, and empathetic expression of thoughts and feelings. This soothing blue crystal calms the mind and stills the chatter, helping you choose words mindfully. Aquamarine promotes open communication, active listening, and being able to see from another’s perspective. Its energies instill confidence to voice emotions in a healthy way.

Blue Apatite — Resonating with the throat chakra’s energies, blue apatite encourages speaking your highest truth and expressing yourself authentically. This vibrant blue stone inspires creative communication and self-expression through any art form. Blue apatite clears away negativity that can lead to self-censorship. Its energies support living and voicing your personal truths without holding back.

Third Eye Chakra Crystals:

  • Located between the eyebrows
  • Represented by the colors indigo and purple
  • Associated with intuition, imagination, and perception
  • Linked to the pituitary gland and eyes
  • Key crystals: Amethyst, Iolite, Azurite

Amethyst — A natural tranquilizer, amethyst opens the third eye chakra to develop intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight. Its calming yet focused vibrations promote clarity, calmness, and contentment. Amethyst enhances visualization abilities and encourages living by your own unique truth and inner vision. This crystal expands consciousness and invites spiritual wisdom and guidance.

Iolite — Revealing the bigger picture, iolite activates the third eye for enhanced vision, intuitive awareness, and a more objective perspective. Its mystical violet-blue energies reduce confusion, self-doubt, and mental fog that can cloud judgment. Iolite opens psychic channels and aids in trusting your gut instincts. This stone brings a sense of adventure and exploration into the unknown.

Azurite — Expanding perception and psychic abilities, azurite is a powerful third eye opener that stimulates intuition, imagination, and visionary insights. Its vibrant blue rays help you tune into higher realms of consciousness. Azurite enhances focus and mental clarity while dissolving fears or rigid ways of thinking that block spiritual growth. This crystal inspires living authentically.

Crown Chakra Crystals:

  • Located at the top of the head
  • Represented by the colors violet and white
  • Associated with spirituality, enlightenment, and connection
  • Linked to the pineal gland and brain
  • Key crystals: Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Selenite

Clear Quartz — The “master healer” crystal, clear quartz acts as an energetic amplifier that can align all chakras, especially the crown. Its pure, universal energy brings clarity, focus, and a heightened spiritual connection. Clear quartz clears stagnant or negative energies while programming the mind with feelings of peace and well-being. This stone raises spiritual awareness and consciousness.

Selenite — Providing spiritual enlightenment and higher consciousness, selenite cleanses and charges the crown chakra. Its high vibration opens the gateway to connect with cosmic energies and spiritual guidance. Selenite’s soothing white light promotes a calm, tranquil mind ideal for meditation and accessing intuitive abilities. This crystal instills a sense of sacredness.

White Calcite — Linked to the crown’s higher vibrational energies, white calcite brings spiritual wisdom, psychic development, and expanded awareness. Its pure vibrations clear the mind of negativity, creating the perfect conditions for meditation, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. White calcite instills feelings of peace, serenity, and a deeper universal connection.

While this guide covers many of the most popular chakra stones, there are numerous other crystals that can be used for chakra work and energy healing. The key is tuning into your own intuition when selecting crystals, you may find yourself drawn to certain stones over others based on your unique energetic needs. Incorporate these powerful crystals into your meditation practice, and living spaces, or even wear them as jewelry to receive their balancing benefits throughout the day. With regular use and care, chakra crystals can be remarkable tools for harmonizing your mind, body, and spirit.

Which stones are your favorites and have found most helpful for balancing and aligning your energy centers? Share your personal stories and insights in the comments below!

Check out our Chakra Collection Here!

Disclaimer: Claims about crystals’ healing abilities are not scientifically proven or substitutes for medical treatment. This content discusses spiritual beliefs about crystals, not evidence-based cures. Consult doctors before using crystals, which are for personal metaphysical purposes only. Use at your own discretion.



Mystic Love Crystals
Crystal Wisdom
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Mystic Love Crystals, by Dee, explores crystal meanings, gemstone properties, and handmade jewelry. Find inspiration and harness crystal energy!