About Crystal’s Tech Bytes

Welcome to Crystal’s Tech Bytes. For years, I’ve wanted to create my own tech blog focusing on the topics I love. Most importantly, I wanted to write tech news, tips, and tutorials in layman’s terms versus all the jargon that only the tech in-crowd really understand and personally, I don’t think they understand half of what they say.

After spending nearly two decades working in the field and writing about it, it’s time to claim my own little space online and hopefully help people out at the same time.

I’ll be covering a wide variety of topics, including news, cybersecurity, quick and simple tutorials, and maybe even the occasional review or best-of product/services.

Since I do have a full time job already, it may take time to really get this publication going, but stick around and you’ll be glad you did.



Crystal Crowder
Crystal’s Tech Bytes

A freelance writer with too many interests and not enough time. I have a long history of writing about tech, business, relationships, and fiction.